You sit in your home watching your government mandated, puppet master approved, total propaganda, on your boob tube. Outside, police march the street with guns enforcing the nine o’ clock curfew they put into place. They cut the power at ten so everyone is forced to go to bed, that way they can get up early to get to their appointed work stations. Anyone who steps outside of these rules gets shot in the street, and no one does anything because it’s too late. No one can anymore. You may read this and laugh thinking it is far away from reality, but at this point, this is where life is going (and much sooner than you thought). The elite have already taken over, and what they put into place over the next five years will determine the quality of all our lives (and that quality is said to drop drastically from the life you have right now). So what can be done to brace yourself for the Elite’s takeover? What can you do to be better prepared before the proverbial shit hits the proverbial fan? These 8 things will put you at a huge advantage over those who go at this unprepared. You may not be able to stop this poison from spreading, but you CAN keep it from fully engulfing you and your family. Here’s how.
We have already lost. We have passed the apex and now just need to accept the fact that the faceless, conglomerate, bastard, puppet-masters have won. We are all but pawns in their game, and we no longer have any control over how this plays out. It has already PLAYED out. All the pieces have been dropped into place, and we all sat back and barely made a whimper, ultimately allowing it to happen. The Illuminati ARE in control. The elite agenda has finally been all but fully realized. With the NSA and big brother firmly in place, they have won. Stripped of the freedoms you somehow still believe you have, replaced by a police state that we encourage by embracing the technology and societal changes we should be shunning. So when will it stop? It won’t. The last few years set the gears in motion, and in the next few, we will see this all come to full realization. SO what changes are impending? What ways are we going to get f*cked further into submission in 2015? How will the elite finalize their ideals of a New World Order? We suggest only the bravest of you read on. Shit’s gonna get ugly. We should say “uglier.”
Further Militarization of Localized Police Forces
The guys who once were meant to protect you are now armed to round you up like swine and grind you to paste.
Lambs and sheep, the lot of us. Waddling around, chomping on grass, fully unaware our Shepard is a bastard leading us to the edge where he intends to push us off. This is where it started. The elite tested us by militarizing local police forces. Giving them tanks, body armor, and armored vehicles with holes to pop automatic heavy machine guns through (to mow down mass numbers of people safely, sort of like how we cowardly engage in modern warfare).
We took their test run like a bitch and proved what we will do when they come to fully unload on us. We proved we would lay down and die. Nice. Expect to see more of that.
This will also lead to….
Internment Camps for Americans
While it could be said we may not see these put into use until 2016 or 2017, the truth is, no one knows. All we know is these things are popping up everywhere, and again, no one is saying SHIT! Why are prison camps being built within the U.S are why are its residents not being alerted as to why these are being added to the local infrastructure?
I will tell you why. Number two on this list goes hand-in-hand with number one. The militarized police will be the ones who come around and take us from our homes to usher us into our “new homes”. Anyone who wants to argue this just has to remember we did this to the AMERICAN Japanese after WE blew them up. We have already shown we are fully capable and this is where things are heading again.
But for what purpose? That’s the beauty of it. We don’t know yet, but we know for sure there is nothing we can do but wait at our doors like good little sheep for them to round us up for the slaughter.
Mass Drugging
This is your life
This one has long since started, and is pretty much realizing its saturation point. Want to know something f*cked up? One in three Americans are now hooked on some sort of psychotropic drug, convinced something is wrong with them (just because they feel things). Now what you need to keep in mind is drugging the masses into zombie like “patriots” is pretty much the idea behind MK Ultra, albeit with different clothes on.
Feed the masses their SOMA (like predicted in Brave New World, decades ago) and make them into unfeeling, unthinking, creatures who do exactly what their are told when they are told it. That is some scary shit, yet is happening widely. You guys do remember the last time Mk Ultra was used to try to control masses and turn them into slaves, right?
Maybe in 2015 we can expect something like this on an even bigger scale. They have a society that have hooked on drugs. Question is, what happens when THEY choose to stop giving those drugs to us, or what do they intend to do with us next? It’s only going to get worse.
Celebrity Weapons of Mass Distraction
“No one man should have all that power. The clock’s ticking I just count the hours….”
So how are they ultimately doing all this? How have the elite and the Illuminati taken over? They have slowly used pop music, pop culture, and celebrity worship. They know the dumb-ass masses want to adore and emulate vapid musicians and actors, so what do they do? They make celebrities and pop stars act as unofficial recruitment. They also use celebrity and our adulation of it to distract us from MAJOR moments of change happening world wide.
Think about how may times in the last decade you have been redirected from world tragedies by something celeb related? So-and-so cheated or this popular young guy got caught drunk driving or released a sex tape just in time to distract you all from the fact that there are strings being pulled and forces manipulated and no one is even seeing it happen. Don’t forget, these celebs want that same agenda. They are ALSO the elite, so they will shine on a different tier of existence then most of us once the shit hits the fan.
Homeland Attack (Another False Flag)
Although this is the one that scares people the most and we don’t want to admit it, it might be time for us to face it. We have become complacent again (just like we were on 9/10/2001). Keep in mind, this time it’s not like we NEED an enemy like we did in 2001 (so we could gain global control over oil). Rather, the elite just want Americans to be scared of something. To THINK they need to rely upon their government to protect them from some great, unseen force. With more and more people seeing the militarization of the police, you can sense people starting to lose faith. So what would pull us right back in?
Something big and important go boom and take some Americans with it.
It’s exactly like the move a bully does to some high school nerd when he notices the kid is starting to relax again. We are just about due, wouldn’t you say? Ah, the false flag never f*cking goes away, does it? The concept itself, and his refusal to take part in it, cost Kennedy his life, and here we are still dealing with it.
Let us NEVER FORGET that when the Illuminati or ‘those in control’ decide they don’t like a sect of the population or think the world needs a quick check against the boards, it pulls out the big guns. We live blissfully, daily, unaware that the ones who control all these awful, vicious, typically population-reducing plagues are the same people who run the f*cking world. Last year, they pulled out Ebola again just to put us in check, and it worked. For a good three months, all you saw on social media was “WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE FROM EBOLA!”
Here we are much later, very few of us having actually died from Ebola. Don’t be too shocked that it was a flop. That is how they disarm us. They lull us into thinking it is all fake. So we over react to the first one, which programs us to under-react to the next one, which may be real. The idea is you are sitting, laughing in front of your Facebook while your intestines slowly liquefy inside your body. You cough up some blood in your hand, but by then, it’s too late. Your insides are slowly turning to a tangled mass of ruined organs and rotted, dying tissue.
The sad thing is, everything on that poster is 100% true and extremely f*cked up.
Remember, for like half a year the whole world was yelling “stop Monsato!” It was like the population woke up for a second from the Illuminati fog they are usually under and got behind a cause worth getting behind. The mass rejection of the fact that the FDA was allowing what was essentially poison to be labeled as food was a step in the right direction for the masses. File this one under “mass drugging” too, because if you knew some of the poison you were putting in your body, you would know it’s no different than the shit they use in warfare. Just on a much smaller scale.
The funny part is, when it got bad enough, the media threw ‘African American versus police’ at us, and in an instance, we immediately forgot that we were mad about Monsato. We just forgot about the cause almost immediately (exactly like the Kony thing one year earlier), which means more mass-produced poison will be handed out like candy (especially to the poor) and we will just all eat our soylent green and not say a word.
Sit boy. Good dog! Here, have some kibble.
Police Brutality Skyrockets
We started the list out with police and we are ending it with police as well. They say absolute power corrupts absolutely, and we can see that when we look at the violence perpetuated against innocent citizens by brutal cops. If you think that will go down at all in 2015, you will be sadly mistaken (and most likely severely beaten).
First, take a look at the deaths. Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, and that is just in the last 12 months. Each one as bad, if not worse than Rodney King. If we went back through history, you would clearly see police violence and what they are allowed to get away with has become more and more severe. Nobody cares. It’s only gotten worse since the Rodney King beating, the police have gotten more brutal, and got their hands on some seriously dangerous weaponry. Did I mention they’re getting militarized? Oh yeah, I think I did.
Did you hear the recent case of the police crippling an Indian grandfather because they smashed him so hard on the ground, they broke his neck? Watch it here and be prepared to be filled with disgust and fear. The officer who broke the man’s neck turned himself in, but we ALL KNOW HOW THIS WILL PLAY OUT. The motherf*cker will be given a PAID LEAVE which is essentially a vacation. He will get in no legal trouble, and this will reinforce all police officers out there that they can do whatever the fuck they want to whoever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want. This means you. Yes, you. You reading this right now. Just keep that in mind the next time you’re out late at night, on some dark road, and you get pulled over at 2 a.m for no reason. Remember what these bastards do for kicks (literally) and remember, dash cam or not, they don’t give a shit, and you will lose. Like we said, the evil has won, folks. Pretty clear to see. Pictured below is what happens to American citizens right now at the hands of its police. Sleep well knowing these fuckers are only going to get more violent and vicious in 2015, and WE are the target.
NEVER fuck with the Elite. They own you like cattle.
So you realize as you read this, it’s not about what can we do. We are past that. There is nothing we can do. Now, we sit back and wait. The sword of Damocles is hanging over our head, and it is only a matter of time before the blade drops. My suggestions. Make peace with those you love and find peace within yourself. Dark times ahead, and praying don’t mean shit to a mushroom cloud and the evil bastards pressing the button.
Are you familiar with the MK Ultra program? If you are not, allow us a moment to fill you in. MK Ultra was a program, utilized and funded by the American government, which was based around intense mentalism techniques and psychological programming necessary for brain washing and mind control. We have a thorough 2 part analysis on this topic that you should definitely get acquainted with (Part 1 & Part 2). The government also used LSD and other drugs to help further “break” whoever was involved, making them that much easier to program. While that may sound like an idea straight out of a Philip K. Dick Sci-Fi novel, rest assured, this has been going on around you for years and years.
Poor thing has already been broken by the MK Ultra program.
To help further acclimate you with just how deeply rooted the MK Ultra program is in our daily lives and in American history, we have decided to put together a list of the top ten people who obviously acted (against their will) under mind control. A few of the entries on this list may surprise you, but that is the whole point of putting together a list like this. To shift the way we all think, so that it CAN’T happen to us. Free will and free thought are the first steps for prevention.
10. James Eagan Holmes
Note his massive pupils and empty eyes. This will be a recurring theme for this list.
That’s right, the Batman shooter, James Eagen Holmes was OBVIOUSLY “activated”. Anyone even slightly familiar with Mk Ultra techniques can see it clearly in his face, but on top of it, read testimonials from other people there and it is quite clear he wasn’t the only shooter, and some even say he didn’t do the shooting at all, and was in his car the whole time, set to take the fall. Proof of this is his three week blackout prior to the massacre.
The kicker here is James Eagan Holmes father was tied up with some very strange happens with a US banking scandal. You know who else’s father was involved with the very same scandal?
9. Adam Lanza
All the signs are right under our noses regarding how brainwashed the Sandy Hook shooter really was.
Wow, how strange is that, huh? Some like to call things like this a coincidence, but the reality is, we call something a coincidence when we are all collectively too scared to call it what it really is. This is ANOTHER case of a kid who was from a broken home, had pre-existing mental problems and conditions, and had family tied up in a major case that could cost the U.S millions of dollars. Wake up, people, before they activate you.
8. Sirhan Sirhan
Hey guys, I am not American nor do I have reason to kill a Kennedy, but I would make a GREAT fall guy!
I want ONE PERSON, just one, anyone, to tell me what Sirhan Sirhan’s motives were for shooting Bobby Kennedy? Oh wait, there were none, that’s right.
And what about all those interviews he gave, explaining his reasons. Oh, there were none. And his memories of events leading up to the shooting? There were none. Even the act of pulling this off and then just giving yourself up is insane and unheard of, yet every person on the list shares those exact same “coincidences”.
That’s the beauty of this, people. There ARE no coincidences.
7. Lee Harvey Oswald
Again, a man who had no reasons or motives for killing the president.
That dead-eyed stare is starting to become recognizable, huh?
Do you really know why both Kennedy’s were killed, though? This is why:
When our government is looking for people to program, they often go with former, failed military, because they are already predisposed to the conditioning techniques that MK Ultra utilize to program their sheep. And Lee Harvey Oswald fits into all those categories well, plus, he was a sharpshooter when he was enlisted, which further informed them he would be a perfect participant and fall guy.
6. Ted Zaczynski
Hey, look, a former U.S Military with dead eyes who just did something violent. Shocker, huh?
Once you see all the patsy’s, side by side on a list, you start collectively seeing what we are saying, all at once. There is a vein of truth that runs through all these cases, and we see it and know something is off, but do we ever question it? Do we ever stand up and ask to hear the testimonials of these people? No, we just digest what mass media is feeding us like the sheep we are, and move on to the next field to graze in, unbeknownst of the terror around us.
You see a unibomber, but I see an American, born and bred, tamed and taught. A grassroots terrorist, created by our own government with a private agenda of fear. And it’s working.
5. Jared Lee Loughner
Check list time: – We have cold, creepy look. – Dead eyes. – No real motive. – No follow up on case in media.
Another recent example of a madman with a vendetta, or another case of MK Ultra patsy, forced to kill innocents so he could further the private agenda? The main thing to ask yourself in these cases is, why, after weeks of forcing all these stories and tragedies down our throats, do they never do a follow up? They never tells us the outcome of the trials. They never release the person’s statement. They just ram the violence down our throats, then when it comes time to follow up, they throw a new tragedy at us to distract us.
Brilliant, huh?
4. Timothy McVeigh
Timothy McVeigh fits into all above categories of being an Mk Ultra fall guy.
Remember the Oklahoma city bombing from 1995? You may not, because it was only spoken of for a week or so and then disappeared. What is interesting, though, is everyone was so happy about how they caught supposed bomber Timothy McVeigh, yet no one spoke about stuff like this, or like this, which proved the involvement of U.S agencies.
So strange how all these people have the exact same back story and fit all the same criteria, huh? Glad your thinking is starting to shift.
3. John Wilkes Booth
First off, I will say that I know Wilkes shot Lincoln LONG before MK Ultra was a government sanctioned program, but he set the tone for every person on this list by being the first fall guy. The idea of abolishing slavery (which is the fundamental ideal this whole country was birthed on) terrified our elitists, and so they acted. They found someone no one would question. They did it in a way that made it fool proof, and they set the tone for all the fall guys and pastys yet to come.
You guys REALLY buy that story that Lincoln had a “dream” he was going to die, so he told his wife? Come on, that was his way of letting her know he knew what was coming and there was nothing he could do about it.
2. The Paparazzi (Because of Princess Di)
This is the last photo ever taken of Princess Di, moments before she died.
We bet you’ve never seen that photo, huh? Take a moment to look at the driver’s eyes. That glazed look seem familiar. Scan up and look at the eyes of the shooters if you have any doubts. Same insane look, like no one is inside his body. Insane smile, and look at the obvious fear of everyone else around him. Also, odd they died in the tunnel, huh? With no footage. Very odd.
If you are asking yourself why someone would have her killed, Princess Di was set to take over reign and rule, yet she had left Charles and was dating another man. Also, she was not of royal blood. Not sure if you know anything about British rule, but to the royal family, those were enough no-no’s to warrant snuffing her out, no matter the cost. And who better to blame than (somehow faceless and nameless) paparazzi. Well played, Britain.
I bet America copies this murder blueprint soon.
1. You
How can you safely say you are not? You won’t know until you are activated.
While some may laugh at this entry, how can you be sure? Truth is, you wouldn’t even know you had been brainwashed until AFTER you had executed what was needed of you. In other words, you come to with a smoking gun in your hand, yet no idea how you got there. Perhaps we can shift your thinking enough to prevent another tragedy like the ones listed above. Or perhaps it is already too late. That, my friends, is up to you.
Now would you kindly share this article with our friends and family and help spread the word that we have enough sheep in this world, and we need a new Shepard.
We often hear stories about mind control and human experimentation without really considering the reality behind the phenomenon. As some of you may know, the MK-ULTRA mind control program was initiated and funded by the CIA’s scientific intelligence division in the 1950s till the mid 1970s. The sole purpose of the program was the behavioral modification – or behavioral engineering – of human beings in order to be able to control and enslave them. Through these mind control techniques, subjects are first “de-patterned” by manipulating their individual mental states and altering their brain functions. This is done through E.C.T (Electro Convulsion Therapy), the administration of drugs, hypnosis, sensory and sleep deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other various forms of torture.
As a result, and as a creative way to deal with extreme trauma, the victims’ brains would develop Multiple Personality/Personalities Disorder (MPD), or more colloquially, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID); which is when different dissociative parts of a single brain view themselves as separate persons. They are encouraged by their handler/programmer to go to that “happy place” where they cannot feel physical pain anymore. And that is exactly the desired final outcome of our planet’s decision makers – mentally controlled slaves to be used and abused.
There is also more subtle mind control in the form of slow brainwashing that takes generations, and usually the subjects are more or less unaware that any of this is happening to them. This is achieved by playing on the subconscious part of the brain using propaganda, mass media and pop culture to manipulate the masses.
In this two-part exposé we will discuss several known cases of healed MK-ULTRA/Illuminati victims in order to better understand the horrific ordeals the victims have to go through. We will also shed light and raise some questions on some pop stars who showed/show signs of possible mind control that are worth pondering on.
Let me first refresh you with what MK-ULTRA was all about and how did it come to being.
Operation Paperclip was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program used to recruit the scientists of Nazi Germany for employment by the United States in the aftermath of World War II (1939–45). – Wikipedia
It is known that Nazi scientists were imported to the U.S right after WW II in what was known by Operation Paperclip. From 1945 to 1955, almost 1000 German scientists were granted American citizenship. Most of them were Nazi party members who had conducted experiments on humans in concentration camps and who had committed other war crimes. Scientists like, Arthur Rudolph, Wernher Von Braun, Hermann Oberth and others ended in the American military industrial complex, worked with the CIA and started NASA. Their collective work and callous mass control ideology led to MK-ULTRA.
Most of the human guinea pigs used in such experiments were mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts, prostitutes – “people who could not fight back” – as one officer put it. To be enslaved, it is required that the chosen subject be exposed to abominable torture and treatment methods in order to induce trauma. At the same time, they become dehumanized and “broken down,” hence, ready to be controlled. Through surreptitious use of drugs, E.C.T and abhorrent abuse, their past memory is capable of being altered. It is also how the programmed mind can later be triggered to be used for specific purposes.
To wipe the brains clean of “undesirable” behaviour, reprogram a new one and create new individuals, the victims would undergo the most vile and inhuman of experiments. That includes being locked in a cage as children and being beaten and raped by monkeys. That also includes being forced to drink their own urine and eat their own faeces. In some cases, the children are initially raped by their fathers or a family member who also happens to be the handler/programmer. Yes, insanely sick to say the least.
Other victims were put to chemical sleep for weeks at a time while listening to repetitive tape recorded messages to cause the depatterning and the reconditioning. Fathomably, many would lose their memory and/or sanity in the process.
A total of 44 American colleges and universities, 15 research foundations or chemical or pharmaceutical companies and the like including Sandoz (now Novartis) and Eli Lilly and Company, 12 hospitals or clinics (in addition to those associated with universities), and three prisons have participated in MK-ULTRA. Most programs within the military industrial complex have zero oversight by congress, and the project that began in the 50s was kept secret and classified for all this time until the late 1970s. Doesn’t that just show us how powerful the elite who ran the show and who still control our world today really is?
Even though CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MK-ULTRA files destroyed but the Freedom of Information Act was able to uncover thousands of related documents.
The common disinformation is that the project was officially halted in 1973 and that it “didn’t amount to anything” and was ultimately inconsequential to the CIA. Or so they kept repeating.
127 victims sued both the United States and Canadian governments for unwillingly taking part in the MK-ULTRA experiments at the Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal under the supervision of Dr. Ewen Cameron. This “Memory Thief” had served as the President of the Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations, the American Psychopathological Association and the Society of Biological Psychiatry during the 1950’s. Yes, a LOT of agencies but that just shows how much MK-ULTRA was widespread. One of Cameron’s most famous subjects was Velma, the wife of a Canadian Member of Parliament, David van Orlikow who blew the lid on the subject some years later. More details about these experiments are covered in the eye-opening documentary Ewen Cameron, Memory Thief.
Those specific victims – or who and what was left from them – eventually settled out of court for $100,000 each. But, is there really a price for messing with someone’s brain and life so barbarically? And what about all those who never regained consciousness and just “lost it?”
Much later, the United States government issued a national apology about MK-ULTRA while Bill Clinton was in office. Have a look at the Video and judge for yourselves if that really sounds like a true or genuine apology. I believe that this “apology” was part of an uncanny cover story campaign to convince the population that mind control is long gone and that it isn’t used anymore.
Personally, I don’t see any rational reason to believe that mass control has come to an end. There has been growing evidence until today that it is indeed alive and well. Only now that its activities are much more covert than overt and they are being executed by different sectors of the global community. Somehow we all became test subjects. The biological, chemical and radiological weapons used today against the unwary population are still mostly unknown to us. And if Geo Engineering (Chem Trails), water fluoridation and Monsanto haven’t enraged you yet, or at least raised many questions in your heads, then you’re not paying enough attention and I suggest you start questioning anything the establishment does.
After the initial scandal of MK-ULTRA, the “ones in charge” must have learned a tough lesson and this time they will try to keep it as top secret as possible. The term “MK-ULTRA” may not be used anymore but the ideology is obviously still there. The 13 Illuminati bloodlines have always believed that it’s their right and duty to rule over the rest of us. So, I mean, it’s only logical that they still believe so and they will do all they can to safeguard, intensify and upsurge their existing supremacy.
There have been many different names like Projects Bluebird, Artichoke, Monarch and many more that will still be revealed to us in the next few decades. But controlling the masses is certainly still flourishing because simply there is no reason for it to stop. Of course there are different kinds and levels of control designed for different people. That includes individuals chosen because they are linked to certain bloodlines, pop stars or simply the unwary masses as we will see a little further.
It is also only logical to believe that after all these years of technological advancement, the techniques used must have developed exponentially. The controlled today are not necessarily patients but they are individuals with man-made DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) who are living amongst us as a kind of mental slaves. The difference is that present day victims don’t have to be tied up to beds or drugged with psychotropic drugs for months at a time which may be somehow cumbersome in today’s world. However, they can be mind-controlled using triggers, compact devices, satellite radar system and more enhanced, crazy things that we still ignore.
To better understand MK-ULTRA and mass control we have to take a closer look at those in charge. They might be working behind closed doors but I think it’s obvious to almost everyone now that they are the ones who truly “control.”
One of the disturbing facts is that a number of those mind-controlled victims are already chosen as infants. Either for belonging to some blueblood of the Illuminati which is considered “higher” than the rest of the population, and who are willingly offered by their parents to serve The New World Order. Or, like the case of many, they are “acquired” from care homes and poor parents so that they are used as guinea pigs, slaves or sacrifices. Yes, this does happen in today’s world and if you’re a real truth seeker you can find out yourself more incongruous, heart-wrenching information with very little research.
For those who are familiar with the Illuminati, the Skull and Bones and other secret societies, it’s no real secret that they rely on the occults and operate by offering sacrifices; humans and animals. They believe they receive the power of those departed souls which “enter” them upon their death, and they take part in ceremonies where they drink human blood and eat human flesh.
They also believe in opening portals between other dimensions and practice ancient and satanic rituals to reach a New World Order – of course with The Rothschild, The Rockefeller and the rest of the 13 bloodlines at its zenith.
Freaky stuff indeed but it must be somehow working for this hideous and vulturous lot, at least until now or they wouldn’t be religiously involved for centuries.
Littered with pagan and occult symbolism! Notice the Rosicrucian rose on the throne. How many other symbols can you see?
In fact, they are the real owners of today’s world. Not only do they run the whole show inside the U.S and the U.K from behind the scenes, but they also rule over the world and shape the course of humanity, also from behind the scenes. Queen Elizabeth II alone owns 6.6 billion acres of land worldwide which is 1/6 of the world and which is worth over $30 trillion. She is the only person who owns whole countries, and countries that are not her own domestic territory; Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia and its surroundings, as well as the Falkland Islands.
And along with the rest of the elite minority they own 40% of our planet’s resources. That includes the 6 major corporations that represent 90% of today’s media, the consumer industry and production, the pharmaceutical companies and drugs, the oil, the banks and the whole monetary system, the arms and wars, and the governments and politicians. They also control the intelligence agencies and the “projects” which consequently make them the ones who truly control the minds of millions of people.
Since they dominate all of the above there is no reason why brainwashing entire nations wouldn’t be quite the simple task. In my opinion, TV, mass media, pop culture and other weapons of mass distractions are nothing but more sophisticated, advanced branches of MK ULTRA that have, slowly but surely, infiltrated every aspects of our lives. By studying the patterns around some of today’s celebrities and how they came to being, we realize that they too must be part of all this mind control insanity. We’ll talk more about that in Part 2.
We should once again ask ourselves why would the experimentation that have been going on for ages cease? Is it because of Bill Clinton’s apology maybe? And why would the Illuminati suddenly stop wanting to dominate and control even more? That’s just basic common sense here.
The Victimization
Let us now examine a few cases of some healed MK-ULTRA’d victims to get a better insight into these complex, infamous and mind-boggling (in)human experiments.
“The technology gleaned by the American leaders, medical professionals and scientists was and still is in the form of bio-electromagnetic frequency medicine, genetic engineering, mind control, brain research, near-death experimentation, paranormal/psychic experimentation, remote viewing, time and space travel and other advanced research that make our everyday human understanding look antiquated.”
Taylor is considered one the highest level, healed survivor of MK-ULTRA trauma-based mind control to ever to go public.
Like many other mind control slaves used by the White House as a Presidential Model sex slave and by the CIA and other intelligence agencies, she had suffered from man-made artificially-induced DID. This trauma-based conditioning technique can produce many discrete personalities inside a single person as we’ve mentioned earlier. When the main personality splits into several parts with dissociative or amnesic barriers between them, these other personalities can then be programmed like a computer to perform specific tasks; either sex slave-prostitutes, couriers, or mind-files that are only accessible to the person who knows the special “codes” that will access the “program”.
Spooky and freaky stuff huh? But this is publicly made, reachable information now and thanks to the sweet internet anyone can find out much more horrifying stories.
Taylor was brave enough to author a second book about the matter “Starshine: One woman’s valiant escape from mind control.”
During her long healing process, another survivor of the Illuminati family and MK-ULTRA, Cisco Wheeler, asked her therapist:
“these children in the world, do their fathers rape them?” He said, “no, good fathers do not rape their children.” The answer boggled her so she said, “I really feel sorry for these children in this world because they are not loved.” He told her, “oh but they are loved.” She then replied, “oh no, if the fathers aren’t raping their children, then they are not loved.” Cisco later commented “I thought rape was love. That’s pretty sick.”
She explains that her first time to cry was when she was told that little girls and boys are not normally raped by their fathers and that it’s not the standard of living in which we live in.
“And that upset me to such a point. And it took me a long time to understand the difference, because right is wrong, and wrong is right, that’s how you are programmed. Isn’t it something, when you really think about it? I look back on it now, and I cannot believe the ability they had to do to my mind and so many other survivors out there. To what degree they would go. Especially to children,”
“At Inucurran, they had cages on the walls. They put us in the cages and the monkeys or the apes got to take care of us. We had three of them. One fed us, one beat us, and one raped us to dehumanize us.” Cisco adds.
Some of the MK-ULTRA victims are already chosen before birth. One of those cases is Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Greene who was programmed and trained to conduct satanic rituals by Joseph Mengele, a.k.a. the Angel of Death, from the Nazi death camps of World War II. In the three-hour whimsical Interview by David Icke, Wilder, who comes from a high-profile family related to the Illuminati, describes how she conducted rituals in which the Queen, the Queen Mother and other members of the British Royal Family sacrificed children in satanic ceremonies. She talks of the same experiences with Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Bill Clinton, members of the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and a host of the most famous names in the United States and the United Kingdom.
One more example is the rare and remarkable case of Kim Noble who is a trauma-based mind control survivor with over 13 alter personas. The different personas don’t know each other but they all paint. Like the other victims, she had also suffered from DID and MPD for most of her life as a result of an extremely traumatic childhood. Each one of her alters paints with a personal and distinctive style but they all have one thing in common; they reveal the cumbrous, murky world of mind control programming. From the horrendous techniques of organized, institutionalized and systematic violence, torture, and child abuse to the elaborate cultic symbolism, it is notoriously deplorable how humans can get so evil. You can see some of Kim’s revealing paintings in this Article as well as more of her work on her Website.
All these documented cases and repetitive details cannot be called conspiracies anymore. I believe it’s about time to drop the “conspiracy theorist” label which I see as a somehow derogatory term used for anyone who dares to logically and critically think for his or herself. It is only normal that after horrific stories like these one should refuse to have faith in the authorities, any authorities. Simply because it doesn’t take a genius to realize how utterly messed up our world has become. This quagmire of ghastly crimes, abhorrent coverups and sick debauchery over so many years should be one hell of a wake-up call for those who still haven’t “got it.”
This is factual evidence, yet many still choose to believe the constant lying and deceptions. Why do they do that, and how come they haven’t learned from the past or connected the obvious dots? And more importantly, how come that until now they haven’t revolted on their unjust, criminal owners?
Well, in modern psychology this phenomenon is called Cognitive Dissonance, which is the feeling of discomfort when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions: ideas, beliefs, values or emotional reactions. In a state of dissonance, people may feel disequilibrium in the form of frustration, dread, guilt, anger, embarrassment or anxiety. For example, I’m a patriot but my army is killing innocent people in other countries. Or I love my religion but the highest, oh-so- respectable religious figures are sexually abusing young children.
Those people don’t want their illusions shattered so they simply choose not to look beyond the shadows and lies and just block the information out of their heads. They keep living in denial as they become apathetic and lethargic, and they will not believe the truth even if showered with it.
A Dilbert cartoon representing cognitive dissonance – if only life was this funny
Those are the same people who support, vote for and believe in presidents and governments that only serve as puppets to the New World Order seers who were/are behind projects like MK-ULTRA. However, the brainwashed masses are conditioned to choose any comforting lies over shocking truths. When dealing with such people, and I occasionally do, I’m always reminded by a quote from the great Mark Twain: “It’s easier to fool people than to convince themthat they have been fooled.”
Mind Controlled Pop Stars?
So if all these atrocities did already take place and if we agree that politicians are nothing but puppets to the Illuminati, why wouldn’t celebrities also be puppets? After all, they are funded by the same people who funded the MK-ULTRA.
Every time we turn on the tel-lie-vision, false ideas, mythologies and delusions are being consciously and subconsciously implanted into the belief system portion of our brains. This happens when we listen to the radio, when we watch the news or commercials, when we enjoy a movie or a video clip. By making idols out of them, celebrities are the best mean to brainwash the masses in order to make them comply, conform and consume which is another form of mind control.
People are unconsciously indoctrinated with what’s cool, what to consume and watch and who to worship. Pop culture, big sports extravaganzas, and the mind-dumbing reality TV are nothing but hypnotizing distractions from the grim reality that the fate of humanity is in the hands of the Illuminati families and their aides. These weapons of mass distractions are also used to manipulate and steer the thinking of the masses.
Some of those mainstream celebrities are thought to be related to secret societies and mind control. But probably because this is still ongoing and also because the modern techniques used must be more advanced and undetectable, the reality may not be exposed yet. However, we can still elucidate some bizarre correlations and raise a few questions.
The Queen of the Damned
One of those eerie examples is the life and death of the singer Aaliyah. She was presented to the music industry by her backup singer mother and her uncle who was a well-known record label owner/talent manager who was previously married to Gladys Knight. Usually in MK-Ultra, it is easier to become a target for mind control if you have a parent who is already in the entertainment industry. There were “rumours” that her uncle had molested her at the age of 8. And as we’ve seen, these young-age traumas are exactly how mind control works by producing dissociative alter personas or split the mind into different personalities, eventually making mind-controlled slaves out of them.
The 14-year old Aaliyah was “introduced” to music producer and songwriter R. Kelly who was featured gazing at her on the cover of her debut album. For those that are familiar with mind control, you will know that many handlers/programmers hide behind the title of a music producer or songwriter – or anyone who works behind the scenes. R. Kelly was later arrested on 21 counts of child pornography when he had sex with teenagers and filmed them.
Aaliyah’s debut album
Again, commercialized paedophilia and organized child abuse will always be found in the core of the mind control and the Illuminati.
Ever wondered how with all the spying and surveillance do we still hear about child sex pornography and scandals involving high-profile members of the political establishment?
I know the information in this paper is a lot to take in and it could be hard to digest, but if you check the Lyrics of Aaliyah’s song “Age Ain’t Nothing But A Number,” it may make a little more sense to you. Bear in mind these are the words of a teenage pop star who had fans that were 10 years old and probably even younger.
The sexualization of childhood is now a recurring theme in pop culture and if such lyrics aren’t subconscious indoctrination then I don’t know what they are.
It is believed that Aaliyah was killed/sacrificed in a plane crash, knowing that flying was one of her biggest fears and she had told her family members multiple times about it. Ultimately, this is how she ended up dying. One month before the crash, she said in an interview with German weekly Die Zeit that she had a recurring dream of her flying away from her problems.
“It is dark in my favourite dream. Someone is following me. I don’t know why. I’m scared,” she said.” Then, suddenly, I lift off. Far away. How do I feel? As if I am swimming in the air. Free. Nobody can reach me. Nobody can touch me. It’s a wonderful feeling.”
Coincidence or premonition?
Britney Spears in “I’m a slave for you”. Also notice serpent symbolism here – a topic we can devote articles to, but for now we’ll leave you with this sexy picture
Tantamountly mind provoking are the Disney Club averagely-talented Mouseketeers who made it to be major world-renowned pop icons like Britney (I’m a slave for you) and Aguilera. One cannot help himself from wondering how do such people make it SO big and fast without actual true talent. And how do some of them just suddenly appear everywhere in all mainstream media. Well, it’s because they may have been chosen from a very young age, just like Arizona Wilder and Brice Taylor who have estimated that there are between 2 and 10 million mind-controlled slaves living in the world today.
There were also lots of talk about Michael Jackson and how he was abused as a child and how, just like Aaliyah, he was annihilated to make a legend out of him while thriving off his post-mortem fame. M.J always feared to “die like Elvis” but again, that’s exactly what happened to him. One in Neverland, the other, decades earlier in Graceland. Ever wondered what he meant when he kept repeating in public seminars:
“It’s a conspiracy….it’s a conspiracy. The history books are ALL lies”?
After examining how mind control is achieved, it must be to so easy convince a young “subject” that Michael Jackson had molested him then show it all over the media just to frame him and screw up his life. No?
Jay Z is another star who has simply became a billionaire after that his Rocawear clothing line sported Illuminati references, including the All-Seeing Eye and the phrase “Master of the Craft,” which is used by the Masons, alongside other illuminati-related images like The Secret Handshake.
There were also talks on how Kanye West’s mother whom he was deeply attached to could have been sacrificed to keep him conditioned and traumatized.
Stars like Ashanti, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Rihanna, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, and many others have also been linked to mind control, Monarch Slaves or “Sex Kittnes”. Quincy Jones name is often cited when it comes to sex rings and slaves in Hollywood.
One more piece of the puzzle is the strange case of the robotic Lady Gaga. She could be quite the blatant tribute to mind control while making empty-headedness and incoherence – whether she acts it or not – become just another cool and fashionable thing.
The chosen alter name “gaga” itself is a synonym to demented, derailed, deranged, disordered, distraught, dotty, fatuous, frenzied, idiotic, impractical, irrational, irresponsible.
A visible sign would be her many photos and videos showing her hand covering one of her eyes, which is a link to the cultic symbolism within the Illuminati. It represents the loss of half of victim’s vision of the world – the other half being “taken out” and controlled by the handlers. In occult symbolism, the emphasis on one eye can refer to the Eye of Horus, the All-Seeing Eye, as a symbol of the occult elite that is found on each and every one dollar bill. Gaga is also repeatedly seen wearing “Baphomet” horns and Mickey Mouse clothes, hinting for Satanism and Monarch programming.
Many more similar photos of celebrities can be found on this Link.
When we really think about how such a talentless “star” making it so big just by acting the way she does, we can’t help but wonder what exactly the talent is or what are the skills required to become a gaga. Well, I’m inclined to believe that she must be playing the role of a puppet while normalizing the fact of her slavery to her young unwary fans.
Remember, those in charge don’t want a well-informed, socially aware population capable of questioning. Simply because any average critical thinker can fathom that there are many very wrong things in today’s world, and the Illuminati is behind them all. They might be operating from behind closed doors but some windows were left open for us to see; only for those who choose to seek the truth. One could say that this is only entertainment and that all these signs are just coincidences. But why are they so repetitive and not so subtle? Knowing the Illuminati’s fascination with cultic symbolism, it appears that those cited celebrities may very well be a direct product of brainwashing and mind-control. I sometimes feel that the signs are so clear that by mentioning them one is pointing out the obvious.
For now, what we can do is critically study the clues and ponder on the possible, yet highly probably, bigger picture. And by looking at some of the other pop stars in the entertainment business many more answers can be sought. For example:
Why was Tiger Woods on “The Mike Douglas Show” when he was just 2 years old with Bob Hope and Tiger’s father ‘Earl Wood’?
Why was Tupac Shakur killed weeks after recording his TheDon Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory album?
Why is Grand master Jay, The Run-DMC legend’s 2002 murder is still considered “unsolved”?
Why B.I.G’s murder was exposed in the 2002 Book by Randall Sullivan who accused the LAPD of a cover-up in the killing?
Were Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland and Anna Nicole Smith Monarch slaves? Why were their lives so similar and why did they die so mysteriously?
Too many unanswered questions, yet not too many people connecting the dots.
It’s important to remember that these stars are always surrounded by owners, producers, directors, choreographers and photographers who constantly tell them what to do. As we have seen earlier, in many cases the programmer or handler is someone close to the victim who is capable of triggering their programming.
The shooter appears to have a blank, mindless expression. He looks like a mindless drone, however his eyes are open and does appear to be “awake”.
Now that I’ve put all this mind control information together, I’m almost positive that some of the “subjects” are triggered to do school shootings and the like.
In Conclusion
The ones in charge have been controlling us for centuries by operating immorally and illegally. They have committed an endless amount of crimes against humanity. With ‘In Gold Oil Drugs We Trust’ as their real motto, everyday they are finding more reasons to turn nations from free constitutional republics to Orwellian states for the sake of even more control.
As we’ve seen, to seamlessly achieve these selfish goals of world domination they need to distract, entrance and control the minds of the masses. They do so by puppeteering the politicians and the pop stars from behind closed doors, as well as with projects like MK-ULTRA and its descendants.
I personally believe that anything and everything gets interesting once you truly understand it. As I also believe that the truth will always set you free. Like I said earlier, some of the information shared herein is outrageous that it’s almost too horrific for words, but undoubtedly there is a great deal more awaiting to be exposed. And once there, you will never look at the world the same way again, EVER.
Let us remind ourselves that this is considered declassified now, which leads us to wonder what kind of other ongoing experiments and projects that we still have no idea of. We should also wonder how many more Brice, Cisco, Arizona and Kim there are. And how many still-to-be-written books will we get to read in the next few decades.
The subject of mind control is so detailed, documented and heavy that it would take several books to tackle it comprehensively. Yet, the majority of the population is too distracted to learn from history or to connect the dots. I suggest, as well as I hope, that you look up the facts yourselves and become your own researcher, simply because you will never really hear about any of this in mainstream media. You will also never fully grasp the immensity of the issue without using your curiosity in seeking and digging. By basing your reason on your own findings, you can then decide if all this madness makes sense to you. In this age of crucial, much needed change we can only alter this reality by spreading the truthful knowledge and letting more people know. For knowledge IS power. As always, stayed informed and awakened.
Doomsday prophecies are nothing new. It seems like every other day some group or other is telling us that the world is coming to an end, and yet it never seems to happen. It is very rare to discover a threat of Doomsday that captures the imagination of the people and stirs them, either with fear or distain. The 2012 phenomenon is unique, because it seems to have become “apocalypse as entertainment.” Very few people take it seriously, and yet everyone is talking about it.
The total cost of the work done in preparation for Y2K is estimated at over US$300 billion ($405 billion in 2012 US dollars) – Wikipedia
The last Doomsday threat to have a cultural impact of this magnitude was the infamous Y2K incident. It has been argued by some that this was little more than an effort to stimulate commerce. People stocked up on food, clothing, weapons, and other emergency supplies. In 1999 computers were not as well understood by the mainstream of Western society as they are now, so the ludicrous nature of this “threat” was not as readily apparent, and the media happily fed people’s fear and suspicion that computers possessed some kind of magical power that could instantly trigger a world-wide collapse, something that experts repeatedly tried to explain could not possibly be caused by the changing of the date.
The ruse worked, and although millions of dollars were collectively spent buying emergency supplies that would prove completely unnecessary, the public quickly forgave and forgot and never wondered why they had been made to be afraid of something so silly in the first place. The 2012 phenomenon is a little different. It isn’t simply a ploy to sell more canned food. In spite of being made out to be a potential disaster, it is treated as a joke. In fact, it inspired this ad for the Chevy Silverado, which aired during the last Superbowl.
When interviewed about the automobile, GM Global Chief Marketing officer, Joel Ewanick was quoted as saying:
“We stand by our claims in the commercial, that the Silverado is the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickup on the road. We can wait until the world ends, and if we need to, we will apologize. In the meantime, people who are really worried about the Mayan calendar coming true should buy a Silverado right away”
That’s a far cry from the kind of panic that we saw during the Y2K incident. The popular film 2012 treats the apocalypse as entertainment, and the popcorn-hungry masses barely blinked. The reality is that very few people are actually worried about this, because the media has gone to great lengths to take away any sense of threat, any sense of danger, or any sense that something genuine might be taking place.
To pose a question: if during the Y2K incident, there was no real threat, but the Elite instructed the media to make it appear as though there was one, now that the media is making it appear as though there is no threat, is it not reasonable to assume that some threat actually exists? What better way to throw us off the scent? If the Elite really were planning some drastic move for the solstice of 2012, wouldn’t it make sense that they would ensure that no one took it seriously by using the event to sell movie tickets and automobiles?
That’s not all. Dr. Jamie Awe, of the University of Belize calls it “a New Years party that comes once every 52,00 years.” Belize tourism is promoting the event with the slogan, “where will YOU be when the world ends?” In fact, every country with Mayan ruins is exploiting this event. Guatemala has comprehensive tourist packages that ensure those who participate will be on the site of the ruins at the “final hour.” In Mexico, it was declared to be a yearlong party, with every major hotel and resort hosting events for the big day. It would seem that, on Dec. 21 2012, these ruins will be packed with intoxicated revelers, celebrating the “end of the world,” although of course, for them it is just an excuse for excess.
Wonderful tourist spot. Great for a satanic ritual!
For others, spiritualists, neo-pagans, and adherents of the “New Age” philosophy, the 2012 event is seen as a time of spiritual change and renewal. They too will visit these sites, not on a lark as most of the tourists will, but because they sincerely believe that they are witnessing an evolution of the human experience. Both of these groups share one thing in common: they have come to see the 2012 event as a non-threatening, positive thing that they plan to welcome with open arms.
This serves the Elite Agenda perfectly.
Many people have pointed out that the Mayan calendar moves in 5,200 year cycles. What they fail to mention is that at the end of these cycles the universe is destroyed, and remade. Whether this is a metaphor or not, the fact that it gets left out of the story we are being told by people trying to dismiss the possibility of a threat is significant. And where we see a threat, the Elite see an opportunity. If the world must be re-made they will be determined to re-make it in their image. They’ve already been building up to it, using the media to keep us distracted, using political lobbyists to ensure that more federal money goes to developing new kinds of food coloring than to our entire education system, and seeing to it that those people society relies on to protect from street crime, the police officers and prison guards, make so little money that they can be corrupted with ease. As long as society is stupid, distracted, and in chaos, we will remain unaware of the Elite Agenda, and those of us who are aware of it will be powerless to stop it.
Scientists Alfred Watkins and John Mitchell developed a theory, over the course of many years of study, that there exist “ley lines,” or currents of spiritual power that move across the face of the earth. These currents are connected in those two places, (as you can see from the map) and there is a harmonious sympathy in the spiritual energies of the land that would later be occupied by the Mayans, and the place on earth that we now know as the Holy Land. It is no secret that the Elite profit from suffering and tragedy. Protected by wealth and power they are left untouched by disaster and ruin, from whatever corner it may come. The 2012 event will give them the opportunity to provoke an ultimate disaster.
The Leopard God of the Mayans was a benevolent king by day, and a horrific beast, Lord of the Underworld, by night. Looking at how this beast-God is represented in their artwork, and comparing it to the Beast of the Apocalypse described in the book of Revelations, we immediately notice some chilling similarities.
These cultures could not possibly have had direct contact with one another, and yet their primary evil figures are shockingly alike.
“And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” –Rev. 13:2
These cultures could not possibly have had direct contact with one another, and yet their primary evil figures are shockingly alike. Such visible similarities clearly prove that the Elite have been working behind the scenes for far longer than we can possibly imagine.
The Elite have wanted to initiate the rule of the Beast/Antichrist for some time, eager to impose the mark of the Beast on the masses so that they can control who is able to buy and sell, thus giving them a stranglehold over every economy in the world. They will no longer need to hide their rule, they will be able to flaunt it openly, and it will be impossible to stop them.
Based on our research, there are only two places that such a satanic ritual could be performed. One of these is the temple mount in Jerusalem, but doing something of that nature in that place would be practically impossible. It is tightly guarded, and under heavy surveillance. The other is the temple to the bloodthirsty Leopard God of the Mayans, El Mirador in Guatemala. This site is certain to be swarming with tourists, thrill-seekers, and misguided New Agers looking for a good time. Not only is it much less dangerous, that much chaos creates a perfect smokescreen behind which to hide these sinister acts.
But what does unleashing this power mean?
We only know one thing: that the Elite intend to use it to take total control of the world’s economy, so that nothing anywhere on the face of the earth can be bought or sold without their permission. This is clear from the growing trend in living standard disparity. Their power has been growing steadily over the years, but this would turn that power from great to absolute. Any hope for humanity to crawl out from under their thumb would be utterly squashed. Increasing privatization of the military, for example, would place even the most basic weapons development or military deployment in the category of “buying and selling,” and therefore something the Elite could control.
When all the pieces are put together, we see clearly that this is why the media has made a joke out of the 2012 event. This is why South American governments have encouraged their ministries of tourism to turn it into a big party, to ensure that the key locations that will be needed to realize this Satanic conspiracy, will be so crowded with drunken vacationers that the agents of the Elite can easily slip in and do what they need to do. This would not be possible in Jerusalem, where they have been trying to pull it off for years. As hard as they have tried to escalate the Israel/Palestine conflict to the extent that it would provide them with such an opportunity, the Elite agents have never been able to infiltrate the temple mount undetected.
We will not see the result right away. The Elite will be careful to hide this new power. But it is without a doubt that the present attitude, to make the 2012 event into a joke, or a party, or a “new consciousness” plays right into their hands. Because of our unwillingness to look at the uncomfortable truth, the greed of resort owners and car manufacturers, and the simple desire to look for an excuse, any excuse, to stick our heads in the sand and throw a party, we will allow their power to grow, and grow, and grow.
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