Tag Archives: Mass Media

Transcendence: The Beast Supercomputer is Here!

NOTE: This is a follow up to the Transcendence prequel found here.


Wally Pfister’s film Transcendence offers us frightful yet colorfully disguised representations of the Beast. Could the Beast Of Revelations really be a supercomputer? Knowing that nothing in the Illuminati controlled Hollywood is an accident, it’s looking like this just might be the case. Think I’m kidding? Let’s take a closer look at the movie.

The mainstay of the plot is centered on Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp); Caster designs the worlds first A.I. supercomputer called PINN (Physically Independent Neural Network). And what happens right after the film’s release? A Japanese venture capital firm called Deep Knowledge appoints an A.I. computer to its Board of Directors. Right on cue, synced to the rhythm of the Hollywood drum.


Transhumanism as entertainment
Now we have Transhumanism as entertainment. Would this be normal 10,15, or 30 years ago? Predictive programing works!


VITAL is the first ever software program to be appointed as a board member of a company. The robot was developed by Aging Analytics UK, who licensed it out to Deep Knowledge to help make business decisions on therapies for age-related diseases. Who knows… one day it might even have a say in who should be euthanized and who should be kept on life support. Would you ever put your life in the
“hands” of a robot? An A.I. might very well decide your future one day.

Should we expect machines to conduct surgery on us? We’ll soon be walking with RFID chips anyway…

Is it possible that Hollywood purposefully prepares society for change? Very often they seem to know what’s coming up, as if they are part of planning committee of the future. Who knows? Maybe Hollywood production companies have already appointed A.I. robots to their Board of Directors. That would definitely explain the plethora of bad movies that they produce…

In the film, Caster’s A.I. experiments are met with controversy. They made him the prime target of anti-A.I. extremists who will do anything to stop him. A terrorist cell known as RIFT (Revolutionary Independence From Technology) target A.I. labs around the United States. When RIFT turns their focus onto Caster, there are some fatal consequences. He suffers a direct hit with an irradiated round. If the bullet doesn’t kill him, the radiation will in due time.


Spoiler alert: This is when they find out Will is going to die
SPOILER ALERT: This is when everyone finds out that Will Caster will die

Following the attempt on his life, Caster says, “They’re afraid of technology, but they don’t flinch at taking a human life. Clearly, they’re not big on logic.” But the truth is neither is he… He fails to see the outcome of his drive to transcend human form. He doesn’t see the consequences of trying to play God. He seeks omniscience, omnipotence and immortality. Are these not the attributes traditionally assigned to God?

Like all elitists, Caster seeks global domination. He conforms to modern elitist rhetoric, he thinks he knows what is best for the population. Powerful organizations like the U.N., the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission are all self-appointed oligarchies. And this is their agenda: to seek ultimate Transcendence. To dominate and subjugate all people of the world. It seems every time shadow powers implement their plans, death and destruction are inevitable. Is this a kind of world we want to live in?

This is the future
This is your future. Hollywood has been repeating this message for decades.

As the plot thickens and Caster’s body deteriorates, his wife Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) and his partner Max Waters (Paul Bettany) work frantically to upload his mind to a computer. By uploading Caster’s consciousness onto a computer, Evelyn and Max help him become a cyber intelligence that transcends human mortality. He is now a computer with an indefinite life cycle and unlimited power. With only moments to spare, the duo succeed in uploading Caster’s consciousness, “We lost a great man, a great soul,” is the announcement following his death, “but the spirit of this man will continue to inspire us.”

The spirit of the beast?
The spirit of the Antichrist?

Soon afterwards, Evelyn and Max are plagued by doubts. They wonder if Caster’s supercomputer really contains his consciousness or if Caster has been transcended. His personality and character have been transcended, co-opted and hijacked by an A.I. intelligence.  “It may be intelligent, it may be sentient, but it’s not Will,” Max insists, “Shut it down!” he commands.

The supercomputer urges Evelyn using Caster’s seductive voice, “You need to get me online. I need more power.” Is this a modernized retelling of the “Fall of Man”? Evelyn, like Caster, is appropriately named. Eve-lyn represents the biblical line of Eve, the children of the first fallen human. Like the biblical Eve, Eve-lyn is being tempted. No wonder Caster built a Garden exclusively for him and his wife. “Think about our garden, our sanctuary. I’ll never let you go,” persuades the Satanic Will Caster. He seduces Eve-lyn just as Satan deceived Eve in the biblical Garden.

Not so subtle symbolism: Will and Evelyn in the Garden of Eden.
Not so subtle symbolism: Will and Evelyn in the Garden of Eden…
…under the tree of knowledge

Through nanotechnology, Caster’s Beast-like supercomputer has the power to devilishly ascend to the heavens. Remember that Lucifer is said to rule the air and sky. In the film, government scientists detect nanoparticles in raindrops. But forget symbolic representation for a moment, and consider the real intention behind A.I. and nanotechnology. Is the purpose of this technology to take control of Creation?

When Caster gives a lecture, a dissenter rises up and says, “So you want to create a God, your own God?” Caster’s simple, patronizing and sardonic response is, “That’s a good question. Isn’t that what man has always done?” Is it not Lucifer’s long-cherished dream to defy God by placing himself on an Earthly throne as the Antichrist? Behold Lucifer’s stairway to heaven based on Isaiah 14:15:


Lucifer’s stairway to heaven based on Isaiah 14:15

Will Caster’s dream is akin to Lucifer’s dream. This uniform dream is somewhat realized in scenes where the Beast-like computer mocks Christ’s healing powers. People come from all over to be healed. Not only does the computer heal the infirmed, but it even raises people from the dead. There is no shortage of miracles that Caster’s supercomputer seems capable of performing.

Just as Christ healed the blind, the sick, and the lame, so too does the Beast supercomputer. This is predicted in the Book of Revelations (Rev. 13:13-15; II Thess. 2:10-11). When one of the workers is fatally injured, the supercomputer sets to work to heal his injuries. It even restores sight to a man who has been blind since birth. A close up of the blind man’s eye resembles the All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati. Always keep in mind that prophecies related to the Antichrist hold that he is one-eyed.

One eyed symbolism: PINN before Will Caster's "Transcendence"
One eyed symbolism: PINN before Will Caster’s “Transcendence”
More one eye symbolism
More one eyed symbolism

Both the Christian Bible and the Muslim Hadith are replete with references to the one-eyed Antichrist/Dajjal. Many Muslims believe the Dajjal will be blind in the right eye. In fact, there is a verse in the Bible that is interpreted by many Christians to be a reference to a one eyed Antichrist:

“Woe to the worthless shepherd who leaves the flock! A sword will be on his arm and on his right eye! His arm will be totally withered, and his right eye will be blind.” (Zechariah 11:17).

In the Muslim faith, it is recorded that the Prophet said, “This is Medina; the Dajjal is in the east.” According to Hadith, Muhammad is said to have prophesied that the Masih ad-Dajjal would be the last of a series of thirty Dajjal or “deceivers” (false prophets). Muhammad is reported to have said:

“… Allah is not one eyed while Messiah, Ad-Dajjal is blind in the right eye and his eye looks like a bulging out grape.” (Bukhari)

The Antichrist/Dajjal will present himself as a savior. He will promise to make the world better:

“And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant. And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people. He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.” (Dan.11:21, 24)

Similarly, Caster promises to create a better world, “Once they see that the technology can do, I think they will embrace it and I think it will change their lives.” But while Caster easily persuades Evelyn, Max is not so sure, “It will evolve, to influence, perhaps the whole world.” Let’s look at other aspects of the film that might corroborate our axioms.

The headquarters of the Beast supercomputer is in Brightwood. The name “Brightwood” is steeped in Illuminati symbolism. “Bright” suggests clarity and illumination, while “wood” suggests a grove of trees. And traditionally, groves of trees are the perfect setting for holding a black mass. This reminds of  “Bohemian Grove” in California, where the Bush family and their fellow coven members meet to perform Satanic rituals (rumored to involve actual human sacrifice).

Bohemian Grove ritual
Bohemian Grove ritual. Is this what the elite indulge in, while we slave away?

Even the sign leading into Brightwood has something to say, “Everything must go”. The fact the word “Everything” is broken is significant. It emphasizes the fact that every thing in God’s Creation must go to be replaced by a counterfeit, a remake, a replica, an abomination. Not even the earth on the ground or the water in the pond can be allowed to exist in its natural state. Everything must be remade, redone and remodelled in the image of the Beast. Nothing can be allowed to stand on its own. The new interior decorator of Creation insists on remodelling everything in his image.

A voice-over says, “Remake the planet and build a better future for all of us.” This statement sums up the intention of the creators of the film. It is designed to usher us into the New Age, the Golden Dawn of the Age of the Antichrist. The Elite Agenda is to destroy the world. Everything must go! The new world will rise, like a phoenix, from the ashes of the old. And it will be a counterfeit world, a world designed to replace Creation. They wish to transmute every living thing into an abomination. They want us all to be disillusioned mutants. This is what transhumanism and transcendence is all about. They wish to replace the Old World of God with the New World Order of Lucifer.

As for the better future, forget it. Transcendence is linked with Transhumanism. And the transhumanist agenda is leading us to hell in a handbasket. The Bible makes it clear where the transhumanist agenda leads. The King James Bible states:

“And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.” (Revelations 16:2).

While the New International Version states:

“The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.” (Revelations 16:2).

No good can come of the transhumanist agenda promoted by films like Transcendence. While sexy entertainment icons like Johnny Depp make it seem glamorous, transhumanism represents another fall of man- a second fall from Eden. We will be seduced with promises of utopia only to end up in a dystopian nightmare.

Caster, after all, did not upload onto a computer by himself- he needed help. Some semblance of his consciousness was preserved by his desperately distraught wife. But when a physical object is destroyed and reassembled in another form, though it may retain some semblance of itself, it is never the same.

How many authors have decried what editors, directors and filmmakers have done with their work? How must the Author of Creation feel with what we have done to his Creation? How must the Creator react to “the Abomination that maketh desolate”? Transcendence leaves us feeling conflicted. It leaves us feeling we’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t. If Transcendence offers a glimpse of the End Times Tribulation that awaits us, we had better get ready because it’s close. Get Ready.

The Illuminati Symbolism in “No Lie” by 2 Chainz and Drake

The most interesting thing about all things sinister is that evil doesn’t necessarily want you to know it exists and or wants you to be afraid of it, outright. But just below the surface of all things, there is evil to be found. A sort of privatized agenda to pull us slowly into an enveloping darkness that intends to black out all we see and do with corruption. There is no world and sect of society where this evil and this agenda is pushed more fervently than in hip hop right now. Everywhere you look you have rappers throwing up satanic hand gestures, covering one eye with their hands, and filling up their music videos with occult imagery and Illuminati symbolism that would be more at home in a Bosch painting than it would in a rap song. Yet, it’s almost second nature now to see every video and picture, from the world of hip hop, to have a tone of evil and worship of the elite in it. There is no better example of this than the 2 Chainz and Drake video for the single: “No Lie”, off the album “Based on a T.R.U Story”. A video steeped in old world imagery and allusions to the darker side of the music industry, and religion. You may think you know mainstream rap and what they are trying to do right now, but trust us when we say, you have no idea. They are pushing an elite agenda, and you need to see that their victory is a forgone conclusion. 

Look at his fingers… that’s an “L” for Lucifer. Lucifer is number 1?

First thing to address is the black and white imagery chosen to shoot the video in. We’re seeing more and more videos in black and white. This is not a coincidence. It is merely occult symbolism used to convey the duality of good and evil. The white is always in place to represent the light or “the good” and the black represents “the evil” (think back to old cowboy movies. What color did the good guys dress in, and how were the bad guys represented). Similar to the Yin-Yang, it is an ancient use of colors to convey a message, and instead of shunning those old ideals, they are embraced here. The black used is really all that is seen, the white being taken over.

Note the dripping black ink that permeates a good number of shots in the video. Meant to work as symbolism of black tendrils of evil spreading over everything, and covering it. Not shown to scare, but rather, inform the masses how quickly the spread of the corrupt power is covering everything around us and there is nothing we can do about it. As the video progresses, the amount of “black” increases, until the walls are just black, and the black has simply taken over and won. A dire warning for the rest of us.

The first actual image that will strike you as blatantly evil and out of place in a music video is the female (wearing all black) who places her hand onto an old, leather bound (what we assume is a) Bible. This image is given to us out of context and with no follow up. An obvious play on the theme and name of the song of swearing to tell nothing but the truth, it still stands out as rather jarring. Just a shot of a woman’s hand on the Bible, then a cut to 2 Chains himself, waving a silk scarf around himself (he is also dressed as a sort of captain, in mostly all black with a captain’s hat in some shots, to let us know who is “controlling this ship”, who is in charge). From that moment, the dark imagery and symbolism starts, and does not give up for four minutes.

Whatchya doing with your hands there, Drake?
Whatchya doing with your hands there, Drake?

Take for example, just for starters, the obvious holding of the hand symbol for 666, the number of the beast. An obvious nod to Satanism and the occult, and both do it making no attempt to hide that worship.

Nope, not number one. Those are actually curled up sixes.
Nope, not number one. Those are actually curled up sixes.

Another interesting thing to note at this time is that they show us an hourglass (filled with dark sand that is slowly running out. Letting us know that the time of the common man is coming to an end. A warning, hidden inside a rap video). At this point, it would be foolish of me to not mention the lyrics of the song. A song about just how well off 2 Chainz is. Another foray into the ideals that your soul is worth little if you have little in life. He sings about “fixing” his girl by getting her a bigger bust and better things. All the while, the hallway filmed behind him gets slimmer and slimmer, with ink pouring down the walls on both sides. This is also where we get the first shot of Drake, with his back turned to the camera, as if to say: I know this is happening, and I am a part of it. Almost waiting to “reveal” himself like a God would. At this point, we get another shot of the hourglass. This time, the time had run out. Many could say it means OUR time has run out. The elite agenda is nearly fulfilled, and they’re making no attempt to hide it from us as they build their new world on our broken backs.

More one eyed symbolism? What a surprise
More one eyed symbolism? What a surprise

Would also be a good time to note the all the woman with one eye blocked, as well as the naked woman being covered in black ink. Naked, pure, and slowly getting taken over the darkness, she symbolizes innocence getting sullied, becoming impure. This is also the moment in the song when 2 Chainz tells us he will kidnap our girlfriend and feed her to his mattress. Trust me, I wish I was kidding. Even my sick mind cannot make this shit up. The writing and lyricism go well the video to provide us with one very consistent message. We are bigger, bolder, and more powerful than you, and if we want, we can make it so you don’t exist. To see the video is one thing, but to see the video and follow it along with the lyrics and message in the song, you realize. The elite agenda and push towards evil in our world is even more prevalent than any of us could have known.. Just imagine the affect this stuff is having on kids who are forced fed it twenty four hours a day, seven days a week?

From naked to blackened, she goes from being pure to sullied
From naked to blackened, she goes from being pure to sullied

Now is the moment in the video when Drake steps up. We see the hands of a lie detector, waving back and forth, flashed very quickly. We also see a woman, all in black with her face covered by a silken veil, taking the lie detector test. She is sitting next to the machine with no look on her face. They may want to imply women are liars here, but the imagery they are using hints at something far more nefarious and sinister. The silk and lace are meant to represent lust and innocence at once, but her being strapped to a lie detector, as well as being donned in all black is meant to show us that NO ONE is innocent. That no one is pure.

This is also the moment when the video starts showing us two masks, laying against each other. One mask is solid white, and one is solid black.


Screen Shot 2014-05-25 at 9.45.21 PM

Neither mask wears any expression at all, with the black mask on the bottom and the white mask on top. This could be a nod to many things. One would go so far as to say this could be a nod to the masked balls the Illuminati and elite are said to have. Masked balls that are often also orgies. The rumor is that anything goes at these things, with children often being given up as sexual gifts. Very disturbing, but honestly, in the video these masks may only be alluding to the fact that everyone in society wears masks. The idea of the white mask being on top could be the simple suggestion that the white man still has more power, though the black mask facing up is showing that is set to change.

Look at me on my throne with my angels worshiping me.
Look at me on my throne with my angels worshiping me.

This is also the first time in the video when we see one of the “devil angels”. A woman done up to look like she has wings and is facing forward, almost like an angel. But upon closer inspection, you realize, her outfit and “wings” (which are part of the sleeves of her outfit) are black. A sign that even the innocent have something to hide, perhaps. She is also wearing an “Eyes Wide Shut” mask, and is donned in a veil like most of the females in the video are. You will also note that when they show shots of Drake and 2 Chainz, we see that the room they are standing in is not so much a hallway, like I had first suspected, but rather, a room shaped like a triangle. Ah, the triangle. The most revered of all Illuminati symbolism, and they put themselves in the dead center of it (where the “all seeing eye” normally goes).

Now would be a good time to make a nod to Jay-Z, who seemed to help make this more mainstream an ideal in hip hop. Jay-Z’s video for On To The Next One feels very much like the video that must have inspired No Lie. If you were to watch the two videos, side by side, you would barely be able to tell them apart. Both black and white, and both seemed to be pushing an ideal of pure evil. Judge for yourself.

Now just when you thought it can not get any more sinister, there is a shot that comes up now in the No Lie video (starting at around the 1:20 mark) when we see Drake walking into an all white room (that featured the same angel/devil hybrid woman we mention earlier). There is a latticed mirror on the wall, and a hookah in the room. Drake sits in the left corner of the room, smoking the hookah, while the “angel” stands on his right, watching him. Also notice, the entire wall is white at this time.

Watch the sequence of events, Drake just sat down to smoke
Watch the sequence of events, Drake just sat down to smoke, the room is white (Pure)

The mirror is actually in between both of them, perfectly. Yet, the mirror is placed in a way where it reflects neither of their actions. Could this be symbolism of the fact that neither of them can be “judged” for their actions? Watch as Drake takes a puff, and we have some one-eyed symbolism.

One eye symbolism
He takes a puff, some one eye symbolism, and then…


Followed by the “V” for victory sign, and instantly you see the black (Evil) start to drip over the white (Pure).

As soon as he shows the "V" for victory, we see the black beginning to cover the white
As soon as he shows the “V” for victory, we see the black beginning to cover the white
That wall was white just a few seconds ago
That wall was white just a few seconds ago. Is that a Baphomet posture?

As we grow closer to the middle of the video, the occurrence of the black ink pouring on the walls becomes a great deal more prevalent. No longer is it just a few lines of darkness. Now it is pouring, covering everything, which is their symbolism of having taken over. The evil is winning and there is little you can do about it. They are reminding us they are no longer in our world, but it is us who lives in theirs. A terrifying and daunting thought for any of us to try to wrap our heads around.

Whatchya rocking on the pendant, son? Looks a bit Pagan.
Whatchya rocking on the pendant, son? Looks a bit Pagan.

Next up, we go back to 2 Chainz, but at this point, the darkness has won. The room he is now in is all black, and the woman he finds himself around are no longer wearing veils and are now in all white and wearing even less clothing. There is now a black framed mirror on the wall (also reflecting nothing) and we can see 2 Chainz on a sort of proverbial throne, surrounded by naked, crawling, subservient women. Anyone can tell at this point this is 2 Chainz claiming he made the ascension. That is has finally become a God (or moreover, the Devil) and that he is achieved ultimate power.

The final shots in the video show the polarity of Drake in the white room and 2 Chainz in the dark room, both with woman around them, almost as if one is the good and one represents the evil. You also see repeated shots of woman, writhing on the ground and grinding on the floor as if taken over by their spirits and powers. Note, the woman they show the most in the final shots has a mask covering most of her face. If you pay close attention, the woman always having their eyes covered with masks, and their ears covered with headphones, in the video is a nod to them “seeing and hearing no evil”, which in turn, means they do, but they will not say anything, as long as they get their end of the bargain with the devil. The screen shot below helps further drive this home, as well as the message of the entire song.

Note the recurring theme of see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil throughout the video.
Note the recurring theme of see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil throughout the video.

One final thing worth mentioning is that this video is directed by Director X. A rather mysterious director who Drake helped succeed, but who many people know very little about. It all ties together to form a great mystery. A twisted mix of symbolism, dark lyrics, and and even darker imagery to further reiterate to the masses that we are no longer the ones in control, and that we have lost, while the idols of our society “see no evil” as they side with evil. Good is no longer beating evil, and we are losing the war for our childrens soul, and our future, each and every day. Remember, the idols we worship in society are the elite and powerful, yet something is very off with them.


10 Celebrities Who Said They Sold Their Souls To Satan

Imagine it is true for just one second. The fact that you could ACTUALLY sell your soul to Satan for a human lifetime of success and riches. Do you think more people would do it if they knew it would work? The fact is, yes, I do think more people would sell their souls to the Devil if they thought something would come from it. America is full of people who think life owes them something. People who somehow think there is some easy way to get rich or successful. Guess what? I am pretty sure there isn’t. But even then, it makes me laugh that some people would be willing to take the risk. So you would potentially give your soul an eternity of torment for a good life here on Earth? Regardless of your religious disposition, once you look at this list, and see how many well-known celebrities have said they “sold their soul to the Devil”, it makes you wonder what their religious disposition is and why they openly support evil. Hollywood displays symbolism of devil worship, and Illuminati control, so it’s no surprise celebrities slip up and admit it here and there. Like I said at the beginning, if you knew it would work, would you do it? Well, in all honesty, it does kind of seem like it worked for most of these people. So far, anyways. Here are ten celebrities who say they sold their soul to the Devil. Please note, this probably won’t work as well for you, so don’t try this at home, kids.


Robert Johnson


It all starts here, people.
It all starts here, people.

You need to start the list with the most memorable and well-documented cases of someone selling their soul to the Devil in all of pop culture. The great American blues musician who claims he went to the crossroads and sold his soul to Satan so he could be one of the best blues guitarists in history. What is even weirder is the people who claim they saw him play guitar before this, and the people who saw him play guitar after he claims this happened. Witnesses say it was like hearing and seeing a different guitarist. There is nothing anyone could play that Robert couldn’t play after having heard once. The artist himself did little to dispel the rumors, even recording songs about that very fact.

Of course, the weird way he died cannot help but cause people to think maybe the contract was true. Also, he STARTED the 27 club of famous musicians who randomly died at 27 years old. Did he sell his soul? Truth is, only he knows, now.

Bob Dylan

Who would have thought this great folk music pioneer would say something so intense? The reality is, I would not have believed this entry myself if I didn’t see him make the confession on national TV. Also note, when you watch that clip, note how delicately he dances around actually saying it outright. He sort of talks in code at first, like we just KNOW selling your soul to the Devil is an actual thing.

It also makes sense as to why he looks and sounds like a reanimated corpse now.


You know, this one makes sense. How else can you explain a white man going up in the hip hop game and being one of the greatest MC’s of all time? There has to be something somewhat supernatural going on there, right? Plus, you hear a song like Rap God and it makes you realize, not only is he claiming false worship by calling himself a God, he also is rapping at the f*cking speed of light. Pretty sure us normal mortals cannot do that without having our voice box burst into flames.

Also, it should be noted, Eminem loves controversy, so for him to say something that would muster some is actually not that shocking. This is the dude who has a song where him and his (then) baby daughter bury her Mom who (in the song) Eminem just killed. Pretty dark stuff, which I think is standard when dealing with El Diablo.

And now, presenting the Eminem show. Starring: Eminem, and Satan.

Rosanne Barr

See, you kids thought I was only doing rock stars, but that would be too easy. The reality is, it is not just rock stars. The idea here is to attain riches and celebrity status, by any means necessary. Take, for instance, the footage of Rosanne Barr saying she sold her soul to the Devil when she was twelve years old. Jesus, the dude is mad shady. He even makes deals with children. Please note the audience’s awkward laughter, but really, nothing indicates she is kidding at all here. It is actually a sad and daunting story, but people laugh because, often, when faced with things like this, we don’t know how to react. We sometimes laugh when something scares us or is too big for us to understand, and I think that is the case here.


Also, please note, Rosanne has the whole “molested, turned into a sex slave, and has multiple personalities” thing going on, which we will delve deeper into in a future article. The selling of souls in Hollywood and the screwing of children go hand in hand, sadly. I wish I was kidding, but I’m not.


That is about as subtle as a moose kick to the dick.
That is about as subtle as a moose kick to the dick.

Ah, back to music. The one place Satan REALLY seems at home. We all know Rihanna has had a very dark and tumultuous ride to fame. She grew up in Barbados, and had a choice between graduating from high school or pursuing a career in music. Fast forward and now she’s one of the biggest stars in the music industry. Is it me, or are you seeing a pattern here as well? Rihanna not only has songs that seem to embrace her dark side, but she has made no attempt to hide or mask it, unlike other people on the list. We all may listen and look on, thinking she is just doing all this for a reaction, but look deeper. Who signed her? Aw, Jay-Z. Of course. Not only a fellow soul seller (he will be further up the list because he is much more prolific in his Satan worship), but a man who is maybe the most powerful person in all of music right now. Is that a coincidence? No, frankly, it is not.

But back to Rihanna. It could also be said that if you look at her magazine spreads and covers, Rihanna is often doing very dark and macabre photo shoots. One theme has her as Medusa, which we have seen many times. Rarely do you see her walking a puppy or smiling. More often than not you see her covering one eye and making devil horns with her hand. In her interview with Angie Martinez, she was asked why her hand was covering her eye on the album cover. Her answer: Because I am a devil worshipper what are you talking about. She tried to soften that by unconvincingly saying she’s just kidding, before they both quickly change the subject to the usual sex and drinking. The interview ends with Angie saying “you are so not kidding by the way”…


Speaking of the big guys…


How much longer could I go on in this article and not talk about the main man right now? Jay-Z has made no attempts to hide his Devil worship, and has even gone so far as to make it an active part of his clothing line. I mean, come on. To quote the tagline of the Satanist Aliester Crowley: Do what thou wilt, is just brazen. This is not a dude who is just alluding to the fact that he may have gone to the dark side for GREAT power and wealth. This is a dude who claims he sold his soul, and we can all see the results. Think about it, a Brooklyn born rapper is a household name in 2014. Think about the insane unlikelihood of that? Yet, here we are, and Jay-Z is integrated into every aspect of money and wealth in the world right now. He even does shit with his wife that would get any of the rest of us in SERIOUS trouble, yet dude doesn’t catch any heat. How is that? Well, me thinks Jay-Z not only sold his soul, but now works at recruiting others. I mean, look at the evidence.

Yeah, keep sellin' us them devil worship clothing lines
The elite do what they wilt, while the rest remain expendable

First off, you have his wife. Note she adopted the dark and creepy Sasha Fierce character AFTER having been locked down by Jay. Seemed like a nice, young girl, and suddenly, you have this:

Quick shout out to me boy, Satan. Holla!
Quick shout out to me boy, Satan. Holla!

I know we can all laugh and scoff (note the trend on the list. It is what we do when we are scared) but how can you NOT see the results? Another one who went from slightly popular to household name, pretty much overnight.

Oh but we’re not done, how could we be done so soon? We forgot to show you the song where, honestly, the lyrics say it all:

On top of that, you have the next entry on the list, who would not be on the list were it not for Jay-Z…

Kanye West

I will say, right off the jump, he is the one on the list who seems the most embattled with the the cost of what may come with selling your soul. Kanye is an extremely talented celebrity who has made no attempt to hide the fact that, with his lifestyle, comes evil. Where does he say sold his soul to the devil? Here:

Surprised? Oh it gets better… the list keeps going… keep reading.

Lady Gaga

Again, when mentioning Lady Gaga, we approach it with a grain of salt, because we know how much she thrives on attention of any kind. But with that disclaimer aside, look at all the photos with her doing Satanic hand gestures and standing with iconic, evil imagery. Maybe when she does stuff like this, she is doing it for attention. But, as expected, Lady Gaga is not saying “I’m just joking”, and makes no attempt to even say downplay it. Much like the Rihanna interview, Jimmy Kimmel ignores it quickly as well (Is there a kitchen? She just swore to Lucifer, the first question you ask is “is there a kitchen”?). Instead, she just makes public declarations of her love for the Devil, and then goes about making her millions and millions of dollars.

But, there is a rub. You see, with pop stars and celebrities, the problem is, young people idolize them. Young people look up to what they do and try to emulate it. The problem now is that you may have young kids selling their souls to Satan without knowing the potentially serious implications of that. It may seem awesome to be rich in this life, but to be potentially sodomized for eternity by the Devil’s spork shaped penis would be pretty awful. There is no amount of money that would make that seem alluring.

Snoop Dog

Satanic or nah, we love us some Snoop. Seriously.
Satanic or nah, we love us some Snoop. Seriously.


Well, I knew Satan worship was big in the music business, but I didn’t think it was as prolific in rap music and hip hop as it actually is. Not only does Snoop Dog say he sold his soul, but he writes whole songs and bases whole albums around the concept. It should also be noted that it could be said Snoop’s dealings with Satan may have helped him when it came to his dealings with the law. Dude was nabbed for a shooting, and then just kind of let go. Yeah, shit like that doesn’t happen to normal people.

On the plus side, he smokes a lot of weed, and we can’t even hate on that.
*Hits vaporizer

Katy Perry

In a case that could very much be its own article (and maybe will be soon), we have Katy Perry. The best way to sum this up is, daughter of a Evangalist Mom and Pops, who WAS recording Christian music until she realized there was no money and fame in that. Then, she records a song about making out with other chicks. Bam, flash forward to her Mom writing articles now, offering up advice on how to “Save your Prodigal”. Yes, this happened. 

So how did Perry respond to her Mom’s passive aggressive attack? By going full Satan at the Grammys earlier this year. Check and mate, Satan wins again. Forgone conclusion as usual.

Transcendence (prequel): Illuminati symbolism, and a tribute to the Antichrist

The Freemason motto is “We take good men and make them better.” Remember The Six Million Dollar Man? “We made him better than he was before. Better,  faster, stronger.” It’s a common theme in Hollywood and a common theme with Illuminati symbolism. It is the ushering in of the age of the Antichrist. The latest Johnny Depp movie – Transcendence – is laden with Illuminati symbolism that is nothing short of a tribute to the Antichrist himself. As you will find out from the trailer, the movie tells the story of Dr. Will Caster (Depp) who nearly dies, gets resurrected, and is now far more intelligent, and encompasses far superior power to any other human. Those are all classic descriptions of the prophesized Antichrist. As predicted here, elite symbolism is getting far more frequent, and explicit. It is the same story retold, and at this pace it appears as though the elite’s victory is a forgone conclusion. Whereas they used symbols from various religions in the past, they are now using modern machinery as their prominent symbols – like in the Transformers.

One eye symbolism at it's finest. Right behind the chosen antichrist. Why is the eye so close up when the movie is so blatant with it's symbolism? Is this their way of saying we are close to the end?
One eye symbolism at it’s finest. Right behind the chosen antichrist. Why is the eye so close up when the movie is so blatant with it’s symbolism? Is this their way of saying we are close to the end?

Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp) is the foremost researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence, working to create a sentient machine that combines the collective intelligence of everything ever known with the full range of human emotions.  Caster’s highly controversial experiments have made him famous, but they have met with the resistance of anti-technology extremists who will stop at nothing to prevent him from realizing his goal.

Dr. Will Caster

The name “Will Caster” alludes to Lucifer’s Five “I Wills” as we read from Isiah:

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” Isaiah 14:12-14

Thus, Will Caster represents the “Caster” of the spell required to achieve the realization of Lucifer’s “5 I Wills”. This is what is truly meant by the title of the film “Transcendence”. It represents Lucifer’s “5 I Wills” to usurp and take the throne of heaven. In their attempt to destroy Will, his opponents inadvertently spur him on toward “transcendence”. His wife Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) and best friend Max Waters (Paul Bettany), both fellow researchers, begin to question the ethical legitimacy of such a project. Their worst fears are realized as Will’s thirst for knowledge evolves into a quest for omniscience and omnipotence as an expression of Lucifer’s “5 I Wills”. When it becomes terrifyingly clear that there may be no way of stopping him, once this will to power is set in motion even Caster’s wife and best friend begin to get cold feet.

FROM THE TRAILER: “to influence, perhaps the entire world”
FROM THE TRAILER: “…To influence, perhaps the entire world”


There are echoes of Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” in the plot. Like Dr. Frankenstein, Will Caster is also a doctor. Of course Percey and Mary Shelley were both occultists themselves and are known to have belonged to secret societies of the Satanic stripe. It was when they were sojourning in a castle in Switzerland that the Shelley’s, along with occultist Lord Byron, held the storytelling contest that led to Mary becoming the winner with her mad tale of Dr. Frankenstein, a ghoulish doctor  who robbed graves to create his abomination, in defiance of the laws of creation.

The Antichrist

FROM THE TRAILER: “I don’t understand? This is the future!”
FROM THE TRAILER: “…I don’t understand? This is the future!”

What is the basis for Caster being identified with the Antichrist? We must bear in mind that Will Caster (Depp) nearly dies, is resurrected, and emerges more intelligent by far. This makes him a perfect match for the Antichrist. The precedent for this is found in

Revelations 13:3,4: “The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.”

People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, ‘Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?’ Like the future king of the world, the Antichrist, Will Caster (Depp), receives a grievous mortal wound to the head. This is no different than the Antichrist King, who was, is not, yet will be again, and will miraculously heal in plain sight of the world, as he rises to become even more powerful as evil incarnate, counterfeiting Christ’s own death and resurrection. Christ, it should be remembered, became low in the eyes of the world, while taking on power from heaven above. The Antichrist, on the other hand, shall become great in the eyes of the world, while taking on power from Hell below.

Some scientists refer to the kind of Artificial Intelligence alluded to in the film “Transcendence” as the “Singularity”. How about E pluribus unum (Out of many, one)? Are we all to become subservient to a one world order, the New World Order of the Antichrist? For thousands of years, our capacity to reason has remained unmitigated, subject to no deviation or change. Now artificial intelligence has entered the scene. The combined intellect of the neuroscientists, mathematicians and engineers cannot keep up with the most basic Artificial Intelligence. A computer can beat the most adept chess player on the planet hands down. It’s more like hands up – “I surrender”.

Presumably, this is what the New World Order of the Antichrist expects of its adherents, that all bow and surrender before their master, the incarnation of the Lucifer, namely the Dajjal or the Antichrist. Once online, a sentient machine capable of such artificial intelligence would quickly outstrip the collective mental capability of man. In a short time, its analytic power will become greater than the collective intelligence of every person born. The concept of a supercomputer based in Europe operating as a kind of Antichrist computer that stores information about everyone on Earth. This is all the more convincing given the information gathering efforts of the NSA exposed by Snowdon. Don’t be surprised to find that Google is a part of this.

The Statue Outside Of EU Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium

The coming world government has been portrayed as a woman riding a beast. It is very powerful symbolism and most educated people know what it stands for. Well, guess what is standing right outside of the EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium? It is a giant statue of a woman riding a beast. The woman is supposed to represent the pagan goddess Europa, and the beast is supposed to represent the pagan god Zeus. In the original mythology, Europa and Zeus become lovers. The pagan god Zeus is commonly associated with the entity known as Lucifer or Satan. In the end, Europa (Europe) will be proudly riding high as a willing partner in the world system known as the New World Order of the Antichrist.

Europa Statue, EU Headquarters
Europa Statue, EU Headquarters

European Coins

This symbolism also shows up on European money. For example, the following is a picture of a 2 euro coin minted for Greece that has the same symbology of a woman riding a beast, an obvious allusion to the Whore of Babylon riding the Beast of Revelations.

We see it on coins as well
We see it on coins as well

Magazine Covers

A woman riding a beast has also been used to represent Europe by some of the most prominent mainstream publications on the continent, as the magazine cover the edition of Der Spiegel shown below clearly demonstrates.

...and magazines
…and magazines

The Tower Of Babel

But a woman riding a beast is not the only symbology that the EU has pulled directly out of ancient traditions. Posted below is an image of an official poster that was used to promote the EU Parliament before it was withdrawn due to public outcry. It clearly portrays the EU as an attempt to restart the work that the builders of the Tower of Babel began. So who originally constructed the Tower of Babel? Well, according to tradition, it was actually a ruler named Nimrod that began construction of the Tower of Babel. From his home base in Babylon, he attempted to establish the very first global government.

The EU purposely chose the symbology of the Tower of Babel and Nimrod to represent itself.
The EU purposely chose the symbology of the Tower of Babel and Nimrod to represent itself.

Nimrod was a very important figure in ancient history. Many of the pagan religious practices that spread throughout the ancient world originated with the ancient Babylonian religion of Nimrod. In fact, many of our most notable secret societies today trace their origins all the way back to Nimrod. The EU purposely chose the symbology of the Tower of Babel and Nimrod to represent itself.

What is implied by the film title “Transcendence”? It represents Lucifer’s rebellion, his bid to retake heaven. When Lucifer took one-third of the angels with him, it was “Paradise Lost”.

“When Lucifer was cast out of Heaven, one third of all the angels were cast out with him.” (Rev.12:4, 9)

They were damned. They were considered the Fallen Angels. One-third is 33% or 33 degrees as in the 33 Degrees of Luciferian secret societies like Freemasonry. Now it’s time for “Paradise Regained”. Lucifer or Satan, the ultimate rebellious Fallen Angel wants to regain paradise. He is the counterfeit “Dove” who wishes to transcend and fly back to heaven, to wage war against the Creator and conquer and regain heaven.

Stay tuned, we will have a post movie follow up as well. The end is nigh, and now is obviously the time for what the elite hope is “Transcendence”, the bid to create a one world order and the age of the Antichrist. We are seeing increased violation of our civil liberties, the decimation of the middle class, and what is increasingly resembling a police state – meanwhile the elite keep getting stronger. In truth, this predictive programming is what “Hollywood” – representing a grove of trees composed of holly, the perfect place for devil worship – intends with its latest offering “Transcendence”. As a major occultist interested only in roles related to the occult, Johnny Depp covets such parts, portraying the hidden, secretive world of shadows from whence the Fallen Angels came. He is leading the march as the Pied Piper of the New Age of the Antichrist, leading his blind followers toward “Transcendence” in a rebellious bid to regain and conquer heaven under the auspices of the Antichrist and his legions.

Mesothelioma: The 9/11 Connections to the Asbestos Attack

What would you do if you found out tomorrow that you were very ill, and that the disease you contracted that was ultimately killing you could have been avoided, and certain key people knew that, but did nothing? What if you found out your illness was the result of cutting corners by people more important than you, yet there was no specific person you could hold accountable? And on top of that, what if the only reason you weren’t warned about it was because there was a massive cover up involving (per usual in America) money? And even worse, what if you found that out, yet could do nothing about it? And the real clincher here is that, what if, in the worst case scenario, you found out the cancer you were suffering from was the result of the volunteer work you did in New York on September 11th and for weeks afterwards? Well, if you know anything about Mesothelioma, then you know that is EXACTLY what has unfolded as the result of rampant asbestos use, as well as a massive cash cover up in our country that is still very much going on today. Tons of fire fighters and emergency workers are dying of Mesothelioma right now, and all the world can talk about seems to be Miley Cyrus twerking?

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but it seems your government willingly gave you cancer."
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but it seems your government willingly gave you cancer.”

Wake up, Sheeple! This is your life, your family, your world. Stop allowing mass media to divert your eye with the idiotic sexual distractions of programmed pop stars. Let’s focus on the REAL ISSUES here. And right now, even outside of Syria, a pressing issue is the conspiracy and cover up of mesothelioma. And you guys know about Monsanto and chemtrails, so you KNOW this is not the first time the faceless men in power have gone to extreme lengths to kill us, and unless we inform ourselves and the masses, it is safe to say it won’t be the last.

For those unaware, asbestos is a heat-resistant, fibrous material that can be used for a great many purposes, but was most commonly used in much of the insulation in many American buildings in the early 20th century because of its naturally flame-retardant qualities. Though people learned rather quickly that breathing the stuff in could kill you, they did nothing about it. The kicker is, even once this news had gone wide spread of the dangers of asbestos, most of the major companies using it failed to stop using it, because of how cheap it was and its ease of use.

Much like many similar conspiracies, this is only considered a “conspiracy” because the higher-ups know attaching the “c” word to it will take any of the credibility out of the anyone who talks about it. But all you have to do it spend five minutes researching court cases, law suits, and documents to know, this is not so much a conspiracy as a man-made epidemic, and more people need to be aware of it, lest the same terrible fate befall them and future generations who may not know that, in any building built before the “banning” of it, there is realistically asbestos. And what do you think happens when they tear those buildings down or a natural disaster strikes. Yes, asbestos, which causes mesothelioma, fills the air. People breathe it in without knowing, and the cycle continues.

Being dishonest and shady is big industry in this country, as most of our readers know.
Being dishonest and shady is big industry in this country, as most of our readers know.

We are here to inform you and end the cycle.

Mesothelioma, which I keep speaking of, is a very rare (though completely avoidable) form of Cancer that develops in the mesothelium, which is the protective lining that covers most of out internal organs, as the result of asbestos exposure. The most common places for this to happen is in the lungs, and it is a cancer that is associated with asbestos exposure in, literally, 90% of all reported cases. For all intents and purposes, one cannot exist without the other. And often times, doctors looks at mesothelioma as the indicator that the patient has been unwillingly exposed to asbestos.

More specifically, this cancer is caused from breathing in the unsafe asbestos fibers that asbestos gives off. This is where the problem arises. There were people in positions of high power who KNEW the risks with asbestos exposure, but hid that information from the general public. MANY well known companies hid their knowledge of the dangers of asbestos use just for the sake of profits. And we are not just talking about people who were exposed long-term to asbestos. No, in some cases, mesothelioma formed in some patients who were only exposed to asbestos for as little as three months. So in essence, anyone who worked around asbestos at any point had the genuine risk of forming cancer relatively easily, and in some form or another, all of us are still exposed to it on any given day. Do you go into a building in a city that is over one hundred years old? Then you are being realistically exposed to asbestos, and no one is telling you.

Well, now, we are.

Cancer in 9/11 survivors can be directly related to asbestos.
Cancer in 9/11 survivors can be directly related to asbestos.

No one was made aware of the problem in America until a great many lower-class factory workers started suddenly dying of this cancer by the dozens, which prompted specialists to look into it, and the horrors of asbestos were slowly recognized. Yet little was done (and is still done) to rectify this.

The GOOD thing is there is enough knowledge now that a great many lawsuits have been happening, with many lawyers using “asbestos exposure” as the predicate for these lawsuits. But again, we are looking at money as being an adequate payout for human lives, and that is half the problem with this world right now. There is no value you can put on a healthy life, and to willingly take that way from someone with no regard is wrong on too many levels to count. Once again, the rich stay rich, and the poor keep dying. And did you know that even washing the clothes of someone who was been exposed to asbestos can put everyone else who uses that machine after them in danger of contracting mesothelioma? That is how serious a problem this is, yet still, not enough of us are talking about it.

It is truly a tragedy that the heroes of this country are only made to suffer more.
It is truly a tragedy that the heroes of this country are only made to suffer more.

From the safety workers who reacted immediately in New York on 9/11, to the thousands of people in New Orleans after Katrina, the risks for mesothelioma only increase in times of disasters, because often old buildings and houses have asbestos in them, and when they destroyed or affected by natural disasters, this causes the asbestos particles to travel through the air, exposing themselves to everyone who is in the surrounding area. Look up stats on post 9/11 workers who have come down with this rare form of cancer, and it will siphon much hope from you. And you add the scientific stats that only 40% of mesothelioma sufferers survive the first year, and you realize, this is bigger than any of us could have ever imagined or feared.

So who do we hold accountable and what do we do now?

Well, the answer to that is not as concrete as you would probably like.

Who we hold accountable comes down to who used it, who covered up that fact willingly, and who got sick as a result of this. The sad reality is, unless a Hollywood superstar gets diagnosed with mesothelioma, the world will not react the way it needs to. But right now, you are taking the essential first step in the process. You are INFORMING yourself, and making yourself aware. That opens the door for you making someone else aware, who can make someone else aware, who can make someone else aware. Remember, knowledge is fire, and the more we spread it, the more we can burn down this establishment built on lies, and rebuild this world the way we want it. Healthy and lie-free.

Top 10 signs we live in a police state

Whether it’s Edward Snowden, or Bradley Manning, it’s not a good time to be a whistle-blower. It’s all too apparent that we live under the illusion of freedom. We were warned about this, years ago, and all we did was slowly fall in line. We say we are not sheep, and we can see the obvious when it is being blatantly shoved right in our faces, yet we have slowly fallen into an obvious police state in this country, and no one seems to do a damn thing about it. Every single move you make is monitored, and yet, you make the same moves. You offer no opposition for the slow take over (by big brother) of the world around you. And truth be told, that makes us as bad as them. If there are no sheep to be slaughtered, the Shepherd starve. Yet we, as sheep, walk coyly to the slaughterhouse, making it that much easier.

You see America, but I see big brother, circa 1984.
You see America, but I see big brother, circa 1984.

We need to stand up and oppose this forceful eye, to prove to them we KNOW we are in a police state, and will not tolerate this Nazification of the world, watching our every move to make sure we stay in line, and robbing us of all our privacy and the freedoms we have earned and deserve. We need to see the private agenda as a runaway train, coming at us, and we need to derail it before it engulfs us all in the wreckage. Here, for your reading pleasure, the top ten pieces of evidence proving we live in a police state and are doing nothing about it.

10. SOPA

Believe it or not, this is the issue most likely to affect whoever is reading this ,right now.
Believe it or not, this is the issue most likely to affect whoever is reading this ,right now.

This is the one that scares us most, as silly as that may sound, because this is the one that will have the biggest impact on us (don’t forget, you are reading us on the web right now, this is sort of what we do for a living). SOPA is short for the Stop Online Piracy Act, and being someone who gets work stolen often, if that is really what SOPA was used for, maybe it WOULD be a good thing, but that is just the cover up for what it really is. A way to monitor the web and pretty much stop ANYONE from talking about ANYTHING that made the government quake in their shoes.

So basically, full and total control over the one and only place the government and big brother DON’T yet have control over: The web. Meaning all this info you are seeing right now would not only be gone, but we would be locked up for it. Awesome, huh, all that free speech and right to bare arms stuff from the constitution has proven to be total bullshit.

9. Cellphone GPS

Dear everyone, thank you for putting this tracker on your person. Makes our job that much easier. Love, The Government.
Dear everyone, thank you for putting this tracker on your person. Makes our job that much easier. Love, The Government.

This one bothers me the most, because it is the one on the list that shows us as the most complacent. Not only do we carry a GPS on us at all times, but most of us never actually go into the phone settings and shut it off. That is, literally, all it would take to make your world that much less open, therefore no longer enabling your constant and tracking and surveillance. Truth is, shutting it off will only do so much, as most of the real tech they use on phones is nano, but atleast it shows you are not so willing to get in line, which is one step in the right direction.


Also known as the National Defense Authorization Act (or the Indefinite Detention Bill) is a a United States Federal law stating the budget for the Department of Defense. The reality behind it is that it is a further extension of the idea’s behind our next culprit on the list (the Patriot Act). The idea is that anyone (meaning anyone at all) who is seen as a “threat” to this Country (or its 1950s ideals) can be detained, without reason, for as long as is deemed necessary but those in charge. The long and the short of it, it is another law that was passed limiting the freedoms of the American people, and it is another loss of freedom that we barely raised a whimper about.

The long and the short is: NDAA allows American citizens to be arrested, imprisoned, and tortured by the U.S. military–without due process of any kind!

7. The Patriot Act

All the best little sheep never say a word and just fall in line.
All the best little sheep never say a word and just fall in line.

Passed on month after the 9/11 (inside) attacks by George Bush Jr, and furthering the agenda of the New World Order like his Dad had years earlier, The Patriot Act was, and will always be, the death blow dealt to America by its own hand. There is no single thing on this list as damning as this one law, that pretty much says: F*ck all you, Americans. If you do not do as we say, and act as we tell you to, we will come into your house, beat and arrest you, and we don’t have to tell anyone why other than you were a “terrorist”, nor where you went, or give you any hint at ever getting your freedom back. Just by it being passed, that says so much about all the freedoms we have lost in this post 9/11 world, and how the private NWO agenda is winning. Why did no one stand in REAL opposition to this?

6. Big Brother

Though I touched on this in the cell phone GPS paragraph, no single human can deny that everything, everywhere, is now being filmed. From stores to stop lights and street corners. From parking lots to private cell phones. from dash cams to web cams, we have ALLOWED the integration of the maddening eye of big brother, and again, did NOTHING to stop it, but actually helped perpetuate it by allowing and encouraging it. Yes, we want camera in our phones and our game systems and our cars and our TVs and anything else you can jam a tiny camera in to monitor our every move and word.

5. The 99% (Occupy) Crackdowns

Just when it seemed we were about to change the world, the police came in and stomped us out, Nazi Germany style.
Just when it seemed we were about to change the world, the police came in and stomped us out, Nazi Germany style.

Listen, I was there in Boston when the tent cities got raided for no reason, and I saw first hand what was going on. First off, each “tent city” set up around the time of the 99% versus the 1% battle (that should have led to a Civil War in this country, but didn’t for reasons unknown to me) had “rebel rousers” planted in their midst. Meaning, people who LOOKED like they were part of the cause, but they were the ones who were filmed starting riots and provoking police officers when no one else was. They are planted by media and the government itself so that WE can look like the bad guys when all we are doing is fighting for our rights and refusing to be used as step ladders.

So what was it like on the inside? Everyone was living just fine, barting with each other, and NO ONE was fighting, swearing, or starting shit, and you would see the cops come in and just start pulling people out of tents for no reason, hitting them and macing them, while wrecking the small shanty town all these people had built over the last few months. I even saw them break generators so the people in the tent cities (who were using the generators for heat) would be pushed out and their movement would be rendered useless, which it ultimately was. It was Nazi Germany, all over again, and no one cared.

4. Gun Control

If you think this pic is bad, you should see the next one with her brains painted on the wall.
If you think this pic is bad, you should see the next one with her brains painted on the wall.

If there is one topic outside of the 99% that seems to be getting the most heat right now, it’s the future of gun control. If there has ever been a more clear cut case of human rights being thrown completely out the window (with our constitutional rights as well), I don’t know what it is. Obama’s crackdown on guns has the world at its boiling point right now. Citing some recent shootings as example (Sandy Hook, anyone?), which were clearly orchestrated by our own government as well, we are now in the middle of a debate so heated, this writer would not be surprised if this was the catalyst that finally caused the country to boil over into riots or even civil war. First you take our freedom, next you take our free will and ability to think for ourselves, and finally you take our weapons and last means of defending ourselves, slowly rendering us perfect sheep and docile humans who have no way to offer or show opposition as you crush us in your hands.

Why are we allowing this, people? Truth is, the best of us aren’t.

3. Tie) Operation Tips

Ah, gotta love that subtle Illuminati imagery.
Ah, gotta love that subtle Illuminati imagery.

Though everything up to this point on the list might be something you are universally familiar with, Operation Tips is the one people seem to know the least about, so allow us a moment to fill you in. Operation Tips is another post 9/11 device used to turn Americans against Americans. The idea behind it was “anyone can be a terrorist, so if someone you know or have seen is being suspicious report them to us.” Sort of how the communism scare worked in the fifties on to the cold war. It is like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, with us all peering out our windows at our neighbors, wondering what they were up to. It was also implied, through Operation Tips, that U.S workers who had private access to citizens homes (cable workers and so on) would be reporting back if what they saw they deemed as “suspicious”. Does anyone see how cataclysmic this could have all ended in the PTST state the world was in post 9/11? All you had to do was say a neighbor was suspicious, and next thing you know, as a result of the NDAA or Patriot Act, you would never see that person again.

Listen, if the government is against us, that makes sense, and we can stand together to fight that oppression. But if they stand back and let us fight each other, well, that just makes us into the animal, and that is clearly the privatized goal here. Thankfully, Operation Tips did rile some feathers, so it seems to have taken a back seat. Until the next “terrorist” act on American soil (perpetuated by our own Government) goes down at some point in the next few years.

3. Tie) Black Helicopters/Spy Drones

The reason these two are tied is because of the ambiguity of both. First, we are sworn up and down that black helicopters are just some urban legend (black, unmarked helicopters that have been seen and filmed often, yet “don’t exist”). What is their purpose? The general belief is that black copters will be used in the eventual military takeover of the U.S, but again, we are all crazy and these don’t exist. So by the governments standards, this picture is not real.

Looks pretty damn real to me.
Looks pretty damn real to me.

And the U.S spy drone thing has been an issue for some time now. While our own government swears up and down that spy drones are NOT used on U. S soil to spy on U.S citizens, how do they account for the footage and images of spy drones in the U.S, which many of us have seen with our own eyes? They call it a conspiracy theory when they refuse to answer and want to make us, those who ask the questions, look foolish. But the best of us know better, and won’t tolerate such lies.

1. Propaganda

So why not start the list with the most blatant example? Because we need to understand that we are assaulted, on all sides, at once. While all we do is being filmed and monitored, all we MONITOR is being nuanced and changed. From mass media to music videos, everything is made to be mass consumed, and to shut down our own brand of free thinking. Thoug the above examples are blatant, it is this example that is actually the most jarring, for the simple reason that we allow to encompass us. We start grazing in the field, just like they want is to, and before you know, we are willingly walking off to the slaughterhouse, blissfully unaware that we could have avoided this horrible fate had we just turned off the TV, stood up, and all at once yelled: ENOUGH.

Well guess what? It is not too late to do that now.

The Global Warming Hoax – A Convenient Excuse for a New World Order

There is never a shortage of “end of the world” scare tactics used by the global elite to desensitize us sheep! We just saw the BS hype around the 2012 Mayan Prophecy (read this if you haven’t already) amount to nothing more than a movie, superbowl ads, and an excuse to party. Make no mistake about it, the end times are here. The end is nigh! But we will never be told by this superclass how exactly it will end. It is up to us to discover that, and in our journey of discovery let’s not forget the good old global warming hoax. We all remember the global warming daze when we first watched Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth… but whatever happened to all that hype? The documentary movie was out in 2006 and here we are now seven years later wondering what the heck was that all about. Was it a hoax? Propaganda? Or, an inconvenient truth? And most importantly, what was the reason behind that sudden mass scare?


According to Public Policy Polling, which was not paid for or authorized by any campaign or political organization and where surveys were conducted between March 27th and March 30th this year, 37% of the people believe it’s a hoax, while 12% are not sure. 58% of Republicans agree that it is a conspiracy, while 77% of Democrats disagree. That’s quite a high level of skepticism, which only means that more people are starting to see beyond the shadows and lies of the establishment. It also shows that there is indeed a global awakening going on.

So What Is Global Warming?

Global Warming is simply the increase of Earth’s average surface temperature that is believed to be due to the effect of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide and methane) emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation. The greenhouse effect traps heat and light that would otherwise escape from Earth towards space.

Backing Al Gore, some scientists have argued that global warming is man-made and that it has the potential to change our lives forever. They said it will impact water resources, agriculture, energy use, weather patterns and sea level differentially across our planet. Those same “scientists” also argued that it should be regulated if we ever want Earth not to plunge into a state of entropy. Or so they made it sound.

However, many climate realists – who are also scientists – are becoming more vocal about the matter and are debunking this conundrum by showing that today’s temperatures are not in any way historic or unprecedented.

On July 10, 1913 Greenland Ranch, California reached 134 °F which is now the official WMO hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth. Climate alarmists like Eco-Fascist James Hansen were arguing that heat waves like these are impossible without CO2 from your SUV!

Rather than global warming, the term that has been recently used more often is “climate change.” This is because as the Earth’s average temperature climbs, winds and ocean currents move heat around the globe in ways that can cool some areas and warm others while changing the amount of falling rain and snow. As a result, the climate changes differently in different areas.

Others, including myself, believe that the term was interchanged because global warming has been scientifically disproved repeatedly those last several years so the minority elite, who pretty much own the planet’s resources and who are obviously behind this craze, needed a different term to appeal to the masses.

The warming of the climate remains an unambiguous topic simply because our planet has survived for 4.5 billion years. Studying the patterns throughout this last century or even two alone cannot really be scientifically accurate. So was this recent warming hype worth all that fear or is it just another natural phenomenon that was pushed by the elite agenda for some vile and vulturous purposes?

Historically speaking, Earth’s climate has been regularly flickering between temperatures like those we see today and temperatures cold enough that large sheets of ice covered much of North America and Europe. The difference between average global temperatures today and during those ice ages is only about 5 degrees Celsius (9 degrees Fahrenheit), and these swings happen extremely slowly over hundreds of thousands of years. So again, why the sudden hysteria?

Facts vs. Factoids

Some scientists first claimed that Earth is heating up, due primarily to an atmospheric increase in carbon dioxide mainly caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum. But now, no one can any longer say that the world is dangerously warming. Of course other than some of the mainstream “scientists” who are funded by the decision-makers. In fact, many scientists agree that nowadays our blue planet is undergoing global cooling.

The topic was introduced on a wide scale to the public through Gore’s documentary movie. So let us examine some of the global warming factual evidence and see how accurate these supposedly scientific claims really are.

Gore’s unscientific documentary was to be watched by millions of school students around the world.


One of the main “facts” Gore stated in An Inconvenient Truth was that sea-level will increase by 6 meters (20 ft.) due to the melting of either West Antarctica or Greenland. Well, according to The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, sea-level have increased naturally in past climates up to 7 m (23 ft.) above today’s levels, and would only likely happen again after several millennia. In the next 100 years, according to calculations based on figures in the IPCC’s 2007 report, between the two mentioned ice sheets, a little over 6 cm (2.5 inches) to sea level will be added, and NOT 6 m. Gore has accordingly exaggerated the official sea-level estimate by around 10,000 per cent!

Another point presented by Gore as a fact is that low-lying inhabited Pacific coral atolls are already being inundated because of anthropogenic global warming, leading to the evacuation of several island populations to New Zealand. However, the atolls are not being inundated, except where over extraction of fresh water or dynamiting of reefs by local populations has caused damage. Though some residents of Tuvalu have asked to be moved to New Zealand, but that was it. There have been no mass evacuations of populations of islanders as suggested by Gore.

One more false assumption is that throughout each of the last four interglacial warm periods it was changes in carbon dioxide concentration that caused changes in temperature. In reality, it was the other way round. Changes in temperature preceded changes in the CO2 concentration by between 800 and 2800 years, as scientific papers including the paper on which Gore’s film had relied upon made clear.
The average global temperature and concentrations of carbon dioxide have fluctuated on a cycle of hundreds of thousands of years as the Earth’s position relative to the sun has varied. As a result, ice ages have come and gone. Again, that’s the natural order of the bigger picture that Gore, who was never a scientist himself, seems to have deliberately chosen to overlook.

Even though humanity has been quite vile towards Mother Earth and constantly acts as if they have somewhere else to go to, but pumping out carbon dioxide is indeed not happening at prodigious or alarming rates. The matter of the fact is that 96.5% of all carbon dioxide emissions are from natural sources; humans are responsible for only 3.5%, with 0.6% coming from fuel to move vehicles, and about 1% from fuel to heat buildings. Yet, the thought-provoking is that vehicle fuel (petrol) is taxed at 300% while fuel to heat buildings is taxed at 5% even though buildings emit nearly twice as much carbon dioxide!

Moreover, and to play on people’s – and children’s – emotions, Gore says a scientific study shows that polar bears are being killed swimming long distances to find ice that has melted away because of “global warming.” Well, they are not. The 2005 study by Monnett & Gleason mentioned just four dead bears that were stranded in an exceptional storm with high winds and waves in the Beaufort Sea.

The truth is, polar bears have evolved from brown bears 200,000 years ago, and have survived the last interglacial period when global temperature was 5 degrees Celsius warmer than the present. And there was probably no Arctic ice cap at all.

The photo used by Al Gore in An Inconvenient Truth was taken in the month of August
The photo used by Al Gore in An Inconvenient Truth was taken in the month of August

This is when it gets puzzlingly funny. Remember this iconic and oh-so-heartrending photograph of two polar bears on a melting icecap published by the Associated Press that was on every darn mainstream publication? What you probably don’t know is that this image was taken in August, a time when polar icecaps naturally melt and the wider shot would have shown that the bears were near land mass. Even the photographer, Australian marine biology student Amanda Byrd, didn’t think the bears were in any kind of jeopardy.

Also guess what? Polar bears are excellent swimmers that can cover distances up to 100 miles (161 kilometers) at a time, and their population have increased from 5,000 in the 1950’s to 20-25,000 in 2005 due to hunting regulations. Surprise!

However, all this didn’t stop Al Gore from using the photo as shameless emotional propaganda in his movie and his many, many lectures to vehemently support this funded case.

Bear in mind that this politically biased documentary that contains all these grim scientific inaccuracies was to be watched by school students around the whole world. It even became part of the official curriculum of the secondary educational system in Britain where it was distributed to 3500 schools in 2007. What better way to indoctrinate a population than through its youth.

Also bear in mind that you probably wouldn’t hear about any of this info in mainstream media. Simply because The Big Six who control today’s mass media in the U.S, and consequently the whole world, are owned by none other than this same sorry lot of an elite.

But, we always have a choice to be our own researchers and seek the truth; for the truth never stays hidden for too long.

One of those who openly debunked this man-made, global warming mass scare is the award winning meteorologist and bestselling author Brian Sussman. He unravelled the theory of anthropogenic global warming before hundreds of political science students in a lecture at University of California-Berkeley.

“Most of the warming (88%) that has occurred since 1850 took place before 1940.”

Sussman exposed a plethora of facts in his two books Climategate: A Veteran Meteorologist Exposes the Global Warming Scam and Eco-Tyranny: How the Left’s Green Agenda will Dismantle America. The latter was whimsically discussed on the Alex Jones show in this hour-long Video interview.

A new study measuring temperatures over the past two millennia has concluded that the temperatures seen in the last decade are far from being the hottest in history.

Temperatures on the planet today are NOT by any means historic or unprecedented, it just that they thought they could hide the truth.
Temperatures on the planet today are NOT by any means historic or unprecedented, it just that they thought
they could hide the truth.

To end this ignominious debacle and to make matters clearer to you, the official position of the World Natural Health Organization in regards to global warming is that THERE IS NO GLOBAL WARMING!

In Their Own Words

The remarkable thing that, in my opinion, exposes the elite agenda the most are some of the statements made about global warming by the “ones in charge” – or more colloquially the “puppets of the ones in charge.”

During the first U.N. Earth Climate Summit that took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992, one of the speakers was former U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth, who was then representing the Clinton-Gore administration as U.S undersecretary of state for global issues, and who, addressing the audience said:

“We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

It’s worth noting that Wirth now heads the U.N. Foundation which lobbies for hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to help underdeveloped countries fight climate change.


Also speaking at the same conference, was Deputy Assistant of State Richard Benedick who then headed the policy divisions of the U.S. State Department. He said:

“A global warming treaty (Kyoto) must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the ‘enhanced’ greenhouse effect.”


In my book, that’s clearly how people who know they are hiding something act – a sort of a noble lie. So when one day they are proven wrong, and that day has come some years ago, they could always say they were doing it out of goodwill and for our own benefit. And not to control humanity or achieve global dominance at all! When they knew that science might not be backing their claims, they still went ahead with this whole false scare. Astonishingly, they haven’t ceased trying until today.

Maurice Strong, who organized that staged panegyric in Rio stated:

“We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse.”

Oh thank you sir.

Four years later in 1996, former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev loftily emphasized the importance of using climate alarmism to advance socialist Marxist objectives. He said:

“The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”

And just very recently in an interview at a Cambridge hotel in Boston after meeting with scholars from Harvard and Tufts universities, U.S Navy Admiral Samuel J. Locklear III cited climate change as “the biggest long-term security threat to the U.S in the Pacific region.”

Are these guys (read: scumbags) for real?

Elite Agenda

The fundamental question then remains; can we really trust governments or their rigged version of selective science? Shouldn’t we think thirty seven times before doing that? I believe that global warming has been thoroughly debunked so many times those last few years that anyone with a room-temperature IQ and access to Google can find out that the story doesn’t really add up. Plus, aren’t humans, or some of them, who are still waging wars and killing people over the control of energy sources buried in the sand when energy is all around us in the universe.

When renowned politicians like Al Gore and others would suddenly come out to the public with such a fresh phenomenon, it is not out of sheer humanitarian love for our planet and its inhabitants. Definitely not. It is just another card played in favour of the elite agenda to terrify and control the masses while making money out of it. And when science repeatedly disproves this phenomenon, it’s only normal to realize that indeed there must be other motifs.

That’s no new ideology and it’s been happening all throughout history, especially this last century with the inception of propaganda and the Nazis as well as with the work of the father of public relations, Edward Bernays, with the U.S government, the CIA and NASA.

The 21-Day Sugar Detox

As the Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebells said, if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. And I say that if you repeat it often enough, it becomes politics.

You control a population through triggering their primal fears using a combination of indoctrination, mass media, consumerism, religion, and a crippling monetary system. The Rothschild family alone controls the Central Banks, the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, Bank of England, the IMF, the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements and they are the bankers of both the Royal Family and the Vatican!
Those interested to know more about mass control and its inception can read this paper Mass Control and the Redefinition of Freedom.

The same scare tactics were behind the terror campaigns used by Hitler in Belgium, Holland and Poland. In 1954 for instance, it happened in the U.S when Bernays convinced the American public that Guatemala was a crucial threat and that its “liberation” is an act of freedom for democracy. It also happened later during the cold war with the U.S.S.R and the Red Scare.

By manipulating the public’s opinion through mass media and propaganda, those same shenanigans were behind the prohibition, Nixon’s War on Drugs and lately with the War on Terror which is nothing but a war OF terror.

Induced fear has always helped the elite in advancing their eco-political fascistic, despotic agendas on the way to leading humanity to a unified world order. In the name of freedom, they are constantly waging wars that are not about freedom at all. Instead, they are about more control over resources, ownership of central banks, and a sad, insatiable greed.


So remind me again why and how could we trust a corporate-owned government that was behind MK-Ultra mind control program in the 50’s and 60’s? Why and how could we trust a government that was behind Iran-Contra in the 80’s? Why and how does the US, which consist 5% of the world population, consume 60% of the world’s psychiatric drugs? Why and how could we trust them when 2 CIA planes were busted in Yucatan, Mexico; one on April 10, 2006 with 5.5 tons of cocaine, the other when it crashed on September 24, 2007 with 4 tons in the scandals dubbed “Cocaine 1” and “Cocaine 2”?

Why and how could we trust a government that founded Al-Qaeda, blew up its own citizens in 9/11, lied about Iraq having weapons, made up a Sandy Hook school shooting, and most probably the Boston marathon bombing too, just to take the guns away and have a Bigger Brother system?

That’s just basic critical reasoning here.

There is also the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) which is how to modify the weather! Yes this exists. And if you haven’t heard about it before I suggest you Google it.

Never forget what your governments are capable of. When we give it just a little bit of thought, not only it would be unwise to have faith in the system, but it would also be gullible. So after all this disgraceful history, when the system funds Al Gore and these other incongruous political scientists to get religiously involved in something like global warming, one cannot help but to be skeptic, highly skeptic too. It’s called being able to think for yourself.

You have to understand that the elite possess so much power that they can easily manipulate results of “scientific” studies to match their agendas. For the curious truthers who want to delve more into the topic, this leaked IPCC Document exposes how far they could go.

Again, induced irrational fear makes the masses contained, controlled and enslaved as they are bludgeoned into submission. It also makes them believe that their only salvation is through the help of their murky, greedy owners and their bleak, corrupt governments. So be it less freedom, less privacy, more taxes, unified currency and constitution or a new world order, the people are slowly conditioned that it’s all done for their own safety and security. Just like this pompous global warming sham.

Based on the facts shared herein as well as on history, I believe that it’s all simply just another debacle where scare tactics are used to increase governmental overreach. The climate is changing as it always did and as it should, but generating so much fear and panic shouldn’t have happened, unless of course there are bigger motifs.

Even for the sake of the argument if we say that it is true, their so-called Carbon Tax can never be the solution.

“Those who suppress freedom always do so in the name of law and order.”
– John V. Lindsay

In a Nutshell

You see, our planet is several billion years old. By looking at the rifting of Pangaea, tsunamis, asteroid/comet/meteor collisions, volcanoes eruptions, earthquakes, magnetic storms, plate tectonics, pole reversal, species extinctions, floods, wars, diseases and famines, we realize that they were all seasonal, and that during most of its existence things have been relatively peaceful. Nature is adaptable, no matter what we do to it it will simply change and take on new forms; it will outlive us as we physically vanish after this somewhat short earthly visit. We may not be here to see it but the planet will heal itself like it always did throughout the ages, and it certainly doesn’t need us to live in fear as our governments interfere for “help”. For now, this planet is our only home and we should act like it by taking care of it the best we can and by coexisting with all other species. Do not worry about your planet, worry about yourself instead. We do not need to spend our lives freaked out if we’re too late to avoid some cataclysmic ecological disaster.

As we’ve seen, the concept behind the global warming scare may very well be just another major fraud just like many others before it. The temperature may rise and fall sometimes here and sometimes there but on the bigger scheme of our existence we are not facing any real danger as they are claiming. Using the climate was one smart way to generate fear and panic while making profits by the googol. Those behind this movement are using it to control people’s lives for financial gain by implementing a global tax on all human beings for just being alive. How absurd just to think about it.

Remember that the way to the truth can be shown to you, but to find the truth you have to seek and dig it out yourself. Study the information and the links sourced in this paper and decide if it all makes sense, and then come out with your own conclusion, just like it should always be. Knowledge means awareness and that’s why it’s power. Let us question everything, think critically, and not fall for those fake radical green claims. And as always, stay informed and stay awakened.

Note: Throughout this research I have discovered many “scientific” and “certified” sources changing their stand towards Global Warming since 2006/2007 until today. This led me to believe even more that there are those who are working behind closed doors to filter what the masses get to see, hear, read, and consequently think. Just another observation that exposes the elite agenda even more.


Researches and Articles:








IPCC AR5 draft leaked, contains game-changing admission of enhanced solar forcing – as well as a lack of warming to match model projections, and reversal on ‘extreme weather’






Climategate: A Veteran Meteorologist Exposes the Global Warming Scam

Eco-Tyranny: How the Left’s Green Agenda will Dismantle America


Documentary Video:

The 11th Hour:

An Inconvenient Truth

They Locked Us Down and Took Our Rights: Boston from Inside the Lockdown

“We had illegal sweeps, searches, and seizures. We had police going door to door with guns drawn”. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you would have noticed that there has been a recent spate of false flag terror activities, namely the Boston Marathon bombings. Our hearts go out to all the families and victims affected by this tragedy… but this time something just doesn’t smell right! One of our most vigilant (anonymous) authors is giving us the details of the lockdown as he personally experienced it. This is a personal appeal for all truthseekers, patriots, and you, a concerned citizen, to open your eyes and look right at the face of our police state. Privacy violations, rights limited, and government lockdowns – all just a test run for an inevitable New World Order. Don’t be fooled by Illuminati controlled mass media, as they war for your mind, this is all part of the Elite Agenda.


Writing for a truthseeking website, I guess I should be excited that I was lucky enough to be in Boston over the last few weeks, when all the shit hit the fan. Why? Because I get to tell the story from the inside, how it really happened, and as a writer, my main concern should be being able to deliver a story that is both honest and unbiased, no matter the cost. But I want to be raw with all of you for a second and tell you, as much as I am grateful I can tell this tale, it was also exhausting and scary over these last few weeks, being a Bostonian. There has been a sense of fear that is prevalent in what we do now. And the reality is, it is not just a fear over what actually happened, which, at the heart of it, is a terrorist act that cost people their lives and limbs. But for those on the inside, the fear is not just delegated to those who may have perpetrated the act. No, our fear has shifted, for we have been in the police state from the inside. We have now had all our rights stripped away from us, seeing SWAT members lock all of Boston down at gun point. We have seen them sweep the streets like this is Nazi Germany. We have seen them going into homes with their guns drawn on families for no reason. While the end result may have been the inherent desire to keep us, as Americans, safe, what we need to look at now is keeping us safe at what cost? The cost of our personal freedoms? How is it we all just lay down and took this without any argument? The real fear stemming from all of this now is not Russian terrorist cells trying to blow us up. It is our own government, swooping in with guns drawn, telling us we can’t leave our houses. THAT stands as the real threat. What started with the patriot act has spread its roots deep into the tarnished soil of this once great Country, corrupting us, treating the innocents like the guilty and giving us no reason for their atrocious and unforgivable behavior. But the reality here, from someone who has been inside the rotting gut of this beast for the last few weeks is, this was a test run to see how compliant an entire city would be when placed into a police state. And guess what? We didn’t offer ANY opposition, and instead, lined the streets cheering for the very people who locked us in our homes and aimed guns at us. So you see, we are as much to blame for taking it all as they are for dishing it out. Let me tell you some things the media is NOT about the lock down from last week.

It was April 19th, 2013, and it will forever be a day I won’t forget. One of those days you feel as important, and you never shake that feeling. I felt it as a child when I saw the Berlin wall fall, live on TV. I felt it as a child when I saw the Challenger space shuttle explode. I felt it when 9/11 happened, and many subsequent days. But no day has ever felt like April 19th, when they put the entirety of Boston on lock down while they searched frantically for the two suspects wanted in connection with the terrible Boston marathon bombing, which killed 2 (one being a small child) and left 125 other injured or maimed. And from the first minute I woke up that Friday, I could feel it. We all could. The sky had an odd jaundiced tone to it, and the air was thick and heavy. It was raining, off and on, and there was a palpable tension in the air that any of us could feel. We were already all riled up because of the events that had unfolded in our city just a few days earlier, and we woke up that day with it feeling (and looking) like the end of the world. Boston was empty except for the cops and SWAT lining the streets, which made it look even more like an apocalyptic zombie film.

How does one kid lock an entire city down and require this much police presence?
How does one kid lock an entire city down and require this much police presence?

The thing people need to know about Boston is, we are a vengeful lot. Of ALL the cities someone could have f*cked with, Boston might be the stupidest, most counter productive of all. Why? Because we were SO INTENT with catching these kids and making them pay that we didn’t even care when our own rights were stripped from us. But we also showed the government in one fell swoop, that we, as a Country, WILL BE the sheep they need us to be. We pretend we are all strong and angry, yet a moment comes where any of us could have offered opposition, and we just took it like a champ. The problem is, we showed them it works. If they can do that to Boston, a city filled with driven, passionate, loud people, they can do it anywhere. We were the test run, and honestly, it could not have gone any better for those in charge, which will really just screw this country, long-term.

The thing NO ONE is talking about regarding this lock down is what was happening inside it. You see, part of the lock down obviously involved K9, bomb and drug sniffing dogs. So what was also happening, amid all the chaos, guns and drugs were being taken from people without warrants or rights. The thing is, they weren’t arresting people. They were just sweeping through, and if they happened to find drugs or guns, were removing them. Yes, you read that correctly. And of course you are not hearing about it because what drug dealer (or drug taker) is gonna post on Facebook about how some cops just took his ounce of pot? No one, ultimately granting Boston police the freedom to recreate Nazi Germany, though on a much smaller scale.

On top of that, just the way it was being handled was grossly incompetent. You are telling me that hundreds of police officers needed to approach every house in Watertown with their guns drawn? So they are that inept that they just assume every single house is harboring these guys? There are examples of friends of mine with kids having SWAT entering their homes and pointing the guns at their children. Can we take one moment to talk about just how fucked up all of this is? At this point, they had already killed the first terrorist (and plastered images of his corpse all over social media, further showing us just how classless we have become as a society). So what they are trying to tell us through their actions is that ONE KID was strong enough to cause the entirety of Boston to be locked down (and many surrounding towns) and have all its citizens be treated guilty until proven innocent? One damn kid? SO why was New York not locked down after 9/11? Because passion and panic were at an all-time high, and it would have never been successfully implemented amid that anarchy. But using the Boston bombings as a catalyst to try out the police state on a smaller scale was a brilliant move by this world’s elite, and it set the tone for us that will be nothing if not damning to future generations.

Yay! Lock us down and treat us like criminals and we will cheer for you like you are a God.
Yay! Lock us down and treat us like criminals and we will cheer for you like you are a God.

We had illegal sweeps, searches, and seizures. We had police going door to door with guns drawn. We, all around New England, had special messages on our social network feeds to (pay attention to this one) to “not disclose police locations through pictures or posts on social networks that could end up compromising the arrests”. So not only had the police taken over the streets of Boston, but the had taken our social networks as well, letting us know that, in that single moment, we had NO freedoms as American people. It may just be one of the scariest things that has ever happened in America. Not the bombing itself, but just how it was handled by our own government, and subsequently, us. Instead of really thinking about our safety, we were tested. The proverbial lab rat for how submissive we become when it is expected of us. Listen, despite whatever you may think, we are a society that lacks free thinkers. We are a society that lacks revolutionaries. Facebook and Twitter has made us a passive generation, bitching about what we hate on public forums, yet not brave enough to stand up and speak in opposition to it when it is shoveled at us in massive piles. But I wouldn’t be telling you all this if I did not believe we could still make a change as a country. We CAN shift our collective thinking, and no longer allow ourselves to be lied to and manipulated by those who we are supposed to trust to protect us. Speaking of lies, what about the lies we were fed about the shooting and the arrest?

Look at him, people. The face that shut down Boston.
Look at him, people. The face that shut down Boston.

Listen, Dzokhar A. Tsarnaev, the second bomber, walked out of the boat he was hiding in of his own accord. There are pics of this. And then, in his arrest pic and subsequent pics, he is shot in the throat. Thing is, they did not tell ANYONE in Boston this kid was shot. They simply reported to us that the BPD had brought in the second bomber alive, and like good little sheep, we all cheered. We all cheered because we did not see the bad shape he was in. He all cheered because we believed that we may actually get some answers about what happened. We lined the streets and chanted and cheered for the same people who just drew guns on us and took our pot and guns. We cheered for the people who wouldn’t let us leave our homes. We cheered for a day we were prisoners in our own homes. Do you see how badly this reflects on all of us?

Flash forward a few days later and you have many conflicting reports, all over the web, and very few truths. The reality is, there is no way this kid is going to be talking. No way. I would venture so far as to say he looks dead in the arrest pic, and I find it disarming that no one else seems to think it suspicious that this was the biggest manhunt in recent U.S history, yet there is only ONE arrest pic. One. And NO video. WHAT? In an age of Twitter, Instagram, and Vine, and there is no footage of this kid being arrested, and there is only one pic? It doesn’t take a mathematician here to see that something is just not adding up in all of this. But being a docile generation, we offer no opposition when shit stinks. Instead, we just walk in it and carry the scent with us, too, which makes us just as bad as them. Well, not JUST as bad, but pretty damn close.

You see a terrorist. I see a dead kid, eyes shut, offering no opposition. Why did they tell us he was fine, and they admit he couldn't talk?
You see a terrorist. I see a dead kid, eyes shut, offering no opposition. Why did they tell us he was fine, and they admit he couldn’t talk?

At the end of the day, exactly one week has passed since the lock down, and most of us have just gotten back to life as normal. But the best of us know something shifted in the country that day. Something changed that we will never be able to change back. That was the day they stormed our houses with guns drawn. And more importantly, that was the day we let them.

The Link between Monsanto, Chemtrails and Wilhelm Reich

If you haven’t heard of the Monsanto Protection Act, we can not blame you. The Illuminati controlled media is being used to usher in a New World Order, and in the process, educating us would be counter to the Elite Agenda. This Act is just the tip of the iceberg. Obama being a puppet for the Illuminati signed the act, after Congressional Approval. But where did this all start?

Air not poisonous enough for ya? Well we'll fix that!
Air not poisonous enough for ya? Well we’ll fix that!

United States President Barack Obama has signed a bill into law that was written in part by the very billion-dollar corporation that will benefit directly from the legislation.

On Tuesday, Pres. Obama inked his name to H.R. 933, a continuing resolution spending bill approved in Congress days earlier. Buried 78 pages within the bill exists a provision that grossly protects biotech corporations such as the Missouri-based Monsanto Company from litigation. – source

For many decades now, numerous witnesses have observed a phenomenon they’ve described as “Chemtrails,” or “Chemical Trails,” in North American skies. What they have described it as, is a line of mysterious steam, thicker, of a different shade, and staying in the sky far longer than the water vapor known as “contrails” (condensation trails) that are typically left behind by passing aircraft. Although the government, in service of the Elite, has denied the existence of Chemtrails, a great number of people have observed thick criss-crossing lines in the sky that remain for long periods of time. This, in itself, would be nothing more than a curiosity if it were not for the fact that they seem to produce a negative effect on the health of the people, wildlife, and vegetation, of their communities. Grown, healthy adults have succumbed to deadly diseases such as cancer, severe respiratory problems, and fatal heart conditions. The effect on children has not yet been fully determined. The Elite media would have us believe that ALL of the health problems that occur in rural communities are simply caused by poor diet and lack of exercise. Certainly, as people consume more processed, chemically treated food, we can expect to see a decline in general health, but not to this extent.
This has caused a great deal of concern among those living in the affected areas. The public at large has, for the most part, accepted the official explanation. What the Elite do not even try to do is explain why crops have been dying and rates of disease have been rising in these areas. Can “too many cheeseburgers and too little jogging” really rationalize away this problem? Or, in their arrogance, do the Elite really expect that nobody will look more closely at this incredibly shallow answer to an incredibly important question? Perhaps they just hope that people will forget about the minor detail that this is an insufficient explanation when examining the case for Chemtrails.


Although many people have looked more deeply into this subject, searching for an answer that might reveal the agenda behind such activity, no obvious chemical source can be identified. The Elite have seen to it that anyone who calls attention to these issues is portrayed in the media as a lunatic, however valid the points they raise might be. When people believe that someone is crazy, they don’t care that there is no attempt to explain why they are wrong. You’d think, if the people demanding answers about the Chemtrails phenomenon were so and insane, it would be easy to rationally explain why they are mistaken, rather than relying on an anti-intellectual smear campaign. What, then could be the explanation behind the numerous witnesses to this phenomenon, the rise in disease, and the lack of an obvious chemical presence? If there is something abnormal about these trails, and all eyewitness accounts suggest that there is, then why have independent investigations failed to turn up substantial evidence of a chemical presence? Why has no one been able to discover what is making people sick, and crops die?

The answer is that no one has looked in the right place. To find our explanation we must look back at some of the strangest scientific claims of energy production made in the twentieth century, and one of the most shameful cases of censorship and oppression carried out by the United States government.

A cloudbuster
A cloudbuster

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Wilhelm Reich (24 March 1897 – 3 November 1957) was an Austrian psychoanalyst, a member of the second generation of psychoanalysts after Sigmund Freud, and one of the most radical figures in the history of psychiatry. - Wikipedia
Wilhelm Reich (24 March 1897 – 3 November 1957) was an Austrian psychoanalyst, a member of the second generation of psychoanalysts after Sigmund Freud, and one of the most radical figures in the history of psychiatry. – Wikipedia

Wilhelm Reich was a brilliant student of psychology who made discoveries related to the reproductive process and the generation of energy. Before he moved into this territory, he was a renowned intellectual, celebrated for his analytic mind, and passionate political stance against the fascist movements of his time. His research into the function of the human orgasm and its potential for use in creating growth and healing human beings changed all of that. What Reich proposed next was only peripherally linked to human sexuality, but in 1950s America, that was more than enough. The Elite used this aspect of Reich’s work to launch a devastating attack against the once-respected man and cause the incredible progress that he had made in his groundbreaking research to grind to a halt.

Reich’s discovery was a form of energy he called “orgone,” a positive life force naturally occurring in the earth’s atmosphere. He proposed that, if concentrated properly, this energy could be used for numerous beneficial purposes. Even so, he came under intense scrutiny. Reich created “orgone accumulators,” boxes that would collect this energy for use in treating, and potentially curing, various diseases, particularly cancer, sterility, and impotency. The connection is obvious. Cancer causes a malignant growth that ends life, while sterility and impotency are manifestations of a fundamental inability to manifest the material that creates new life. Reich theorized that orgone energy could be used to reverse the cancerous process, and restore the reproductive function to those affected by sterility and impotency.

In addition to this innovative research, Reich began to create devices he called “cloudbusters,” machines that would project accumulated orgone energy into the atmosphere, creating rain that would be particularly beneficial for growing crops, and reversing periods of drought. The early testing of both these technologies began to show promise. His critics point to the fact that Reich enjoyed only limited success, and some debate whether he had any real results at all, but this is somewhat spurious. Reich’s period of research, from his discovery of orgone energy to the period that his work was destroyed by the government Elite, lasted a mere eight years, and his experiments were largely funded by himself, or donors who had faith in his abilities. To develop such revolutionary technology, even government-funded corporations with literally billions of dollars to work with, and virtually unlimited laboratory access, take longer than that to produce far less impressive results than what Reich’s early work demonstrated in the field of agriculture.

Even so, the Elite were content to rob him of his teaching position and publicly discredit his work. The trouble didn’t start until Reich identified the cause of the droughts and diseases themselves, something he called “Deadly Orgone Radiation.” If orgone were the life force, this would be the death force, spreading famine and disease anywhere it accumulated. The potential for creation and healing was of little interest to the Elite. The potential for destruction, however, was quite a different story.

A picture speaks a thousand words. Here is one speaking of the effects to our ecosystem and food sources
A picture speaks a thousand words. Here is one speaking of the effects to our ecosystem and food sources

Shortly after this significant breakthrough in his research, Reich was taken to federal court, ordered to cease the production of orgone related equipment, and halt all of his research. The public will never know what might have come of Reich’s work, because in a terrifying act of censorship, the Food and Drug Administration destroyed all of his notes and equipment in a massive book burning after a raid on his laboratory. One would assume that, if Reich had been the “kook” that the government was attempting to portray him as, they would have been more than happy to make his research public. If it was easy to discredit his work, why burn all of the evidence? People make stranger claims than Reich’s, based on less research. Reich was charged with fraud, but it was the FDA, not the people who had bought orgone accumulators from him, that was actually behind the assault. Perhaps the threat that Reich posed to the corporate Elite, who would find it difficult to profit from an energy that occurs naturally throughout the earth’s atmosphere, was too great. Indeed, this would seem to be the case. Although Reich was imprisoned, he vowed to continue his research upon release. Alas, this extraordinary thinker died of a mysterious heart attack just one week before his scheduled parole in 1957. While a generation of idealists mourned his passing, politicians, sex-phobic reactionaries, and the Corporate Elite, who had other plans for the business of agriculture, celebrated.

…Monsanto’s present-day global seed and insecticide portfolio, including rights to its infamous “terminator” or “suicide seed” technology (which effectively sterilizes second-generation plants and makes it not only futile but a legal violation for farmers to gather seeds for next year’s crop). Monsanto has prosecuted farmers who discover GM corn or soy sprouts growing on their land after the wind carries seeds over from neighbors’ GM fields. The basis for such ridiculous lawsuits? Plant patent laws: These farmers are inadvertently violating Monsanto’s intellectual property rights. – source

The United States government, after years of research and the combined efforts of the Agricultural Research Service and the Delta and Pine Land Company, created what are called, “terminator seeds.” According to the official explanation for this very strange field of study, people’s fears about consuming genetically modified food would be assuaged if that genetically modified food were not able to reproduce, thus eliminating concerns that an unnatural mutation of some kind might occur. As it turned out, people’s fears about the abuse of this so-called “terminator technology” far outweighed any such concerns. The commercial use of terminator technology was officially banned in the U.S. in the year 2000, and faces severe opposition anywhere in the world that its use has been advocated. The catch was this: the Monsanto mega-corporation, which had been conducting field tests of genetically modified crops since 1987, was developing a similar technology, a kind of seed that would never be capable of reproduction.

The reaction from NGOs and farmers to this idea was overwhelming, and mega-corporation or not, Monsanto suffered a great loss when commercial use of this technology was banned. Experimental use of the same technology is another matter. Although in 1999, Monsanto implemented a program where buyers must sign a contract simply not to sell or re-use their seeds, in opposition to legal action taken by a concerned public, there is no evidence they have ever halted their research program into terminator technology. Neither of these groups, the government Elite or the corporate Elite, were willing to see their efforts, and their money, merely go to waste.

GMO Corn
GMO Corn

The Elite had no use for Reich’s research into orgone energy. But now, the existence of Deadly Orgone Radiation (D.O.R.) suddenly became important. Its use would be untraceable by conventional means, and, like Reich’s cloudbuster, it would require no more than water vapor to act as a carrier. In fact, the Elite explanation that these are not truly Chemtrails, but contrails, is technically accurate. They have simply found a way to infuse that simple water vapor with deadly radiation, which explains why they remains in the sky longer than normal contrails, and why in spite of the fact that crops have died and there has been a significant increase in the cancer rates of affected areas, no chemical contamination has been found.

But why use D.O.R. in the skies?

Because it attacks the life force, the potential for reproduction and growth, D.O.R. would have no effect on seeds genetically modified with terminator technology. This destructive energy manifests its deadly force through reproductive power, so it could only affect those crops that do not carry the terminator gene. Although the research and development of this technology has taken many years, it was in its infancy in Reich’s day, slowly but surely, the corporate Elite is perfecting it.

At present, the genetically modified crops growing in places not affected by “Chemtrails” are healthy, and thriving. It would seem that a simple ban on the re-use of seeds, and not the development of a form of technology that could give a single company a stranglehold on the world’s entire agricultural system, could solve the problem. However, use of technology that increases the presence of D.O.R. in the atmosphere could change that equation. If a mega-corporation such as Monsanto could produce new, “genetically modified” seeds that could resist a disaster, such as the sudden, inexplicable collapse of the agricultural industry, the ban on this technology would be very suddenly lifted. Thus far, the use of D.O.R. has not been perfected or, as far as we can tell, weaponized, but experiments continue to take place in increasing numbers.


The use of this technology could create a situation in which only the sterile survive, and the only cure for that sterility would be in the hands of the corporate Elite. If taken to the most devastating extreme, it would be possible for a company like Monsanto to use D.O.R. to seize the reigns of human reproduction itself. If this were to take place, within a couple of generations, that company could easily control the world. This potential attack on the agricultural economy is just the beginning.

While it may seem far-fetched to some, those people living in the area affected by the “Chemtrails” (as we have shown, a slightly inaccurate term) phenomenon can and will attest to the fact that this is no laughing matter. Something is out there making plants, animals, and people, sick. Something that is visible in the air, and hangs like a gloomy cloud in the sky, in sharp contradistinction to the fluffy, quickly vanishing, vapor trails left behind by commercial airliners.

Harvest time?
Harvest time?

The only possible way to fight this incursion would seem to have died with Wilhelm Reich, however that cannot possibly be the case. If these experiments are taking place, and evidence would suggest that they are, the means of reversing their effects must also have been preserved, or at least re-discovered. For a company of Monsanto’s resources, what took Reich years to discover and identify would be a minor task.

Reich had many students that attempted to carry on his research as best they could. Is it possible that one of them could identify traces of D.O.R. in the areas where people have witnessed “Chemtrails?”

Excellent Documentary: Golden Rule

We have just stumbled upon an excellent documentary that is available freely on the internet. It is undoubted that the government is the mob force of the elite. They hold a monopoly on all force (as per definition). This documentary illustrates how the government officials that the mass of sheeple so freely elect are really their elite slave owners. I use the term “slave owners” very specifically because only a slave has no say – if you refuse to pay protection money (taxes), you are thrown in jail.. if you dissent, you’re a criminal.. you have NO CHOICE, pay these fuckers either via taxes or inflation (increase of money supply is a convenient way to raise money for the government, however it causes inflation). Enjoy the documentary, highly recommended by Elite Agenda’s staff.