What would you do if you found out tomorrow that you were very ill, and that the disease you contracted that was ultimately killing you could have been avoided, and certain key people knew that, but did nothing? What if you found out your illness was the result of cutting corners by people more important than you, yet there was no specific person you could hold accountable? And on top of that, what if the only reason you weren’t warned about it was because there was a massive cover up involving (per usual in America) money? And even worse, what if you found that out, yet could do nothing about it? And the real clincher here is that, what if, in the worst case scenario, you found out the cancer you were suffering from was the result of the volunteer work you did in New York on September 11th and for weeks afterwards? Well, if you know anything about Mesothelioma, then you know that is EXACTLY what has unfolded as the result of rampant asbestos use, as well as a massive cash cover up in our country that is still very much going on today. Tons of fire fighters and emergency workers are dying of Mesothelioma right now, and all the world can talk about seems to be Miley Cyrus twerking?
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but it seems your government willingly gave you cancer.”
Wake up, Sheeple! This is your life, your family, your world. Stop allowing mass media to divert your eye with the idiotic sexual distractions of programmed pop stars. Let’s focus on the REAL ISSUES here. And right now, even outside of Syria, a pressing issue is the conspiracy and cover up of mesothelioma. And you guys know about Monsanto and chemtrails, so you KNOW this is not the first time the faceless men in power have gone to extreme lengths to kill us, and unless we inform ourselves and the masses, it is safe to say it won’t be the last.
For those unaware, asbestos is a heat-resistant, fibrous material that can be used for a great many purposes, but was most commonly used in much of the insulation in many American buildings in the early 20th century because of its naturally flame-retardant qualities. Though people learned rather quickly that breathing the stuff in could kill you, they did nothing about it. The kicker is, even once this news had gone wide spread of the dangers of asbestos, most of the major companies using it failed to stop using it, because of how cheap it was and its ease of use.
Much like many similar conspiracies, this is only considered a “conspiracy” because the higher-ups know attaching the “c” word to it will take any of the credibility out of the anyone who talks about it. But all you have to do it spend five minutes researching court cases, law suits, and documents to know, this is not so much a conspiracy as a man-made epidemic, and more people need to be aware of it, lest the same terrible fate befall them and future generations who may not know that, in any building built before the “banning” of it, there is realistically asbestos. And what do you think happens when they tear those buildings down or a natural disaster strikes. Yes, asbestos, which causes mesothelioma, fills the air. People breathe it in without knowing, and the cycle continues.
Being dishonest and shady is big industry in this country, as most of our readers know.
We are here to inform you and end the cycle.
Mesothelioma, which I keep speaking of, is a very rare (though completely avoidable) form of Cancer that develops in the mesothelium, which is the protective lining that covers most of out internal organs, as the result of asbestos exposure. The most common places for this to happen is in the lungs, and it is a cancer that is associated with asbestos exposure in, literally, 90% of all reported cases. For all intents and purposes, one cannot exist without the other. And often times, doctors looks at mesothelioma as the indicator that the patient has been unwillingly exposed to asbestos.
More specifically, this cancer is caused from breathing in the unsafe asbestos fibers that asbestos gives off. This is where the problem arises. There were people in positions of high power who KNEW the risks with asbestos exposure, but hid that information from the general public. MANY well known companies hid their knowledge of the dangers of asbestos use just for the sake of profits. And we are not just talking about people who were exposed long-term to asbestos. No, in some cases, mesothelioma formed in some patients who were only exposed to asbestos for as little as three months. So in essence, anyone who worked around asbestos at any point had the genuine risk of forming cancer relatively easily, and in some form or another, all of us are still exposed to it on any given day. Do you go into a building in a city that is over one hundred years old? Then you are being realistically exposed to asbestos, and no one is telling you.
Well, now, we are.
Cancer in 9/11 survivors can be directly related to asbestos.
No one was made aware of the problem in America until a great many lower-class factory workers started suddenly dying of this cancer by the dozens, which prompted specialists to look into it, and the horrors of asbestos were slowly recognized. Yet little was done (and is still done) to rectify this.
The GOOD thing is there is enough knowledge now that a great many lawsuits have been happening, with many lawyers using “asbestos exposure” as the predicate for these lawsuits. But again, we are looking at money as being an adequate payout for human lives, and that is half the problem with this world right now. There is no value you can put on a healthy life, and to willingly take that way from someone with no regard is wrong on too many levels to count. Once again, the rich stay rich, and the poor keep dying. And did you know that even washing the clothes of someone who was been exposed to asbestos can put everyone else who uses that machine after them in danger of contracting mesothelioma? That is how serious a problem this is, yet still, not enough of us are talking about it.
It is truly a tragedy that the heroes of this country are only made to suffer more.
From the safety workers who reacted immediately in New York on 9/11, to the thousands of people in New Orleans after Katrina, the risks for mesothelioma only increase in times of disasters, because often old buildings and houses have asbestos in them, and when they destroyed or affected by natural disasters, this causes the asbestos particles to travel through the air, exposing themselves to everyone who is in the surrounding area. Look up stats on post 9/11 workers who have come down with this rare form of cancer, and it will siphon much hope from you. And you add the scientific stats that only 40% of mesothelioma sufferers survive the first year, and you realize, this is bigger than any of us could have ever imagined or feared.
So who do we hold accountable and what do we do now?
Well, the answer to that is not as concrete as you would probably like.
Who we hold accountable comes down to who used it, who covered up that fact willingly, and who got sick as a result of this. The sad reality is, unless a Hollywood superstar gets diagnosed with mesothelioma, the world will not react the way it needs to. But right now, you are taking the essential first step in the process. You are INFORMING yourself, and making yourself aware. That opens the door for you making someone else aware, who can make someone else aware, who can make someone else aware. Remember, knowledge is fire, and the more we spread it, the more we can burn down this establishment built on lies, and rebuild this world the way we want it. Healthy and lie-free.
If you haven’t heard of the Monsanto Protection Act, we can not blame you. The Illuminati controlled media is being used to usher in a New World Order, and in the process, educating us would be counter to the Elite Agenda. This Act is just the tip of the iceberg. Obama being a puppet for the Illuminati signed the act, after Congressional Approval. But where did this all start?
Air not poisonous enough for ya? Well we’ll fix that!
United States President Barack Obama has signed a bill into law that was written in part by the very billion-dollar corporation that will benefit directly from the legislation.
On Tuesday, Pres. Obama inked his name to H.R. 933, a continuing resolution spending bill approved in Congress days earlier. Buried 78 pages within the bill exists a provision that grossly protects biotech corporations such as the Missouri-based Monsanto Company from litigation. – source
For many decades now, numerous witnesses have observed a phenomenon they’ve described as “Chemtrails,” or “Chemical Trails,” in North American skies. What they have described it as, is a line of mysterious steam, thicker, of a different shade, and staying in the sky far longer than the water vapor known as “contrails” (condensation trails) that are typically left behind by passing aircraft. Although the government, in service of the Elite, has denied the existence of Chemtrails, a great number of people have observed thick criss-crossing lines in the sky that remain for long periods of time. This, in itself, would be nothing more than a curiosity if it were not for the fact that they seem to produce a negative effect on the health of the people, wildlife, and vegetation, of their communities. Grown, healthy adults have succumbed to deadly diseases such as cancer, severe respiratory problems, and fatal heart conditions. The effect on children has not yet been fully determined. The Elite media would have us believe that ALL of the health problems that occur in rural communities are simply caused by poor diet and lack of exercise. Certainly, as people consume more processed, chemically treated food, we can expect to see a decline in general health, but not to this extent.
This has caused a great deal of concern among those living in the affected areas. The public at large has, for the most part, accepted the official explanation. What the Elite do not even try to do is explain why crops have been dying and rates of disease have been rising in these areas. Can “too many cheeseburgers and too little jogging” really rationalize away this problem? Or, in their arrogance, do the Elite really expect that nobody will look more closely at this incredibly shallow answer to an incredibly important question? Perhaps they just hope that people will forget about the minor detail that this is an insufficient explanation when examining the case for Chemtrails.
Although many people have looked more deeply into this subject, searching for an answer that might reveal the agenda behind such activity, no obvious chemical source can be identified. The Elite have seen to it that anyone who calls attention to these issues is portrayed in the media as a lunatic, however valid the points they raise might be. When people believe that someone is crazy, they don’t care that there is no attempt to explain why they are wrong. You’d think, if the people demanding answers about the Chemtrails phenomenon were so and insane, it would be easy to rationally explain why they are mistaken, rather than relying on an anti-intellectual smear campaign. What, then could be the explanation behind the numerous witnesses to this phenomenon, the rise in disease, and the lack of an obvious chemical presence? If there is something abnormal about these trails, and all eyewitness accounts suggest that there is, then why have independent investigations failed to turn up substantial evidence of a chemical presence? Why has no one been able to discover what is making people sick, and crops die?
The answer is that no one has looked in the right place. To find our explanation we must look back at some of the strangest scientific claims of energy production made in the twentieth century, and one of the most shameful cases of censorship and oppression carried out by the United States government.
A cloudbuster
Wilhelm Reich (24 March 1897 – 3 November 1957) was an Austrian psychoanalyst, a member of the second generation of psychoanalysts after Sigmund Freud, and one of the most radical figures in the history of psychiatry. – Wikipedia
Wilhelm Reich was a brilliant student of psychology who made discoveries related to the reproductive process and the generation of energy. Before he moved into this territory, he was a renowned intellectual, celebrated for his analytic mind, and passionate political stance against the fascist movements of his time. His research into the function of the human orgasm and its potential for use in creating growth and healing human beings changed all of that. What Reich proposed next was only peripherally linked to human sexuality, but in 1950s America, that was more than enough. The Elite used this aspect of Reich’s work to launch a devastating attack against the once-respected man and cause the incredible progress that he had made in his groundbreaking research to grind to a halt.
Reich’s discovery was a form of energy he called “orgone,” a positive life force naturally occurring in the earth’s atmosphere. He proposed that, if concentrated properly, this energy could be used for numerous beneficial purposes. Even so, he came under intense scrutiny. Reich created “orgone accumulators,” boxes that would collect this energy for use in treating, and potentially curing, various diseases, particularly cancer, sterility, and impotency. The connection is obvious. Cancer causes a malignant growth that ends life, while sterility and impotency are manifestations of a fundamental inability to manifest the material that creates new life. Reich theorized that orgone energy could be used to reverse the cancerous process, and restore the reproductive function to those affected by sterility and impotency.
In addition to this innovative research, Reich began to create devices he called “cloudbusters,” machines that would project accumulated orgone energy into the atmosphere, creating rain that would be particularly beneficial for growing crops, and reversing periods of drought. The early testing of both these technologies began to show promise. His critics point to the fact that Reich enjoyed only limited success, and some debate whether he had any real results at all, but this is somewhat spurious. Reich’s period of research, from his discovery of orgone energy to the period that his work was destroyed by the government Elite, lasted a mere eight years, and his experiments were largely funded by himself, or donors who had faith in his abilities. To develop such revolutionary technology, even government-funded corporations with literally billions of dollars to work with, and virtually unlimited laboratory access, take longer than that to produce far less impressive results than what Reich’s early work demonstrated in the field of agriculture.
Even so, the Elite were content to rob him of his teaching position and publicly discredit his work. The trouble didn’t start until Reich identified the cause of the droughts and diseases themselves, something he called “Deadly Orgone Radiation.” If orgone were the life force, this would be the death force, spreading famine and disease anywhere it accumulated. The potential for creation and healing was of little interest to the Elite. The potential for destruction, however, was quite a different story.
A picture speaks a thousand words. Here is one speaking of the effects to our ecosystem and food sources
Shortly after this significant breakthrough in his research, Reich was taken to federal court, ordered to cease the production of orgone related equipment, and halt all of his research. The public will never know what might have come of Reich’s work, because in a terrifying act of censorship, the Food and Drug Administration destroyed all of his notes and equipment in a massive book burning after a raid on his laboratory. One would assume that, if Reich had been the “kook” that the government was attempting to portray him as, they would have been more than happy to make his research public. If it was easy to discredit his work, why burn all of the evidence? People make stranger claims than Reich’s, based on less research. Reich was charged with fraud, but it was the FDA, not the people who had bought orgone accumulators from him, that was actually behind the assault. Perhaps the threat that Reich posed to the corporate Elite, who would find it difficult to profit from an energy that occurs naturally throughout the earth’s atmosphere, was too great. Indeed, this would seem to be the case. Although Reich was imprisoned, he vowed to continue his research upon release. Alas, this extraordinary thinker died of a mysterious heart attack just one week before his scheduled parole in 1957. While a generation of idealists mourned his passing, politicians, sex-phobic reactionaries, and the Corporate Elite, who had other plans for the business of agriculture, celebrated.
…Monsanto’s present-day global seed and insecticide portfolio, including rights to its infamous “terminator” or “suicide seed” technology (which effectively sterilizes second-generation plants and makes it not only futile but a legal violation for farmers to gather seeds for next year’s crop). Monsanto has prosecuted farmers who discover GM corn or soy sprouts growing on their land after the wind carries seeds over from neighbors’ GM fields. The basis for such ridiculous lawsuits? Plant patent laws: These farmers are inadvertently violating Monsanto’s intellectual property rights. – source
The United States government, after years of research and the combined efforts of the Agricultural Research Service and the Delta and Pine Land Company, created what are called, “terminator seeds.” According to the official explanation for this very strange field of study, people’s fears about consuming genetically modified food would be assuaged if that genetically modified food were not able to reproduce, thus eliminating concerns that an unnatural mutation of some kind might occur. As it turned out, people’s fears about the abuse of this so-called “terminator technology” far outweighed any such concerns. The commercial use of terminator technology was officially banned in the U.S. in the year 2000, and faces severe opposition anywhere in the world that its use has been advocated. The catch was this: the Monsanto mega-corporation, which had been conducting field tests of genetically modified crops since 1987, was developing a similar technology, a kind of seed that would never be capable of reproduction.
The reaction from NGOs and farmers to this idea was overwhelming, and mega-corporation or not, Monsanto suffered a great loss when commercial use of this technology was banned. Experimental use of the same technology is another matter. Although in 1999, Monsanto implemented a program where buyers must sign a contract simply not to sell or re-use their seeds, in opposition to legal action taken by a concerned public, there is no evidence they have ever halted their research program into terminator technology. Neither of these groups, the government Elite or the corporate Elite, were willing to see their efforts, and their money, merely go to waste.
GMO Corn
The Elite had no use for Reich’s research into orgone energy. But now, the existence of Deadly Orgone Radiation (D.O.R.) suddenly became important. Its use would be untraceable by conventional means, and, like Reich’s cloudbuster, it would require no more than water vapor to act as a carrier. In fact, the Elite explanation that these are not truly Chemtrails, but contrails, is technically accurate. They have simply found a way to infuse that simple water vapor with deadly radiation, which explains why they remains in the sky longer than normal contrails, and why in spite of the fact that crops have died and there has been a significant increase in the cancer rates of affected areas, no chemical contamination has been found.
But why use D.O.R. in the skies?
Because it attacks the life force, the potential for reproduction and growth, D.O.R. would have no effect on seeds genetically modified with terminator technology. This destructive energy manifests its deadly force through reproductive power, so it could only affect those crops that do not carry the terminator gene. Although the research and development of this technology has taken many years, it was in its infancy in Reich’s day, slowly but surely, the corporate Elite is perfecting it.
At present, the genetically modified crops growing in places not affected by “Chemtrails” are healthy, and thriving. It would seem that a simple ban on the re-use of seeds, and not the development of a form of technology that could give a single company a stranglehold on the world’s entire agricultural system, could solve the problem. However, use of technology that increases the presence of D.O.R. in the atmosphere could change that equation. If a mega-corporation such as Monsanto could produce new, “genetically modified” seeds that could resist a disaster, such as the sudden, inexplicable collapse of the agricultural industry, the ban on this technology would be very suddenly lifted. Thus far, the use of D.O.R. has not been perfected or, as far as we can tell, weaponized, but experiments continue to take place in increasing numbers.
The use of this technology could create a situation in which only the sterile survive, and the only cure for that sterility would be in the hands of the corporate Elite. If taken to the most devastating extreme, it would be possible for a company like Monsanto to use D.O.R. to seize the reigns of human reproduction itself. If this were to take place, within a couple of generations, that company could easily control the world. This potential attack on the agricultural economy is just the beginning.
While it may seem far-fetched to some, those people living in the area affected by the “Chemtrails” (as we have shown, a slightly inaccurate term) phenomenon can and will attest to the fact that this is no laughing matter. Something is out there making plants, animals, and people, sick. Something that is visible in the air, and hangs like a gloomy cloud in the sky, in sharp contradistinction to the fluffy, quickly vanishing, vapor trails left behind by commercial airliners.
Harvest time?
The only possible way to fight this incursion would seem to have died with Wilhelm Reich, however that cannot possibly be the case. If these experiments are taking place, and evidence would suggest that they are, the means of reversing their effects must also have been preserved, or at least re-discovered. For a company of Monsanto’s resources, what took Reich years to discover and identify would be a minor task.
Reich had many students that attempted to carry on his research as best they could. Is it possible that one of them could identify traces of D.O.R. in the areas where people have witnessed “Chemtrails?”
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