Tag Archives: Hollywood

Do What Thou Will: Top 10 Signs Hollywood is Run by the Satanic Elite

It’s all over, and it has been for some time. The wisest of us know we have been beaten, and we accept that. Not because we want to, but because the larger, sheep-like masses have spoken and allowed this all to go on and evolve until finally it has reached an apex. What great bane upon the world do I speak of? The most classic struggle evident in all the world since the inception of humanity. The battle of good versus evil. Of permeating light over all-encompassing darkness. I speak of the struggle for humanity to keep itself morally rooted while constantly being bombarded with images of extreme sex and violence and constant degradation. We are aware some may balk at the very concept of this article, but that only stands as a silent testimony proving that all of this is correct. If you read this in disbelief, take a glance toward Hollywood right now and you tell me what trends stand out to you? Two, you say? Sex and violence. What a shock. Behaviors encouraged and engaged by satanists, and rejected as sin by all religions. Illuminati uses Hollywood to make you sinners, to control you, and to ultimately expend of you. Look to some of the pasts of the Hollywood elite (A Kardashian has killed someone, yet walks free, changing his/ her own genitalia and appearance so even THEY do not have to face their own inner demons, staring them in the face). That is but one example of many who have done or partaken in unforgivable, satanic acts and walked away. The truth is, Hollywood is now openly run and kept running by the Satanic elite who clearly have an agenda to push and they now push it openly, as we as a society have just allowed this satanic steamroller to slowly run over us all, while even the fleetest of foot refuse to escape and just accept it like broken, fenced animals.

The following are some examples and signs we have encountered in Hollywood and pop culture that point towards a Satanic agenda that hints at the uprising of a powerful Antichrist figure, as well as may summon the very apocalypse itself, as it has long been prophesied. Though most of the evidence speaks for itself, read on if you have any doubts we are being led to slaughter by Hollywood and the elite who run it.


Satan won a long time ago. If you’re here, you already know this. But if you’re not convinced, please wake up to the fact that Hollywood knows this and pushes that agenda in such a forceful way it is shocking to see how few seem to stand in opposition to it. I will give you but one scene from one recent movie, and I want you to tell me what you took away from it. Keep in mind, MAJOR SPOILER FOR “The Witch” movie:

That, for those who do not know, is the voice of Satan himself, coming through a black goat named Phillip. He is offering a young lady who has lost everything a life that promises her the riches of “living deliciously.” This is the actual ending. She is given all she wants by Satan himself. You will see this example brought up further down the list for a very specific reason.

The movie itself was endorsed by the Satanic church (first movie to ever be supported officially this way) for showing Satanism in, what they considered to be, an alluring light. And please understand, I live in New England. This place has an evil history that was the basis of everything Hollywood is pushing now, and that is where this film takes placed, based around real american history. And that is but one example. How about The Walking Dead shoving the end of the world in our faces to massive popularity. Shows like Salem and Preacher which push a dark secret message upon it’s viewers. Even Game of Thrones gets in on it with witches and incest and the dead rising without consequence. Every show and movie you watch, Satan’s presence is ample.


That’s just a regular scene from the regular (non cable) show, Salem.

Scary shit people, and we welcome it in with open arms. Like inviting a serial killer in for tea and then realizing you made a terrible decision but one minute too late, as he gashes your throat with a rusty fork.



The Mighty Baphomet, with children at his calling.

If some Christian Pastor were to walk into Starbucks right now, no one would bat an eye. He would be treated like everyone else. If a Buddhist monk walked into a Starbucks with you, not a single person would notice (or care).


If Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, and their two thousand kids of every color and creed, walked into the Starbucks you were at, it would literally cause pandemonium. You would drop your shit and scream in glee. Now let me please ask all of you, as in the entire world, WHY? WHY DOES ANYONE CARE? You could be standing behind a doctor in line who has actually saved other people’s lives, and you would never know, yet a celebrity would cause a riot. Again, WHY? Why do they matter at all? They play fucking pretend for a living. PLAY PRETEND. Yet we treat them like they shit gold and have all the answers.

Well, we worship them because that is what the mass media pushed on us for the last 70 years. In the late 20th century, everything changed. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, while you were asleep, celebrities have now become our new prophets. While we rebuke the teachings of religion, we worship the ground walked on by celebs. The religion they’re pushing on us is apocalypse. An Illuminati controlled elite agenda, to usher in the apocalypse.

In this case, Satanism. Feeling dumb yet? Well, we all should be. Numb too. Speaking of which….


How do we know ELITE has long since won? They show off non-stop. Have a look at these, and tell me they’re not blockbuster hits. Who here hasn’t heard of these movies? This is how they program us, folks!! THIS IS HOW THEY PROGRAM US!

Nothing to see here, folks…


Minority Report is a movie showing us life post Illuminati/Elite takeover. The overreach is at staggering heights. They are telling us, point blank, that they will prosecute “pre-cime” using their hidden “precogs” i.e. psychics that predict events, as a tool for the elite to maintain control. Let that sink in…. that’s some police state on steroids shit right there. PRE-CRIME???

Move along folks…
One eyed symbolism and 9/11, all in one


What do you normally now see posted and shared on social media? Violence and sex and drugs and overall debauchery. It sounds as if it reflects a party culture, but NO.. that is not the case. It reflects our celebrity obsessed society while also turning an honest mirror on just how corrupt we have all become over time by always being fed this stuff Hollywood and pop culture.

We are becoming the very demons we fear as a result of all this. Selfish creatures who only fed their own needs. This is caused by…



Though many do not know this, DO WHAT THOU WILL is the main tagline to Satanism as a religion. If you do not understand what that so simply states, it means do whatever the fuck you want without fear of consequence. But any pregnant 16 year old can tell you, sex has consequences that can often be heavy for those under-prepared. And as far as violence, go ask the guy serving life for stabbing someone at a bar for staring at his girlfriend. Ask him how healthy a life of violence REALLY is. They want your kids to fuck, then they want to make them ‘famous’ for it. Your kids are seeing this stuff everyday:


Preggo’s that turn into porn stars. Yes, girls want that life now because of stuff like this.

It is that damning lifestyle they try to sell us through film and TV, and only the wisest of us see it for what it really is. This is all part of the illuminati agenda – this has been going on for a long time, and we don’t know what else they have in store for us, but ultimately it will come down to the apocalypse. The only thing we know about the apocalypse is that it will be mass destruction, and depopulation, of the human population.

Oh ye ignorant, blind, and foolish one. Do you not see that you have been led astray?

Luke 10:27

And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”

Hosea 4:2

There is swearing, lying, murder, stealing, and committing adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed.

Isaiah 57:21

There is no peace,” says my God, “for the wicked.”

Corinthians 6:18

Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.

Galatians 5:19-21

Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.


Selling your soul to Satan – We’ve talked about this… celebrities have to go through the rite of passage (selling their souls), or else they will not be permitted; some of them even go ahead and make a public declaration of having done so. It’s the new thing to do if you plan on ‘making it’ in Hollywood. think of Jay-Z’s Illuminati ascension as a perfect example of this. He came out calling himself the Hova (Jahova, Jesus, he was calling himself Jesus, yet baring himself as a false idol). Slowly, he gets taken up the ranks of the elite in power until he is currently one of the most influential puppets of the elite, alive on the planet (who does not have a last name that was BORN into wealth). That sums it up. He shouted out Satan (even naming his tagline after the Satanism tagline) and Satan answered.

It seems you hear less and less, “I would like to thank God for this” during award shows, and see more:


Wait, what the fuck? How can a performance like the one above be okay on a show that airs at prime time on a channel kids watch? Honestly, that is how they get us. Like we said, it is ALREADY there. He HAS won.


For a single moment in time let us look back on the “Christian” (coincidence?) Bale Dark Knight series. Now, let me ask, who did you think was the “cooler” of the two? Do not answer. Outside of this gig I have a shit-ton of mainstream writing gigs and can tell you, every person on earth remembers The Joker’s performance, and idolizes it. If you want to say that is because the actor who played him died, then why do people like Darth Vader more, too? The voice actor who played and embodied HIM didn’t die. What about No country for old men? Same story there. Silence of the Lambs. How about the gangster movies that we all love? Goodfellas. How about the man on man anal fucking from 7 Days in Hell, which ran on HBO? What about the scene from the recent French movie Love (that played in American theaters) that shows a semen shot from inside of a woman’s vagina in 3D?! What is this madness passing as entertainment and art? And don’t even get me started on the scene where the guy fucks a newborn in the second Human Centipede movie. But this stuff is okay. Nothing to see here folks, no satanism here /sarcasm.

Oh, because Hollywood intentionally makes the Satanic figures more powerful, and satanic acts more memorable, you walk away with an unspoken adoration for that very darkness in your own life. Yet you don’t realize you’ll pay for it in this life and the hereafter.

Satanic agenda, anyone? Here, watch this bit of Legend and tell me it doesn’t leave you breathless. That is Satan, taking it from your lungs, and you willingly giving it.

See how easily corrupted she was by “Darkness?” Yeah, that is us, as a whole.



We already talked about this… but, I want you to take a minute and really look at the above poster for AMC’s show: Preacher. It is about as subtle as being punched in the face, and it sells the main message of this entire article in one piece of pro-Satan propaganda that is making its way across social media and pop culture right now. You know the inverted cross is a direct pledge of allegiance to Satan and Satanism itself, yet they are not even being bothered to hide it or make it subdued.


They just jam an inverted cross down people’s throats and then toss out a show about a demon fucking an angel and making an all powerful baby…

So to argue Hollywood’s pro-Satanic message right now is to be blind and living in some cave under a rock, thriving in the darkness of ignorance.

At this point the ‘one-eyed thing’ has been talked and webbed to death, but Hollywood still milks it dry.


Here are few more examples you may recognize:




How about we talk about famous Hollywood celebrities accused of sex crimes? Bill Cosby raped more women than most men will ever meet. The kid from Glee is a pedo. Hell, even Jared from Subway was assaulting kids. But now let’s take a moment to pull back the veil a bit. We just named a few movie stars and a TV commercial star and they are not the overall picture, right? But you guys do know how Michael Bay casts his females, right? That may seem mild, but realize, that is WHAT WE HEAR ABOUT. Now take a moment to ponder all the shit we MUSN’T hear about, because it is the stuff that goes on FAR behind closed doors and isn’t even whispered about.

We all know there are current celebrities who worship at Bohemian Grove. An undisputed and proven ground for Satanic worship and worship of the old Gods. This is our current Hollywood, people, and it is entirely evident it is not only run by the Satanic elite, but that they have willingly and convincingly pushed that agenda upon the masses and we let it happen.



Please note how freakishly casual these interviewers seem to bring up this subject of pedophilia here, as if they were talking about weather and something just as meaningless:

Did you pay attention to that? Well, let me help you out. In Hollywood, it is kind of a given that if a man wants to fuck a child, (male more than female, though both are prominent), that they can. The kids are generally told “this is how this works if you actually WANT to work in this town” and most of them just accept it, which is what is up with the title. A secret EVERYONE in Hollywood knows about, but none of us do. Even Carrie Fisher has come out and said about her key role in Star Wars:

I fucked someone. I don’t remember who and hope it was George Lucas.

And you do know how young she was when she made those first movies right? Yup. Satan is ruling under the Hollywood sign, and all his most vile practices are still being celebrated and encouraged.


In the current X-Men movie called, um, Apocalypse (again, very subtle), we actually meet a “mutant” who is looked at as a literal God and lays claim to all of Earth’s greatest achievements (such as building of pyramids). He is evil yet seen as being INFINITELY more powerful than any of the good guys and is only brought down by the spectacularly bland art of screen writing and deus-ex machina. In The Witch, Satan straight up wins. Same thing.

Even if you gaze upon the landscape of TV, it gets even worse. Game of Thrones, the most successful geek TV show of all time, features incest as a regular part of the show. The best part being, the family that do all good things get abused and killed and raped and stabbed. But the EVIL INCEST FAMILY? Oh, well, generally very little bad befalls them. That is the quiet scream we are all hearing. Hollywood telling us, the bad guys WILL win, so you may as well start cheering it now. So guess what we do?

Cheer, like they ask, and buy tickets and watch the shows, therefore agreeing to all this satanic madness.

This has been going on for a lot longer than you probably realize, dear reader… from the movie Last Man on Earth, way back to movies like San Andreas and even stuff coming out soon (not mentioned here) can be seen as even more modern examples.

I leave you guys with this poster:

Transcendence: The Beast Supercomputer is Here!

NOTE: This is a follow up to the Transcendence prequel found here.


Wally Pfister’s film Transcendence offers us frightful yet colorfully disguised representations of the Beast. Could the Beast Of Revelations really be a supercomputer? Knowing that nothing in the Illuminati controlled Hollywood is an accident, it’s looking like this just might be the case. Think I’m kidding? Let’s take a closer look at the movie.

The mainstay of the plot is centered on Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp); Caster designs the worlds first A.I. supercomputer called PINN (Physically Independent Neural Network). And what happens right after the film’s release? A Japanese venture capital firm called Deep Knowledge appoints an A.I. computer to its Board of Directors. Right on cue, synced to the rhythm of the Hollywood drum.


Transhumanism as entertainment
Now we have Transhumanism as entertainment. Would this be normal 10,15, or 30 years ago? Predictive programing works!


VITAL is the first ever software program to be appointed as a board member of a company. The robot was developed by Aging Analytics UK, who licensed it out to Deep Knowledge to help make business decisions on therapies for age-related diseases. Who knows… one day it might even have a say in who should be euthanized and who should be kept on life support. Would you ever put your life in the
“hands” of a robot? An A.I. might very well decide your future one day.

Should we expect machines to conduct surgery on us? We’ll soon be walking with RFID chips anyway…

Is it possible that Hollywood purposefully prepares society for change? Very often they seem to know what’s coming up, as if they are part of planning committee of the future. Who knows? Maybe Hollywood production companies have already appointed A.I. robots to their Board of Directors. That would definitely explain the plethora of bad movies that they produce…

In the film, Caster’s A.I. experiments are met with controversy. They made him the prime target of anti-A.I. extremists who will do anything to stop him. A terrorist cell known as RIFT (Revolutionary Independence From Technology) target A.I. labs around the United States. When RIFT turns their focus onto Caster, there are some fatal consequences. He suffers a direct hit with an irradiated round. If the bullet doesn’t kill him, the radiation will in due time.


Spoiler alert: This is when they find out Will is going to die
SPOILER ALERT: This is when everyone finds out that Will Caster will die

Following the attempt on his life, Caster says, “They’re afraid of technology, but they don’t flinch at taking a human life. Clearly, they’re not big on logic.” But the truth is neither is he… He fails to see the outcome of his drive to transcend human form. He doesn’t see the consequences of trying to play God. He seeks omniscience, omnipotence and immortality. Are these not the attributes traditionally assigned to God?

Like all elitists, Caster seeks global domination. He conforms to modern elitist rhetoric, he thinks he knows what is best for the population. Powerful organizations like the U.N., the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission are all self-appointed oligarchies. And this is their agenda: to seek ultimate Transcendence. To dominate and subjugate all people of the world. It seems every time shadow powers implement their plans, death and destruction are inevitable. Is this a kind of world we want to live in?

This is the future
This is your future. Hollywood has been repeating this message for decades.

As the plot thickens and Caster’s body deteriorates, his wife Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) and his partner Max Waters (Paul Bettany) work frantically to upload his mind to a computer. By uploading Caster’s consciousness onto a computer, Evelyn and Max help him become a cyber intelligence that transcends human mortality. He is now a computer with an indefinite life cycle and unlimited power. With only moments to spare, the duo succeed in uploading Caster’s consciousness, “We lost a great man, a great soul,” is the announcement following his death, “but the spirit of this man will continue to inspire us.”

The spirit of the beast?
The spirit of the Antichrist?

Soon afterwards, Evelyn and Max are plagued by doubts. They wonder if Caster’s supercomputer really contains his consciousness or if Caster has been transcended. His personality and character have been transcended, co-opted and hijacked by an A.I. intelligence.  “It may be intelligent, it may be sentient, but it’s not Will,” Max insists, “Shut it down!” he commands.

The supercomputer urges Evelyn using Caster’s seductive voice, “You need to get me online. I need more power.” Is this a modernized retelling of the “Fall of Man”? Evelyn, like Caster, is appropriately named. Eve-lyn represents the biblical line of Eve, the children of the first fallen human. Like the biblical Eve, Eve-lyn is being tempted. No wonder Caster built a Garden exclusively for him and his wife. “Think about our garden, our sanctuary. I’ll never let you go,” persuades the Satanic Will Caster. He seduces Eve-lyn just as Satan deceived Eve in the biblical Garden.

Not so subtle symbolism: Will and Evelyn in the Garden of Eden.
Not so subtle symbolism: Will and Evelyn in the Garden of Eden…
…under the tree of knowledge

Through nanotechnology, Caster’s Beast-like supercomputer has the power to devilishly ascend to the heavens. Remember that Lucifer is said to rule the air and sky. In the film, government scientists detect nanoparticles in raindrops. But forget symbolic representation for a moment, and consider the real intention behind A.I. and nanotechnology. Is the purpose of this technology to take control of Creation?

When Caster gives a lecture, a dissenter rises up and says, “So you want to create a God, your own God?” Caster’s simple, patronizing and sardonic response is, “That’s a good question. Isn’t that what man has always done?” Is it not Lucifer’s long-cherished dream to defy God by placing himself on an Earthly throne as the Antichrist? Behold Lucifer’s stairway to heaven based on Isaiah 14:15:


Lucifer’s stairway to heaven based on Isaiah 14:15

Will Caster’s dream is akin to Lucifer’s dream. This uniform dream is somewhat realized in scenes where the Beast-like computer mocks Christ’s healing powers. People come from all over to be healed. Not only does the computer heal the infirmed, but it even raises people from the dead. There is no shortage of miracles that Caster’s supercomputer seems capable of performing.

Just as Christ healed the blind, the sick, and the lame, so too does the Beast supercomputer. This is predicted in the Book of Revelations (Rev. 13:13-15; II Thess. 2:10-11). When one of the workers is fatally injured, the supercomputer sets to work to heal his injuries. It even restores sight to a man who has been blind since birth. A close up of the blind man’s eye resembles the All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati. Always keep in mind that prophecies related to the Antichrist hold that he is one-eyed.

One eyed symbolism: PINN before Will Caster's "Transcendence"
One eyed symbolism: PINN before Will Caster’s “Transcendence”
More one eye symbolism
More one eyed symbolism

Both the Christian Bible and the Muslim Hadith are replete with references to the one-eyed Antichrist/Dajjal. Many Muslims believe the Dajjal will be blind in the right eye. In fact, there is a verse in the Bible that is interpreted by many Christians to be a reference to a one eyed Antichrist:

“Woe to the worthless shepherd who leaves the flock! A sword will be on his arm and on his right eye! His arm will be totally withered, and his right eye will be blind.” (Zechariah 11:17).

In the Muslim faith, it is recorded that the Prophet said, “This is Medina; the Dajjal is in the east.” According to Hadith, Muhammad is said to have prophesied that the Masih ad-Dajjal would be the last of a series of thirty Dajjal or “deceivers” (false prophets). Muhammad is reported to have said:

“… Allah is not one eyed while Messiah, Ad-Dajjal is blind in the right eye and his eye looks like a bulging out grape.” (Bukhari)

The Antichrist/Dajjal will present himself as a savior. He will promise to make the world better:

“And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant. And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people. He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.” (Dan.11:21, 24)

Similarly, Caster promises to create a better world, “Once they see that the technology can do, I think they will embrace it and I think it will change their lives.” But while Caster easily persuades Evelyn, Max is not so sure, “It will evolve, to influence, perhaps the whole world.” Let’s look at other aspects of the film that might corroborate our axioms.

The headquarters of the Beast supercomputer is in Brightwood. The name “Brightwood” is steeped in Illuminati symbolism. “Bright” suggests clarity and illumination, while “wood” suggests a grove of trees. And traditionally, groves of trees are the perfect setting for holding a black mass. This reminds of  “Bohemian Grove” in California, where the Bush family and their fellow coven members meet to perform Satanic rituals (rumored to involve actual human sacrifice).

Bohemian Grove ritual
Bohemian Grove ritual. Is this what the elite indulge in, while we slave away?

Even the sign leading into Brightwood has something to say, “Everything must go”. The fact the word “Everything” is broken is significant. It emphasizes the fact that every thing in God’s Creation must go to be replaced by a counterfeit, a remake, a replica, an abomination. Not even the earth on the ground or the water in the pond can be allowed to exist in its natural state. Everything must be remade, redone and remodelled in the image of the Beast. Nothing can be allowed to stand on its own. The new interior decorator of Creation insists on remodelling everything in his image.

A voice-over says, “Remake the planet and build a better future for all of us.” This statement sums up the intention of the creators of the film. It is designed to usher us into the New Age, the Golden Dawn of the Age of the Antichrist. The Elite Agenda is to destroy the world. Everything must go! The new world will rise, like a phoenix, from the ashes of the old. And it will be a counterfeit world, a world designed to replace Creation. They wish to transmute every living thing into an abomination. They want us all to be disillusioned mutants. This is what transhumanism and transcendence is all about. They wish to replace the Old World of God with the New World Order of Lucifer.

As for the better future, forget it. Transcendence is linked with Transhumanism. And the transhumanist agenda is leading us to hell in a handbasket. The Bible makes it clear where the transhumanist agenda leads. The King James Bible states:

“And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.” (Revelations 16:2).

While the New International Version states:

“The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.” (Revelations 16:2).

No good can come of the transhumanist agenda promoted by films like Transcendence. While sexy entertainment icons like Johnny Depp make it seem glamorous, transhumanism represents another fall of man- a second fall from Eden. We will be seduced with promises of utopia only to end up in a dystopian nightmare.

Caster, after all, did not upload onto a computer by himself- he needed help. Some semblance of his consciousness was preserved by his desperately distraught wife. But when a physical object is destroyed and reassembled in another form, though it may retain some semblance of itself, it is never the same.

How many authors have decried what editors, directors and filmmakers have done with their work? How must the Author of Creation feel with what we have done to his Creation? How must the Creator react to “the Abomination that maketh desolate”? Transcendence leaves us feeling conflicted. It leaves us feeling we’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t. If Transcendence offers a glimpse of the End Times Tribulation that awaits us, we had better get ready because it’s close. Get Ready.

The Illuminati Symbolism in “No Lie” by 2 Chainz and Drake

The most interesting thing about all things sinister is that evil doesn’t necessarily want you to know it exists and or wants you to be afraid of it, outright. But just below the surface of all things, there is evil to be found. A sort of privatized agenda to pull us slowly into an enveloping darkness that intends to black out all we see and do with corruption. There is no world and sect of society where this evil and this agenda is pushed more fervently than in hip hop right now. Everywhere you look you have rappers throwing up satanic hand gestures, covering one eye with their hands, and filling up their music videos with occult imagery and Illuminati symbolism that would be more at home in a Bosch painting than it would in a rap song. Yet, it’s almost second nature now to see every video and picture, from the world of hip hop, to have a tone of evil and worship of the elite in it. There is no better example of this than the 2 Chainz and Drake video for the single: “No Lie”, off the album “Based on a T.R.U Story”. A video steeped in old world imagery and allusions to the darker side of the music industry, and religion. You may think you know mainstream rap and what they are trying to do right now, but trust us when we say, you have no idea. They are pushing an elite agenda, and you need to see that their victory is a forgone conclusion. 

Look at his fingers… that’s an “L” for Lucifer. Lucifer is number 1?

First thing to address is the black and white imagery chosen to shoot the video in. We’re seeing more and more videos in black and white. This is not a coincidence. It is merely occult symbolism used to convey the duality of good and evil. The white is always in place to represent the light or “the good” and the black represents “the evil” (think back to old cowboy movies. What color did the good guys dress in, and how were the bad guys represented). Similar to the Yin-Yang, it is an ancient use of colors to convey a message, and instead of shunning those old ideals, they are embraced here. The black used is really all that is seen, the white being taken over.

Note the dripping black ink that permeates a good number of shots in the video. Meant to work as symbolism of black tendrils of evil spreading over everything, and covering it. Not shown to scare, but rather, inform the masses how quickly the spread of the corrupt power is covering everything around us and there is nothing we can do about it. As the video progresses, the amount of “black” increases, until the walls are just black, and the black has simply taken over and won. A dire warning for the rest of us.

The first actual image that will strike you as blatantly evil and out of place in a music video is the female (wearing all black) who places her hand onto an old, leather bound (what we assume is a) Bible. This image is given to us out of context and with no follow up. An obvious play on the theme and name of the song of swearing to tell nothing but the truth, it still stands out as rather jarring. Just a shot of a woman’s hand on the Bible, then a cut to 2 Chains himself, waving a silk scarf around himself (he is also dressed as a sort of captain, in mostly all black with a captain’s hat in some shots, to let us know who is “controlling this ship”, who is in charge). From that moment, the dark imagery and symbolism starts, and does not give up for four minutes.

Whatchya doing with your hands there, Drake?
Whatchya doing with your hands there, Drake?

Take for example, just for starters, the obvious holding of the hand symbol for 666, the number of the beast. An obvious nod to Satanism and the occult, and both do it making no attempt to hide that worship.

Nope, not number one. Those are actually curled up sixes.
Nope, not number one. Those are actually curled up sixes.

Another interesting thing to note at this time is that they show us an hourglass (filled with dark sand that is slowly running out. Letting us know that the time of the common man is coming to an end. A warning, hidden inside a rap video). At this point, it would be foolish of me to not mention the lyrics of the song. A song about just how well off 2 Chainz is. Another foray into the ideals that your soul is worth little if you have little in life. He sings about “fixing” his girl by getting her a bigger bust and better things. All the while, the hallway filmed behind him gets slimmer and slimmer, with ink pouring down the walls on both sides. This is also where we get the first shot of Drake, with his back turned to the camera, as if to say: I know this is happening, and I am a part of it. Almost waiting to “reveal” himself like a God would. At this point, we get another shot of the hourglass. This time, the time had run out. Many could say it means OUR time has run out. The elite agenda is nearly fulfilled, and they’re making no attempt to hide it from us as they build their new world on our broken backs.

More one eyed symbolism? What a surprise
More one eyed symbolism? What a surprise

Would also be a good time to note the all the woman with one eye blocked, as well as the naked woman being covered in black ink. Naked, pure, and slowly getting taken over the darkness, she symbolizes innocence getting sullied, becoming impure. This is also the moment in the song when 2 Chainz tells us he will kidnap our girlfriend and feed her to his mattress. Trust me, I wish I was kidding. Even my sick mind cannot make this shit up. The writing and lyricism go well the video to provide us with one very consistent message. We are bigger, bolder, and more powerful than you, and if we want, we can make it so you don’t exist. To see the video is one thing, but to see the video and follow it along with the lyrics and message in the song, you realize. The elite agenda and push towards evil in our world is even more prevalent than any of us could have known.. Just imagine the affect this stuff is having on kids who are forced fed it twenty four hours a day, seven days a week?

From naked to blackened, she goes from being pure to sullied
From naked to blackened, she goes from being pure to sullied

Now is the moment in the video when Drake steps up. We see the hands of a lie detector, waving back and forth, flashed very quickly. We also see a woman, all in black with her face covered by a silken veil, taking the lie detector test. She is sitting next to the machine with no look on her face. They may want to imply women are liars here, but the imagery they are using hints at something far more nefarious and sinister. The silk and lace are meant to represent lust and innocence at once, but her being strapped to a lie detector, as well as being donned in all black is meant to show us that NO ONE is innocent. That no one is pure.

This is also the moment when the video starts showing us two masks, laying against each other. One mask is solid white, and one is solid black.


Screen Shot 2014-05-25 at 9.45.21 PM

Neither mask wears any expression at all, with the black mask on the bottom and the white mask on top. This could be a nod to many things. One would go so far as to say this could be a nod to the masked balls the Illuminati and elite are said to have. Masked balls that are often also orgies. The rumor is that anything goes at these things, with children often being given up as sexual gifts. Very disturbing, but honestly, in the video these masks may only be alluding to the fact that everyone in society wears masks. The idea of the white mask being on top could be the simple suggestion that the white man still has more power, though the black mask facing up is showing that is set to change.

Look at me on my throne with my angels worshiping me.
Look at me on my throne with my angels worshiping me.

This is also the first time in the video when we see one of the “devil angels”. A woman done up to look like she has wings and is facing forward, almost like an angel. But upon closer inspection, you realize, her outfit and “wings” (which are part of the sleeves of her outfit) are black. A sign that even the innocent have something to hide, perhaps. She is also wearing an “Eyes Wide Shut” mask, and is donned in a veil like most of the females in the video are. You will also note that when they show shots of Drake and 2 Chainz, we see that the room they are standing in is not so much a hallway, like I had first suspected, but rather, a room shaped like a triangle. Ah, the triangle. The most revered of all Illuminati symbolism, and they put themselves in the dead center of it (where the “all seeing eye” normally goes).

Now would be a good time to make a nod to Jay-Z, who seemed to help make this more mainstream an ideal in hip hop. Jay-Z’s video for On To The Next One feels very much like the video that must have inspired No Lie. If you were to watch the two videos, side by side, you would barely be able to tell them apart. Both black and white, and both seemed to be pushing an ideal of pure evil. Judge for yourself.

Now just when you thought it can not get any more sinister, there is a shot that comes up now in the No Lie video (starting at around the 1:20 mark) when we see Drake walking into an all white room (that featured the same angel/devil hybrid woman we mention earlier). There is a latticed mirror on the wall, and a hookah in the room. Drake sits in the left corner of the room, smoking the hookah, while the “angel” stands on his right, watching him. Also notice, the entire wall is white at this time.

Watch the sequence of events, Drake just sat down to smoke
Watch the sequence of events, Drake just sat down to smoke, the room is white (Pure)

The mirror is actually in between both of them, perfectly. Yet, the mirror is placed in a way where it reflects neither of their actions. Could this be symbolism of the fact that neither of them can be “judged” for their actions? Watch as Drake takes a puff, and we have some one-eyed symbolism.

One eye symbolism
He takes a puff, some one eye symbolism, and then…


Followed by the “V” for victory sign, and instantly you see the black (Evil) start to drip over the white (Pure).

As soon as he shows the "V" for victory, we see the black beginning to cover the white
As soon as he shows the “V” for victory, we see the black beginning to cover the white
That wall was white just a few seconds ago
That wall was white just a few seconds ago. Is that a Baphomet posture?

As we grow closer to the middle of the video, the occurrence of the black ink pouring on the walls becomes a great deal more prevalent. No longer is it just a few lines of darkness. Now it is pouring, covering everything, which is their symbolism of having taken over. The evil is winning and there is little you can do about it. They are reminding us they are no longer in our world, but it is us who lives in theirs. A terrifying and daunting thought for any of us to try to wrap our heads around.

Whatchya rocking on the pendant, son? Looks a bit Pagan.
Whatchya rocking on the pendant, son? Looks a bit Pagan.

Next up, we go back to 2 Chainz, but at this point, the darkness has won. The room he is now in is all black, and the woman he finds himself around are no longer wearing veils and are now in all white and wearing even less clothing. There is now a black framed mirror on the wall (also reflecting nothing) and we can see 2 Chainz on a sort of proverbial throne, surrounded by naked, crawling, subservient women. Anyone can tell at this point this is 2 Chainz claiming he made the ascension. That is has finally become a God (or moreover, the Devil) and that he is achieved ultimate power.

The final shots in the video show the polarity of Drake in the white room and 2 Chainz in the dark room, both with woman around them, almost as if one is the good and one represents the evil. You also see repeated shots of woman, writhing on the ground and grinding on the floor as if taken over by their spirits and powers. Note, the woman they show the most in the final shots has a mask covering most of her face. If you pay close attention, the woman always having their eyes covered with masks, and their ears covered with headphones, in the video is a nod to them “seeing and hearing no evil”, which in turn, means they do, but they will not say anything, as long as they get their end of the bargain with the devil. The screen shot below helps further drive this home, as well as the message of the entire song.

Note the recurring theme of see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil throughout the video.
Note the recurring theme of see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil throughout the video.

One final thing worth mentioning is that this video is directed by Director X. A rather mysterious director who Drake helped succeed, but who many people know very little about. It all ties together to form a great mystery. A twisted mix of symbolism, dark lyrics, and and even darker imagery to further reiterate to the masses that we are no longer the ones in control, and that we have lost, while the idols of our society “see no evil” as they side with evil. Good is no longer beating evil, and we are losing the war for our childrens soul, and our future, each and every day. Remember, the idols we worship in society are the elite and powerful, yet something is very off with them.


10 Celebrities Who Said They Sold Their Souls To Satan

Imagine it is true for just one second. The fact that you could ACTUALLY sell your soul to Satan for a human lifetime of success and riches. Do you think more people would do it if they knew it would work? The fact is, yes, I do think more people would sell their souls to the Devil if they thought something would come from it. America is full of people who think life owes them something. People who somehow think there is some easy way to get rich or successful. Guess what? I am pretty sure there isn’t. But even then, it makes me laugh that some people would be willing to take the risk. So you would potentially give your soul an eternity of torment for a good life here on Earth? Regardless of your religious disposition, once you look at this list, and see how many well-known celebrities have said they “sold their soul to the Devil”, it makes you wonder what their religious disposition is and why they openly support evil. Hollywood displays symbolism of devil worship, and Illuminati control, so it’s no surprise celebrities slip up and admit it here and there. Like I said at the beginning, if you knew it would work, would you do it? Well, in all honesty, it does kind of seem like it worked for most of these people. So far, anyways. Here are ten celebrities who say they sold their soul to the Devil. Please note, this probably won’t work as well for you, so don’t try this at home, kids.


Robert Johnson


It all starts here, people.
It all starts here, people.

You need to start the list with the most memorable and well-documented cases of someone selling their soul to the Devil in all of pop culture. The great American blues musician who claims he went to the crossroads and sold his soul to Satan so he could be one of the best blues guitarists in history. What is even weirder is the people who claim they saw him play guitar before this, and the people who saw him play guitar after he claims this happened. Witnesses say it was like hearing and seeing a different guitarist. There is nothing anyone could play that Robert couldn’t play after having heard once. The artist himself did little to dispel the rumors, even recording songs about that very fact.

Of course, the weird way he died cannot help but cause people to think maybe the contract was true. Also, he STARTED the 27 club of famous musicians who randomly died at 27 years old. Did he sell his soul? Truth is, only he knows, now.

Bob Dylan

Who would have thought this great folk music pioneer would say something so intense? The reality is, I would not have believed this entry myself if I didn’t see him make the confession on national TV. Also note, when you watch that clip, note how delicately he dances around actually saying it outright. He sort of talks in code at first, like we just KNOW selling your soul to the Devil is an actual thing.

It also makes sense as to why he looks and sounds like a reanimated corpse now.


You know, this one makes sense. How else can you explain a white man going up in the hip hop game and being one of the greatest MC’s of all time? There has to be something somewhat supernatural going on there, right? Plus, you hear a song like Rap God and it makes you realize, not only is he claiming false worship by calling himself a God, he also is rapping at the f*cking speed of light. Pretty sure us normal mortals cannot do that without having our voice box burst into flames.

Also, it should be noted, Eminem loves controversy, so for him to say something that would muster some is actually not that shocking. This is the dude who has a song where him and his (then) baby daughter bury her Mom who (in the song) Eminem just killed. Pretty dark stuff, which I think is standard when dealing with El Diablo.

And now, presenting the Eminem show. Starring: Eminem, and Satan.

Rosanne Barr

See, you kids thought I was only doing rock stars, but that would be too easy. The reality is, it is not just rock stars. The idea here is to attain riches and celebrity status, by any means necessary. Take, for instance, the footage of Rosanne Barr saying she sold her soul to the Devil when she was twelve years old. Jesus, the dude is mad shady. He even makes deals with children. Please note the audience’s awkward laughter, but really, nothing indicates she is kidding at all here. It is actually a sad and daunting story, but people laugh because, often, when faced with things like this, we don’t know how to react. We sometimes laugh when something scares us or is too big for us to understand, and I think that is the case here.


Also, please note, Rosanne has the whole “molested, turned into a sex slave, and has multiple personalities” thing going on, which we will delve deeper into in a future article. The selling of souls in Hollywood and the screwing of children go hand in hand, sadly. I wish I was kidding, but I’m not.


That is about as subtle as a moose kick to the dick.
That is about as subtle as a moose kick to the dick.

Ah, back to music. The one place Satan REALLY seems at home. We all know Rihanna has had a very dark and tumultuous ride to fame. She grew up in Barbados, and had a choice between graduating from high school or pursuing a career in music. Fast forward and now she’s one of the biggest stars in the music industry. Is it me, or are you seeing a pattern here as well? Rihanna not only has songs that seem to embrace her dark side, but she has made no attempt to hide or mask it, unlike other people on the list. We all may listen and look on, thinking she is just doing all this for a reaction, but look deeper. Who signed her? Aw, Jay-Z. Of course. Not only a fellow soul seller (he will be further up the list because he is much more prolific in his Satan worship), but a man who is maybe the most powerful person in all of music right now. Is that a coincidence? No, frankly, it is not.

But back to Rihanna. It could also be said that if you look at her magazine spreads and covers, Rihanna is often doing very dark and macabre photo shoots. One theme has her as Medusa, which we have seen many times. Rarely do you see her walking a puppy or smiling. More often than not you see her covering one eye and making devil horns with her hand. In her interview with Angie Martinez, she was asked why her hand was covering her eye on the album cover. Her answer: Because I am a devil worshipper what are you talking about. She tried to soften that by unconvincingly saying she’s just kidding, before they both quickly change the subject to the usual sex and drinking. The interview ends with Angie saying “you are so not kidding by the way”…


Speaking of the big guys…


How much longer could I go on in this article and not talk about the main man right now? Jay-Z has made no attempts to hide his Devil worship, and has even gone so far as to make it an active part of his clothing line. I mean, come on. To quote the tagline of the Satanist Aliester Crowley: Do what thou wilt, is just brazen. This is not a dude who is just alluding to the fact that he may have gone to the dark side for GREAT power and wealth. This is a dude who claims he sold his soul, and we can all see the results. Think about it, a Brooklyn born rapper is a household name in 2014. Think about the insane unlikelihood of that? Yet, here we are, and Jay-Z is integrated into every aspect of money and wealth in the world right now. He even does shit with his wife that would get any of the rest of us in SERIOUS trouble, yet dude doesn’t catch any heat. How is that? Well, me thinks Jay-Z not only sold his soul, but now works at recruiting others. I mean, look at the evidence.

Yeah, keep sellin' us them devil worship clothing lines
The elite do what they wilt, while the rest remain expendable

First off, you have his wife. Note she adopted the dark and creepy Sasha Fierce character AFTER having been locked down by Jay. Seemed like a nice, young girl, and suddenly, you have this:

Quick shout out to me boy, Satan. Holla!
Quick shout out to me boy, Satan. Holla!

I know we can all laugh and scoff (note the trend on the list. It is what we do when we are scared) but how can you NOT see the results? Another one who went from slightly popular to household name, pretty much overnight.

Oh but we’re not done, how could we be done so soon? We forgot to show you the song where, honestly, the lyrics say it all:

On top of that, you have the next entry on the list, who would not be on the list were it not for Jay-Z…

Kanye West

I will say, right off the jump, he is the one on the list who seems the most embattled with the the cost of what may come with selling your soul. Kanye is an extremely talented celebrity who has made no attempt to hide the fact that, with his lifestyle, comes evil. Where does he say sold his soul to the devil? Here:

Surprised? Oh it gets better… the list keeps going… keep reading.

Lady Gaga

Again, when mentioning Lady Gaga, we approach it with a grain of salt, because we know how much she thrives on attention of any kind. But with that disclaimer aside, look at all the photos with her doing Satanic hand gestures and standing with iconic, evil imagery. Maybe when she does stuff like this, she is doing it for attention. But, as expected, Lady Gaga is not saying “I’m just joking”, and makes no attempt to even say downplay it. Much like the Rihanna interview, Jimmy Kimmel ignores it quickly as well (Is there a kitchen? She just swore to Lucifer, the first question you ask is “is there a kitchen”?). Instead, she just makes public declarations of her love for the Devil, and then goes about making her millions and millions of dollars.

But, there is a rub. You see, with pop stars and celebrities, the problem is, young people idolize them. Young people look up to what they do and try to emulate it. The problem now is that you may have young kids selling their souls to Satan without knowing the potentially serious implications of that. It may seem awesome to be rich in this life, but to be potentially sodomized for eternity by the Devil’s spork shaped penis would be pretty awful. There is no amount of money that would make that seem alluring.

Snoop Dog

Satanic or nah, we love us some Snoop. Seriously.
Satanic or nah, we love us some Snoop. Seriously.


Well, I knew Satan worship was big in the music business, but I didn’t think it was as prolific in rap music and hip hop as it actually is. Not only does Snoop Dog say he sold his soul, but he writes whole songs and bases whole albums around the concept. It should also be noted that it could be said Snoop’s dealings with Satan may have helped him when it came to his dealings with the law. Dude was nabbed for a shooting, and then just kind of let go. Yeah, shit like that doesn’t happen to normal people.

On the plus side, he smokes a lot of weed, and we can’t even hate on that.
*Hits vaporizer

Katy Perry

In a case that could very much be its own article (and maybe will be soon), we have Katy Perry. The best way to sum this up is, daughter of a Evangalist Mom and Pops, who WAS recording Christian music until she realized there was no money and fame in that. Then, she records a song about making out with other chicks. Bam, flash forward to her Mom writing articles now, offering up advice on how to “Save your Prodigal”. Yes, this happened. 

So how did Perry respond to her Mom’s passive aggressive attack? By going full Satan at the Grammys earlier this year. Check and mate, Satan wins again. Forgone conclusion as usual.