The Freemason motto is “We take good men and make them better.” Remember The Six Million Dollar Man? “We made him better than he was before. Better, faster, stronger.” It’s a common theme in Hollywood and a common theme with Illuminati symbolism. It is the ushering in of the age of the Antichrist. The latest Johnny Depp movie – Transcendence – is laden with Illuminati symbolism that is nothing short of a tribute to the Antichrist himself. As you will find out from the trailer, the movie tells the story of Dr. Will Caster (Depp) who nearly dies, gets resurrected, and is now far more intelligent, and encompasses far superior power to any other human. Those are all classic descriptions of the prophesized Antichrist. As predicted here, elite symbolism is getting far more frequent, and explicit. It is the same story retold, and at this pace it appears as though the elite’s victory is a forgone conclusion. Whereas they used symbols from various religions in the past, they are now using modern machinery as their prominent symbols – like in the Transformers.
One eye symbolism at it’s finest. Right behind the chosen antichrist. Why is the eye so close up when the movie is so blatant with it’s symbolism? Is this their way of saying we are close to the end?
Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp) is the foremost researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence, working to create a sentient machine that combines the collective intelligence of everything ever known with the full range of human emotions. Caster’s highly controversial experiments have made him famous, but they have met with the resistance of anti-technology extremists who will stop at nothing to prevent him from realizing his goal.
Dr. Will Caster
The name “Will Caster” alludes to Lucifer’s Five “I Wills” as we read from Isiah:
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” Isaiah 14:12-14
Thus, Will Caster represents the “Caster” of the spell required to achieve the realization of Lucifer’s “5 I Wills”. This is what is truly meant by the title of the film “Transcendence”. It represents Lucifer’s “5 I Wills” to usurp and take the throne of heaven. In their attempt to destroy Will, his opponents inadvertently spur him on toward “transcendence”. His wife Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) and best friend Max Waters (Paul Bettany), both fellow researchers, begin to question the ethical legitimacy of such a project. Their worst fears are realized as Will’s thirst for knowledge evolves into a quest for omniscience and omnipotence as an expression of Lucifer’s “5 I Wills”. When it becomes terrifyingly clear that there may be no way of stopping him, once this will to power is set in motion even Caster’s wife and best friend begin to get cold feet.
FROM THE TRAILER: “…To influence, perhaps the entire world”
There are echoes of Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” in the plot. Like Dr. Frankenstein, Will Caster is also a doctor. Of course Percey and Mary Shelley were both occultists themselves and are known to have belonged to secret societies of the Satanic stripe. It was when they were sojourning in a castle in Switzerland that the Shelley’s, along with occultist Lord Byron, held the storytelling contest that led to Mary becoming the winner with her mad tale of Dr. Frankenstein, a ghoulish doctor who robbed graves to create his abomination, in defiance of the laws of creation.
The Antichrist
FROM THE TRAILER: “…I don’t understand? This is the future!”
What is the basis for Caster being identified with the Antichrist? We must bear in mind that Will Caster (Depp) nearly dies, is resurrected, and emerges more intelligent by far. This makes him a perfect match for the Antichrist. The precedent for this is found in
Revelations 13:3,4: “The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.”
People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, ‘Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?’ Like the future king of the world, the Antichrist, Will Caster (Depp), receives a grievous mortal wound to the head. This is no different than the Antichrist King, who was, is not, yet will be again, and will miraculously heal in plain sight of the world, as he rises to become even more powerful as evil incarnate, counterfeiting Christ’s own death and resurrection. Christ, it should be remembered, became low in the eyes of the world, while taking on power from heaven above. The Antichrist, on the other hand, shall become great in the eyes of the world, while taking on power from Hell below.
Some scientists refer to the kind of Artificial Intelligence alluded to in the film “Transcendence” as the “Singularity”. How about E pluribus unum (Out of many, one)? Are we all to become subservient to a one world order, the New World Order of the Antichrist? For thousands of years, our capacity to reason has remained unmitigated, subject to no deviation or change. Now artificial intelligence has entered the scene. The combined intellect of the neuroscientists, mathematicians and engineers cannot keep up with the most basic Artificial Intelligence. A computer can beat the most adept chess player on the planet hands down. It’s more like hands up – “I surrender”.
Presumably, this is what the New World Order of the Antichrist expects of its adherents, that all bow and surrender before their master, the incarnation of the Lucifer, namely the Dajjal or the Antichrist. Once online, a sentient machine capable of such artificial intelligence would quickly outstrip the collective mental capability of man. In a short time, its analytic power will become greater than the collective intelligence of every person born. The concept of a supercomputer based in Europe operating as a kind of Antichrist computer that stores information about everyone on Earth. This is all the more convincing given the information gathering efforts of the NSA exposed by Snowdon. Don’t be surprised to find that Google is a part of this.
The Statue Outside Of EU Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium
The coming world government has been portrayed as a woman riding a beast. It is very powerful symbolism and most educated people know what it stands for. Well, guess what is standing right outside of the EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium? It is a giant statue of a woman riding a beast. The woman is supposed to represent the pagan goddess Europa, and the beast is supposed to represent the pagan god Zeus. In the original mythology, Europa and Zeus become lovers. The pagan god Zeus is commonly associated with the entity known as Lucifer or Satan. In the end, Europa (Europe) will be proudly riding high as a willing partner in the world system known as the New World Order of the Antichrist.
Europa Statue, EU Headquarters
European Coins
This symbolism also shows up on European money. For example, the following is a picture of a 2 euro coin minted for Greece that has the same symbology of a woman riding a beast, an obvious allusion to the Whore of Babylon riding the Beast of Revelations.
We see it on coins as well
Magazine Covers
A woman riding a beast has also been used to represent Europe by some of the most prominent mainstream publications on the continent, as the magazine cover the edition of Der Spiegel shown below clearly demonstrates.
…and magazines
The Tower Of Babel
But a woman riding a beast is not the only symbology that the EU has pulled directly out of ancient traditions. Posted below is an image of an official poster that was used to promote the EU Parliament before it was withdrawn due to public outcry. It clearly portrays the EU as an attempt to restart the work that the builders of the Tower of Babel began. So who originally constructed the Tower of Babel? Well, according to tradition, it was actually a ruler named Nimrod that began construction of the Tower of Babel. From his home base in Babylon, he attempted to establish the very first global government.
The EU purposely chose the symbology of the Tower of Babel and Nimrod to represent itself.
Nimrod was a very important figure in ancient history. Many of the pagan religious practices that spread throughout the ancient world originated with the ancient Babylonian religion of Nimrod. In fact, many of our most notable secret societies today trace their origins all the way back to Nimrod. The EU purposely chose the symbology of the Tower of Babel and Nimrod to represent itself.
What is implied by the film title “Transcendence”? It represents Lucifer’s rebellion, his bid to retake heaven. When Lucifer took one-third of the angels with him, it was “Paradise Lost”.
“When Lucifer was cast out of Heaven, one third of all the angels were cast out with him.” (Rev.12:4, 9)
They were damned. They were considered the Fallen Angels. One-third is 33% or 33 degrees as in the 33 Degrees of Luciferian secret societies like Freemasonry. Now it’s time for “Paradise Regained”. Lucifer or Satan, the ultimate rebellious Fallen Angel wants to regain paradise. He is the counterfeit “Dove” who wishes to transcend and fly back to heaven, to wage war against the Creator and conquer and regain heaven.
Stay tuned, we will have a post movie follow up as well. The end is nigh, and now is obviously the time for what the elite hope is “Transcendence”, the bid to create a one world order and the age of the Antichrist. We are seeing increased violation of our civil liberties, the decimation of the middle class, and what is increasingly resembling a police state – meanwhile the elite keep getting stronger. In truth, this predictive programming is what “Hollywood” – representing a grove of trees composed of holly, the perfect place for devil worship – intends with its latest offering “Transcendence”. As a major occultist interested only in roles related to the occult, Johnny Depp covets such parts, portraying the hidden, secretive world of shadows from whence the Fallen Angels came. He is leading the march as the Pied Piper of the New Age of the Antichrist, leading his blind followers toward “Transcendence” in a rebellious bid to regain and conquer heaven under the auspices of the Antichrist and his legions.
There is never a shortage of “end of the world” scare tactics used by the global elite to desensitize us sheep! We just saw the BS hype around the 2012 Mayan Prophecy (read this if you haven’t already) amount to nothing more than a movie, superbowl ads, and an excuse to party. Make no mistake about it, the end times are here. The end is nigh! But we will never be told by this superclass how exactly it will end. It is up to us to discover that, and in our journey of discovery let’s not forget the good old global warming hoax. We all remember the global warming daze when we first watched Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth… but whatever happened to all that hype? The documentary movie was out in 2006 and here we are now seven years later wondering what the heck was that all about. Was it a hoax? Propaganda? Or, an inconvenient truth? And most importantly, what was the reason behind that sudden mass scare?
According to Public Policy Polling, which was not paid for or authorized by any campaign or political organization and where surveys were conducted between March 27th and March 30th this year, 37% of the people believe it’s a hoax, while 12% are not sure. 58% of Republicans agree that it is a conspiracy, while 77% of Democrats disagree. That’s quite a high level of skepticism, which only means that more people are starting to see beyond the shadows and lies of the establishment. It also shows that there is indeed a global awakening going on.
So What Is Global Warming?
Global Warming is simply the increase of Earth’s average surface temperature that is believed to be due to the effect of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide and methane) emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation. The greenhouse effect traps heat and light that would otherwise escape from Earth towards space.
Backing Al Gore, some scientists have argued that global warming is man-made and that it has the potential to change our lives forever. They said it will impact water resources, agriculture, energy use, weather patterns and sea level differentially across our planet. Those same “scientists” also argued that it should be regulated if we ever want Earth not to plunge into a state of entropy. Or so they made it sound.
However, many climate realists – who are also scientists – are becoming more vocal about the matter and are debunking this conundrum by showing that today’s temperatures are not in any way historic or unprecedented.
On July 10, 1913 Greenland Ranch, California reached 134 °F which is now the official WMO hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth. Climate alarmists like Eco-Fascist James Hansen were arguing that heat waves like these are impossible without CO2 from your SUV!
Rather than global warming, the term that has been recently used more often is “climate change.” This is because as the Earth’s average temperature climbs, winds and ocean currents move heat around the globe in ways that can cool some areas and warm others while changing the amount of falling rain and snow. As a result, the climate changes differently in different areas.
Others, including myself, believe that the term was interchanged because global warming has been scientifically disproved repeatedly those last several years so the minority elite, who pretty much own the planet’s resources and who are obviously behind this craze, needed a different term to appeal to the masses.
The warming of the climate remains an unambiguous topic simply because our planet has survived for 4.5 billion years. Studying the patterns throughout this last century or even two alone cannot really be scientifically accurate. So was this recent warming hype worth all that fear or is it just another natural phenomenon that was pushed by the elite agenda for some vile and vulturous purposes?
Historically speaking, Earth’s climate has been regularly flickering between temperatures like those we see today and temperatures cold enough that large sheets of ice covered much of North America and Europe. The difference between average global temperatures today and during those ice ages is only about 5 degrees Celsius (9 degrees Fahrenheit), and these swings happen extremely slowly over hundreds of thousands of years. So again, why the sudden hysteria?
Facts vs. Factoids
Some scientists first claimed that Earth is heating up, due primarily to an atmospheric increase in carbon dioxide mainly caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum. But now, no one can any longer say that the world is dangerously warming. Of course other than some of the mainstream “scientists” who are funded by the decision-makers. In fact, many scientists agree that nowadays our blue planet is undergoing global cooling.
The topic was introduced on a wide scale to the public through Gore’s documentary movie. So let us examine some of the global warming factual evidence and see how accurate these supposedly scientific claims really are.
Gore’s unscientific documentary was to be watched by millions of school students around the world.
One of the main “facts” Gore stated in An Inconvenient Truth was that sea-level will increase by 6 meters (20 ft.) due to the melting of either West Antarctica or Greenland. Well, according to The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, sea-level have increased naturally in past climates up to 7 m (23 ft.) above today’s levels, and would only likely happen again after several millennia. In the next 100 years, according to calculations based on figures in the IPCC’s 2007 report, between the two mentioned ice sheets, a little over 6 cm (2.5 inches) to sea level will be added, and NOT 6 m. Gore has accordingly exaggerated the official sea-level estimate by around 10,000 per cent!
Another point presented by Gore as a fact is that low-lying inhabited Pacific coral atolls are already being inundated because of anthropogenic global warming, leading to the evacuation of several island populations to New Zealand. However, the atolls are not being inundated, except where over extraction of fresh water or dynamiting of reefs by local populations has caused damage. Though some residents of Tuvalu have asked to be moved to New Zealand, but that was it. There have been no mass evacuations of populations of islanders as suggested by Gore.
One more false assumption is that throughout each of the last four interglacial warm periods it was changes in carbon dioxide concentration that caused changes in temperature. In reality, it was the other way round. Changes in temperature preceded changes in the CO2 concentration by between 800 and 2800 years, as scientific papers including the paper on which Gore’s film had relied upon made clear.
The average global temperature and concentrations of carbon dioxide have fluctuated on a cycle of hundreds of thousands of years as the Earth’s position relative to the sun has varied. As a result, ice ages have come and gone. Again, that’s the natural order of the bigger picture that Gore, who was never a scientist himself, seems to have deliberately chosen to overlook.
Even though humanity has been quite vile towards Mother Earth and constantly acts as if they have somewhere else to go to, but pumping out carbon dioxide is indeed not happening at prodigious or alarming rates. The matter of the fact is that 96.5% of all carbon dioxide emissions are from natural sources; humans are responsible for only 3.5%, with 0.6% coming from fuel to move vehicles, and about 1% from fuel to heat buildings. Yet, the thought-provoking is that vehicle fuel (petrol) is taxed at 300% while fuel to heat buildings is taxed at 5% even though buildings emit nearly twice as much carbon dioxide!
Moreover, and to play on people’s – and children’s – emotions, Gore says a scientific study shows that polar bears are being killed swimming long distances to find ice that has melted away because of “global warming.” Well, they are not. The 2005 study by Monnett & Gleason mentioned just four dead bears that were stranded in an exceptional storm with high winds and waves in the Beaufort Sea.
The truth is, polar bears have evolved from brown bears 200,000 years ago, and have survived the last interglacial period when global temperature was 5 degrees Celsius warmer than the present. And there was probably no Arctic ice cap at all.
The photo used by Al Gore in An Inconvenient Truth was taken in the month of August
This is when it gets puzzlingly funny. Remember this iconic and oh-so-heartrending photograph of two polar bears on a melting icecap published by the Associated Press that was on every darn mainstream publication? What you probably don’t know is that this image was taken in August, a time when polar icecaps naturally melt and the wider shot would have shown that the bears were near land mass. Even the photographer, Australian marine biology student Amanda Byrd, didn’t think the bears were in any kind of jeopardy.
Also guess what? Polar bears are excellent swimmers that can cover distances up to 100 miles (161 kilometers) at a time, and their population have increased from 5,000 in the 1950’s to 20-25,000 in 2005 due to hunting regulations. Surprise!
However, all this didn’t stop Al Gore from using the photo as shameless emotional propaganda in his movie and his many, many lectures to vehemently support this funded case.
Bear in mind that this politically biased documentary that contains all these grim scientific inaccuracies was to be watched by school students around the whole world. It even became part of the official curriculum of the secondary educational system in Britain where it was distributed to 3500 schools in 2007. What better way to indoctrinate a population than through its youth.
Also bear in mind that you probably wouldn’t hear about any of this info in mainstream media. Simply because The Big Six who control today’s mass media in the U.S, and consequently the whole world, are owned by none other than this same sorry lot of an elite.
But, we always have a choice to be our own researchers and seek the truth; for the truth never stays hidden for too long.
One of those who openly debunked this man-made, global warming mass scare is the award winning meteorologist and bestselling author Brian Sussman. He unravelled the theory of anthropogenic global warming before hundreds of political science students in a lecture at University of California-Berkeley.
“Most of the warming (88%) that has occurred since 1850 took place before 1940.”
A new study measuring temperatures over the past two millennia has concluded that the temperatures seen in the last decade are far from being the hottest in history.
Temperatures on the planet today are NOT by any means historic or unprecedented, it just that they thought they could hide the truth.
To end this ignominious debacle and to make matters clearer to you, the official position of the World Natural Health Organization in regards to global warming is that THERE IS NO GLOBAL WARMING!
In Their Own Words
The remarkable thing that, in my opinion, exposes the elite agenda the most are some of the statements made about global warming by the “ones in charge” – or more colloquially the “puppets of the ones in charge.”
During the first U.N. Earth Climate Summit that took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992, one of the speakers was former U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth, who was then representing the Clinton-Gore administration as U.S undersecretary of state for global issues, and who, addressing the audience said:
“We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”
It’s worth noting that Wirth now heads the U.N. Foundation which lobbies for hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to help underdeveloped countries fight climate change.
Also speaking at the same conference, was Deputy Assistant of State Richard Benedick who then headed the policy divisions of the U.S. State Department. He said:
“A global warming treaty (Kyoto) must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the ‘enhanced’ greenhouse effect.”
In my book, that’s clearly how people who know they are hiding something act – a sort of a noble lie. So when one day they are proven wrong, and that day has come some years ago, they could always say they were doing it out of goodwill and for our own benefit. And not to control humanity or achieve global dominance at all! When they knew that science might not be backing their claims, they still went ahead with this whole false scare. Astonishingly, they haven’t ceased trying until today.
Maurice Strong, who organized that staged panegyric in Rio stated:
“We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse.”
Oh thank you sir.
Four years later in 1996, former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev loftily emphasized the importance of using climate alarmism to advance socialist Marxist objectives. He said:
“The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”
And just very recently in an interview at a Cambridge hotel in Boston after meeting with scholars from Harvard and Tufts universities, U.S Navy Admiral Samuel J. Locklear III cited climate change as “the biggest long-term security threat to the U.S in the Pacific region.”
Are these guys (read: scumbags) for real?
Elite Agenda
The fundamental question then remains; can we really trust governments or their rigged version of selective science? Shouldn’t we think thirty seven times before doing that? I believe that global warming has been thoroughly debunked so many times those last few years that anyone with a room-temperature IQ and access to Google can find out that the story doesn’t really add up. Plus, aren’t humans, or some of them, who are still waging wars and killing people over the control of energy sources buried in the sand when energy is all around us in the universe.
When renowned politicians like Al Gore and others would suddenly come out to the public with such a fresh phenomenon, it is not out of sheer humanitarian love for our planet and its inhabitants. Definitely not. It is just another card played in favour of the elite agenda to terrify and control the masses while making money out of it. And when science repeatedly disproves this phenomenon, it’s only normal to realize that indeed there must be other motifs.
That’s no new ideology and it’s been happening all throughout history, especially this last century with the inception of propaganda and the Nazis as well as with the work of the father of public relations, Edward Bernays, with the U.S government, the CIA and NASA.
As the Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebells said, if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. And I say that if you repeat it often enough, it becomes politics.
You control a population through triggering their primal fears using a combination of indoctrination, mass media, consumerism, religion, and a crippling monetary system. The Rothschild family alone controls the Central Banks, the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, Bank of England, the IMF, the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements and they are the bankers of both the Royal Family and the Vatican!
Those interested to know more about mass control and its inception can read this paper Mass Control and the Redefinition of Freedom.
The same scare tactics were behind the terror campaigns used by Hitler in Belgium, Holland and Poland. In 1954 for instance, it happened in the U.S when Bernays convinced the American public that Guatemala was a crucial threat and that its “liberation” is an act of freedom for democracy. It also happened later during the cold war with the U.S.S.R and the Red Scare.
By manipulating the public’s opinion through mass media and propaganda, those same shenanigans were behind the prohibition, Nixon’s War on Drugs and lately with the War on Terror which is nothing but a war OF terror.
Induced fear has always helped the elite in advancing their eco-political fascistic, despotic agendas on the way to leading humanity to a unified world order. In the name of freedom, they are constantly waging wars that are not about freedom at all. Instead, they are about more control over resources, ownership of central banks, and a sad, insatiable greed.
So remind me again why and how could we trust a corporate-owned government that was behind MK-Ultra mind control program in the 50’s and 60’s? Why and how could we trust a government that was behind Iran-Contra in the 80’s? Why and how does the US, which consist 5% of the world population, consume 60% of the world’s psychiatric drugs? Why and how could we trust them when 2 CIA planes were busted in Yucatan, Mexico; one on April 10, 2006 with 5.5 tons of cocaine, the other when it crashed on September 24, 2007 with 4 tons in the scandals dubbed “Cocaine 1” and “Cocaine 2”?
Why and how could we trust a government that founded Al-Qaeda, blew up its own citizens in 9/11, lied about Iraq having weapons, made up a Sandy Hook school shooting, and most probably the Boston marathon bombing too, just to take the guns away and have a Bigger Brother system?
That’s just basic critical reasoning here.
There is also the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) which is how to modify the weather! Yes this exists. And if you haven’t heard about it before I suggest you Google it.
Never forget what your governments are capable of. When we give it just a little bit of thought, not only it would be unwise to have faith in the system, but it would also be gullible. So after all this disgraceful history, when the system funds Al Gore and these other incongruous political scientists to get religiously involved in something like global warming, one cannot help but to be skeptic, highly skeptic too. It’s called being able to think for yourself.
You have to understand that the elite possess so much power that they can easily manipulate results of “scientific” studies to match their agendas. For the curious truthers who want to delve more into the topic, this leaked IPCC Document exposes how far they could go.
Again, induced irrational fear makes the masses contained, controlled and enslaved as they are bludgeoned into submission. It also makes them believe that their only salvation is through the help of their murky, greedy owners and their bleak, corrupt governments. So be it less freedom, less privacy, more taxes, unified currency and constitution or a new world order, the people are slowly conditioned that it’s all done for their own safety and security. Just like this pompous global warming sham.
Based on the facts shared herein as well as on history, I believe that it’s all simply just another debacle where scare tactics are used to increase governmental overreach. The climate is changing as it always did and as it should, but generating so much fear and panic shouldn’t have happened, unless of course there are bigger motifs.
Even for the sake of the argument if we say that it is true, their so-called Carbon Tax can never be the solution.
“Those who suppress freedom always do so in the name of law and order.” – John V. Lindsay
In a Nutshell
You see, our planet is several billion years old. By looking at the rifting of Pangaea, tsunamis, asteroid/comet/meteor collisions, volcanoes eruptions, earthquakes, magnetic storms, plate tectonics, pole reversal, species extinctions, floods, wars, diseases and famines, we realize that they were all seasonal, and that during most of its existence things have been relatively peaceful. Nature is adaptable, no matter what we do to it it will simply change and take on new forms; it will outlive us as we physically vanish after this somewhat short earthly visit. We may not be here to see it but the planet will heal itself like it always did throughout the ages, and it certainly doesn’t need us to live in fear as our governments interfere for “help”. For now, this planet is our only home and we should act like it by taking care of it the best we can and by coexisting with all other species. Do not worry about your planet, worry about yourself instead. We do not need to spend our lives freaked out if we’re too late to avoid some cataclysmic ecological disaster.
As we’ve seen, the concept behind the global warming scare may very well be just another major fraud just like many others before it. The temperature may rise and fall sometimes here and sometimes there but on the bigger scheme of our existence we are not facing any real danger as they are claiming. Using the climate was one smart way to generate fear and panic while making profits by the googol. Those behind this movement are using it to control people’s lives for financial gain by implementing a global tax on all human beings for just being alive. How absurd just to think about it.
Remember that the way to the truth can be shown to you, but to find the truth you have to seek and dig it out yourself. Study the information and the links sourced in this paper and decide if it all makes sense, and then come out with your own conclusion, just like it should always be. Knowledge means awareness and that’s why it’s power. Let us question everything, think critically, and not fall for those fake radical green claims. And as always, stay informed and stay awakened.
Note: Throughout this research I have discovered many “scientific” and “certified” sources changing their stand towards Global Warming since 2006/2007 until today. This led me to believe even more that there are those who are working behind closed doors to filter what the masses get to see, hear, read, and consequently think. Just another observation that exposes the elite agenda even more.
Doomsday prophecies are nothing new. It seems like every other day some group or other is telling us that the world is coming to an end, and yet it never seems to happen. It is very rare to discover a threat of Doomsday that captures the imagination of the people and stirs them, either with fear or distain. The 2012 phenomenon is unique, because it seems to have become “apocalypse as entertainment.” Very few people take it seriously, and yet everyone is talking about it.
The total cost of the work done in preparation for Y2K is estimated at over US$300 billion ($405 billion in 2012 US dollars) – Wikipedia
The last Doomsday threat to have a cultural impact of this magnitude was the infamous Y2K incident. It has been argued by some that this was little more than an effort to stimulate commerce. People stocked up on food, clothing, weapons, and other emergency supplies. In 1999 computers were not as well understood by the mainstream of Western society as they are now, so the ludicrous nature of this “threat” was not as readily apparent, and the media happily fed people’s fear and suspicion that computers possessed some kind of magical power that could instantly trigger a world-wide collapse, something that experts repeatedly tried to explain could not possibly be caused by the changing of the date.
The ruse worked, and although millions of dollars were collectively spent buying emergency supplies that would prove completely unnecessary, the public quickly forgave and forgot and never wondered why they had been made to be afraid of something so silly in the first place. The 2012 phenomenon is a little different. It isn’t simply a ploy to sell more canned food. In spite of being made out to be a potential disaster, it is treated as a joke. In fact, it inspired this ad for the Chevy Silverado, which aired during the last Superbowl.
When interviewed about the automobile, GM Global Chief Marketing officer, Joel Ewanick was quoted as saying:
“We stand by our claims in the commercial, that the Silverado is the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickup on the road. We can wait until the world ends, and if we need to, we will apologize. In the meantime, people who are really worried about the Mayan calendar coming true should buy a Silverado right away”
That’s a far cry from the kind of panic that we saw during the Y2K incident. The popular film 2012 treats the apocalypse as entertainment, and the popcorn-hungry masses barely blinked. The reality is that very few people are actually worried about this, because the media has gone to great lengths to take away any sense of threat, any sense of danger, or any sense that something genuine might be taking place.
To pose a question: if during the Y2K incident, there was no real threat, but the Elite instructed the media to make it appear as though there was one, now that the media is making it appear as though there is no threat, is it not reasonable to assume that some threat actually exists? What better way to throw us off the scent? If the Elite really were planning some drastic move for the solstice of 2012, wouldn’t it make sense that they would ensure that no one took it seriously by using the event to sell movie tickets and automobiles?
That’s not all. Dr. Jamie Awe, of the University of Belize calls it “a New Years party that comes once every 52,00 years.” Belize tourism is promoting the event with the slogan, “where will YOU be when the world ends?” In fact, every country with Mayan ruins is exploiting this event. Guatemala has comprehensive tourist packages that ensure those who participate will be on the site of the ruins at the “final hour.” In Mexico, it was declared to be a yearlong party, with every major hotel and resort hosting events for the big day. It would seem that, on Dec. 21 2012, these ruins will be packed with intoxicated revelers, celebrating the “end of the world,” although of course, for them it is just an excuse for excess.
Wonderful tourist spot. Great for a satanic ritual!
For others, spiritualists, neo-pagans, and adherents of the “New Age” philosophy, the 2012 event is seen as a time of spiritual change and renewal. They too will visit these sites, not on a lark as most of the tourists will, but because they sincerely believe that they are witnessing an evolution of the human experience. Both of these groups share one thing in common: they have come to see the 2012 event as a non-threatening, positive thing that they plan to welcome with open arms.
This serves the Elite Agenda perfectly.
Many people have pointed out that the Mayan calendar moves in 5,200 year cycles. What they fail to mention is that at the end of these cycles the universe is destroyed, and remade. Whether this is a metaphor or not, the fact that it gets left out of the story we are being told by people trying to dismiss the possibility of a threat is significant. And where we see a threat, the Elite see an opportunity. If the world must be re-made they will be determined to re-make it in their image. They’ve already been building up to it, using the media to keep us distracted, using political lobbyists to ensure that more federal money goes to developing new kinds of food coloring than to our entire education system, and seeing to it that those people society relies on to protect from street crime, the police officers and prison guards, make so little money that they can be corrupted with ease. As long as society is stupid, distracted, and in chaos, we will remain unaware of the Elite Agenda, and those of us who are aware of it will be powerless to stop it.
Scientists Alfred Watkins and John Mitchell developed a theory, over the course of many years of study, that there exist “ley lines,” or currents of spiritual power that move across the face of the earth. These currents are connected in those two places, (as you can see from the map) and there is a harmonious sympathy in the spiritual energies of the land that would later be occupied by the Mayans, and the place on earth that we now know as the Holy Land. It is no secret that the Elite profit from suffering and tragedy. Protected by wealth and power they are left untouched by disaster and ruin, from whatever corner it may come. The 2012 event will give them the opportunity to provoke an ultimate disaster.
The Leopard God of the Mayans was a benevolent king by day, and a horrific beast, Lord of the Underworld, by night. Looking at how this beast-God is represented in their artwork, and comparing it to the Beast of the Apocalypse described in the book of Revelations, we immediately notice some chilling similarities.
These cultures could not possibly have had direct contact with one another, and yet their primary evil figures are shockingly alike.
“And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” –Rev. 13:2
These cultures could not possibly have had direct contact with one another, and yet their primary evil figures are shockingly alike. Such visible similarities clearly prove that the Elite have been working behind the scenes for far longer than we can possibly imagine.
The Elite have wanted to initiate the rule of the Beast/Antichrist for some time, eager to impose the mark of the Beast on the masses so that they can control who is able to buy and sell, thus giving them a stranglehold over every economy in the world. They will no longer need to hide their rule, they will be able to flaunt it openly, and it will be impossible to stop them.
Based on our research, there are only two places that such a satanic ritual could be performed. One of these is the temple mount in Jerusalem, but doing something of that nature in that place would be practically impossible. It is tightly guarded, and under heavy surveillance. The other is the temple to the bloodthirsty Leopard God of the Mayans, El Mirador in Guatemala. This site is certain to be swarming with tourists, thrill-seekers, and misguided New Agers looking for a good time. Not only is it much less dangerous, that much chaos creates a perfect smokescreen behind which to hide these sinister acts.
But what does unleashing this power mean?
We only know one thing: that the Elite intend to use it to take total control of the world’s economy, so that nothing anywhere on the face of the earth can be bought or sold without their permission. This is clear from the growing trend in living standard disparity. Their power has been growing steadily over the years, but this would turn that power from great to absolute. Any hope for humanity to crawl out from under their thumb would be utterly squashed. Increasing privatization of the military, for example, would place even the most basic weapons development or military deployment in the category of “buying and selling,” and therefore something the Elite could control.
When all the pieces are put together, we see clearly that this is why the media has made a joke out of the 2012 event. This is why South American governments have encouraged their ministries of tourism to turn it into a big party, to ensure that the key locations that will be needed to realize this Satanic conspiracy, will be so crowded with drunken vacationers that the agents of the Elite can easily slip in and do what they need to do. This would not be possible in Jerusalem, where they have been trying to pull it off for years. As hard as they have tried to escalate the Israel/Palestine conflict to the extent that it would provide them with such an opportunity, the Elite agents have never been able to infiltrate the temple mount undetected.
We will not see the result right away. The Elite will be careful to hide this new power. But it is without a doubt that the present attitude, to make the 2012 event into a joke, or a party, or a “new consciousness” plays right into their hands. Because of our unwillingness to look at the uncomfortable truth, the greed of resort owners and car manufacturers, and the simple desire to look for an excuse, any excuse, to stick our heads in the sand and throw a party, we will allow their power to grow, and grow, and grow.
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