Aftermath of San Bernardino: Here we sit, languishing in misery after another attack on our own soil. Doing what we always do after such a catastrophic event. Sitting around pointing fingers at the wrong people and not looking closely at details which all clearly spell out one thing for us blind and numb pedestrians: this was clearly another false flag attack in America to scare us into a police state, and potentially something far more serious (perhaps an extermination of the lower class and a world war). While some people scoff at the term false flag, that is because they have blinders over their eyes. They believe what they are fed by the mass media machine because they are too weak and feeble to be able to see the truth and actually handle it.
The truth has always scared us so we make excuses to avoid looking directly at it. In this case, the truth hurts, but not nearly as much as what the elite have planned for us next.
Slowly, like a tank treading over mountains of bodies to reach a destination, local police forces are being militarized. While this would be expected if our country was being invaded, and we were in constant danger from an outside force, that is not the case. What is the case is that local police are being militarized against AMERICANS.
All you need to do is gander at the above photo to realize just how far this has gone. It has set off a chain-of-events that will not end well for us as citizens. There are five officers aiming their gun at that unarmed American citizen in that picture. Dressed head to toe in military gear, they look more like something out of a videogame than an actual police force, yet that is just what they are. To serve and protect? That was the Ferguson police, driving tanks and running through their city, with their guns aimed at unarmed, non-provoking civilians (primarily of color). Boston was the test run for the police state idea. When they saw how we all bent over like bitches and let them lock us down for no reason, that was a taste test. Fast forward 1 year, and we have what unfolded in Ferguson a few weeks back, and it is proven. American police are being militarized, and America is being slowly prepped to turned into a police state. The above photo stands as the perfect proof of this, and should fill you with a sense of fear as to what happens to our freedom next.
"I was just asking directions. Is this necessary?"
So the cops shoot and kill an unarmed black teenager In Ferguson, Missouri. A disgusting and unforgivable act, and an act that should be met with rage and civil disobedience. Regardless of how corrupt the cops are or what district they are in or who they are aiming their aggression at, cops are not allowed to just shoot and kill people whenever and however they want. They are not given the almighty mantle of judge, jury, and executioner. They are simply bouncers. The guys who stand off to the side until the shit hits the fan, then they come in and make sure no more shit is hitting anymore fans. They are meant to symbolize protection and safety. When we see police, we are supposed to be filled with a sense of calm and protection, like suddenly, nothing can happen to you. The problem is, with the militarization of the police, we no longer see them like that. We no longer see them as the upholder of peace and protector of the innocent. Truth is, we begin to see them as the problem. A masked, protected, and armed bully who knows he is above the same laws he is enforcing. To further give the police this feeling, they are looking less and less like police and more and more like soldiers. Let us take a moment to observe the outfits that were worn by police the day Ferguson police went full military.
You see them and you'd think they were readying for a fight with Nazi zombies but nope, just a regular day on the job.
First of all, camo gear. Camo gear? Why the f*ck did any of these police officers have camo gear on? Makes no sense. Goggles usually used for war times, wrapped around military style helmets. Camo gear and flack jackets. These were not police the way we usually see them. Watching footage from Ferguson was like watching the setup for a war film. These “cops” were storming the streets, openly brandishing weapons, driving armored and weaponized war vehicles through, and basically, making their presence known more as a military occupying force than a police force. Were people rioting and tearing up the streets and beating cops down? Is that why the cops showed up like this? Great question, and the answer is no. They showed up like this before anyone even did anything. Speaking of doing anything, they showed up like this because THEY KNEW THEY WERE WRONG. They shot an unarmed black kid, and they knew they were going to catch heat for this. So what did they do? They came to the party dressed to kill. They wanted their presence felt before it was seen. There would be no apologizing for the mishandling of that case. No parties owning up and admitting they racially profiled someone and f*cked up. Nope. None of that. Instead, they showed up on an armored and already angry bull and dared anyone to f*ck with them. Now this is when shit went fully off-the-rails.
Just look at this picture:
You know every one of those guys has been in a frat.
These guys clearly do not think they are cops. They think they are soldiers right out of Call of Duty: Fuck America Edition. From the masks to the outfits to the stance to the bravado, it just no longer reads cops. It no longer reads as small town police. It reads military state. It reads “you make a wrong move and we shoot you and no one bats an eye.” The worst part is, no one is speaking up about it. Everything they did in Ferguson is apparently okay. It is perfectly okay to shoot an unarmed teenager “multiple times in the head and chest”. It is perfectly okay to follow that up with posturing and gesturing. As a matter of fact, why not just treat the entire population of Ferguson as if they have done something wrong, while owning none of that yourselves, Ferguson police? Oh wait, that is just what they did.
Remember this guy?
You know this dude has a tiny cock.
No, he is not a soldier in Afghanistan. No, this is not a photo from the first time we invaded Iraq. That is a Ferguson police officer sitting atop a heavily armored vehicle with a professional sniper rifle. Much has been said about this particular picture, and with good reason. Much like TWA Flight 800 was a test run to see if they could really pull off an Operation Northwoods (which they later did with 9/11), Boston was a test run to see if we would allow the militarization of our local police, and we did nothing, which told them it was A-okay. Roger that!
That brings us to the second test, which was Ferguson. Police officers aiming guns at unarmed citizens whilst driving military vehicles through the city and telling people what they can and cannot do, using force any chance they can. That, to me, tells us we are screwed, period. Every single thing that has happened in Ferguson has been mishandled. You cannot aim a gun at someone who is not posing a threat to anyone or themselves. You cannot aim guns down on massive crowds gathered peacefully to rally against the exact thing that is happening. America is militarizing their police force, and leaning towards martial law. I know it sounds insane, but the big picture has already been painted for us. Some of us just refuse to see it because it scares us that much.
Jesus, guys. Killing Tupac once wasn't good enough for you?
The problem here is, we allow this. Why? Because we are terrified by it. We do not want to be staring down the barrel of a loaded gun pointed at our face because we stood in opposition to this. We don’t want to be the next Michael Brown, littered with bullet holes, even though we were brandishing no weapon at the time. The problem is, as mentioned in my Boston article, how far away are we from this being Nazi Germany? How far away are we from country-wide, enforced curfews and police going from the guys who protected us to the guys who keep us locked down in our homes, stripped of all the rights that once made us free Americans? It wont just stop now on its own. The progression has begun. Though Ferguson may stand out, did you know the militarization of the police is happening in almost every town and state in the country right now? Some people are just not noticing. But guess what? Some are:
More than you would think, actually:
The press want you not to notice. The police want you not to notice. The government wants you not to notice, but this is happening, and has been slowly across the last decade or so. Do you know about your own town? Do you know if you have giant, armor-plated and weaponized vehicles at your town’s disposal? If so, why? Why do they need vehicles that have guns and armor and battering rams and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars? Why do the police look more like soldiers than police now (especially in the recent Ferguson photos we have all been seeing)? Why do local police forces need such insane and over-the-top methods of warfare when they are not meant to engage in warfare at all? They are simply there to keep us safe and keep the “bad guys” in line. Funny how the definition of bad guy is getting so vague, huh? Apparently now, part of keeping us in line means aiming guns at us and driving tanks around small towns. Question is, how far are we going to let this go? If we keep pretending its not happening, it will not end well for us. I think many of us can already see that….
Local police force "keeping you safe". If you still don't think we're heading straight to a police state, keep watching.
There is never a shortage of “end of the world” scare tactics used by the global elite to desensitize us sheep! We just saw the BS hype around the 2012 Mayan Prophecy (read this if you haven’t already) amount to nothing more than a movie, superbowl ads, and an excuse to party. Make no mistake about it, the end times are here. The end is nigh! But we will never be told by this superclass how exactly it will end. It is up to us to discover that, and in our journey of discovery let’s not forget the good old global warming hoax. We all remember the global warming daze when we first watched Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth… but whatever happened to all that hype? The documentary movie was out in 2006 and here we are now seven years later wondering what the heck was that all about. Was it a hoax? Propaganda? Or, an inconvenient truth? And most importantly, what was the reason behind that sudden mass scare?
According to Public Policy Polling, which was not paid for or authorized by any campaign or political organization and where surveys were conducted between March 27th and March 30th this year, 37% of the people believe it’s a hoax, while 12% are not sure. 58% of Republicans agree that it is a conspiracy, while 77% of Democrats disagree. That’s quite a high level of skepticism, which only means that more people are starting to see beyond the shadows and lies of the establishment. It also shows that there is indeed a global awakening going on.
So What Is Global Warming?
Global Warming is simply the increase of Earth’s average surface temperature that is believed to be due to the effect of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide and methane) emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation. The greenhouse effect traps heat and light that would otherwise escape from Earth towards space.
Backing Al Gore, some scientists have argued that global warming is man-made and that it has the potential to change our lives forever. They said it will impact water resources, agriculture, energy use, weather patterns and sea level differentially across our planet. Those same “scientists” also argued that it should be regulated if we ever want Earth not to plunge into a state of entropy. Or so they made it sound.
However, many climate realists – who are also scientists – are becoming more vocal about the matter and are debunking this conundrum by showing that today’s temperatures are not in any way historic or unprecedented.
On July 10, 1913 Greenland Ranch, California reached 134 °F which is now the official WMO hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth. Climate alarmists like Eco-Fascist James Hansen were arguing that heat waves like these are impossible without CO2 from your SUV!
Rather than global warming, the term that has been recently used more often is “climate change.” This is because as the Earth’s average temperature climbs, winds and ocean currents move heat around the globe in ways that can cool some areas and warm others while changing the amount of falling rain and snow. As a result, the climate changes differently in different areas.
Others, including myself, believe that the term was interchanged because global warming has been scientifically disproved repeatedly those last several years so the minority elite, who pretty much own the planet’s resources and who are obviously behind this craze, needed a different term to appeal to the masses.
The warming of the climate remains an unambiguous topic simply because our planet has survived for 4.5 billion years. Studying the patterns throughout this last century or even two alone cannot really be scientifically accurate. So was this recent warming hype worth all that fear or is it just another natural phenomenon that was pushed by the elite agenda for some vile and vulturous purposes?
Historically speaking, Earth’s climate has been regularly flickering between temperatures like those we see today and temperatures cold enough that large sheets of ice covered much of North America and Europe. The difference between average global temperatures today and during those ice ages is only about 5 degrees Celsius (9 degrees Fahrenheit), and these swings happen extremely slowly over hundreds of thousands of years. So again, why the sudden hysteria?
Facts vs. Factoids
Some scientists first claimed that Earth is heating up, due primarily to an atmospheric increase in carbon dioxide mainly caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum. But now, no one can any longer say that the world is dangerously warming. Of course other than some of the mainstream “scientists” who are funded by the decision-makers. In fact, many scientists agree that nowadays our blue planet is undergoing global cooling.
The topic was introduced on a wide scale to the public through Gore’s documentary movie. So let us examine some of the global warming factual evidence and see how accurate these supposedly scientific claims really are.
Gore’s unscientific documentary was to be watched by millions of school students around the world.
One of the main “facts” Gore stated in An Inconvenient Truth was that sea-level will increase by 6 meters (20 ft.) due to the melting of either West Antarctica or Greenland. Well, according to The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, sea-level have increased naturally in past climates up to 7 m (23 ft.) above today’s levels, and would only likely happen again after several millennia. In the next 100 years, according to calculations based on figures in the IPCC’s 2007 report, between the two mentioned ice sheets, a little over 6 cm (2.5 inches) to sea level will be added, and NOT 6 m. Gore has accordingly exaggerated the official sea-level estimate by around 10,000 per cent!
Another point presented by Gore as a fact is that low-lying inhabited Pacific coral atolls are already being inundated because of anthropogenic global warming, leading to the evacuation of several island populations to New Zealand. However, the atolls are not being inundated, except where over extraction of fresh water or dynamiting of reefs by local populations has caused damage. Though some residents of Tuvalu have asked to be moved to New Zealand, but that was it. There have been no mass evacuations of populations of islanders as suggested by Gore.
One more false assumption is that throughout each of the last four interglacial warm periods it was changes in carbon dioxide concentration that caused changes in temperature. In reality, it was the other way round. Changes in temperature preceded changes in the CO2 concentration by between 800 and 2800 years, as scientific papers including the paper on which Gore’s film had relied upon made clear.
The average global temperature and concentrations of carbon dioxide have fluctuated on a cycle of hundreds of thousands of years as the Earth’s position relative to the sun has varied. As a result, ice ages have come and gone. Again, that’s the natural order of the bigger picture that Gore, who was never a scientist himself, seems to have deliberately chosen to overlook.
Even though humanity has been quite vile towards Mother Earth and constantly acts as if they have somewhere else to go to, but pumping out carbon dioxide is indeed not happening at prodigious or alarming rates. The matter of the fact is that 96.5% of all carbon dioxide emissions are from natural sources; humans are responsible for only 3.5%, with 0.6% coming from fuel to move vehicles, and about 1% from fuel to heat buildings. Yet, the thought-provoking is that vehicle fuel (petrol) is taxed at 300% while fuel to heat buildings is taxed at 5% even though buildings emit nearly twice as much carbon dioxide!
Moreover, and to play on people’s – and children’s – emotions, Gore says a scientific study shows that polar bears are being killed swimming long distances to find ice that has melted away because of “global warming.” Well, they are not. The 2005 study by Monnett & Gleason mentioned just four dead bears that were stranded in an exceptional storm with high winds and waves in the Beaufort Sea.
The truth is, polar bears have evolved from brown bears 200,000 years ago, and have survived the last interglacial period when global temperature was 5 degrees Celsius warmer than the present. And there was probably no Arctic ice cap at all.
The photo used by Al Gore in An Inconvenient Truth was taken in the month of August
This is when it gets puzzlingly funny. Remember this iconic and oh-so-heartrending photograph of two polar bears on a melting icecap published by the Associated Press that was on every darn mainstream publication? What you probably don’t know is that this image was taken in August, a time when polar icecaps naturally melt and the wider shot would have shown that the bears were near land mass. Even the photographer, Australian marine biology student Amanda Byrd, didn’t think the bears were in any kind of jeopardy.
Also guess what? Polar bears are excellent swimmers that can cover distances up to 100 miles (161 kilometers) at a time, and their population have increased from 5,000 in the 1950’s to 20-25,000 in 2005 due to hunting regulations. Surprise!
However, all this didn’t stop Al Gore from using the photo as shameless emotional propaganda in his movie and his many, many lectures to vehemently support this funded case.
Bear in mind that this politically biased documentary that contains all these grim scientific inaccuracies was to be watched by school students around the whole world. It even became part of the official curriculum of the secondary educational system in Britain where it was distributed to 3500 schools in 2007. What better way to indoctrinate a population than through its youth.
Also bear in mind that you probably wouldn’t hear about any of this info in mainstream media. Simply because The Big Six who control today’s mass media in the U.S, and consequently the whole world, are owned by none other than this same sorry lot of an elite.
But, we always have a choice to be our own researchers and seek the truth; for the truth never stays hidden for too long.
One of those who openly debunked this man-made, global warming mass scare is the award winning meteorologist and bestselling author Brian Sussman. He unravelled the theory of anthropogenic global warming before hundreds of political science students in a lecture at University of California-Berkeley.
“Most of the warming (88%) that has occurred since 1850 took place before 1940.”
A new study measuring temperatures over the past two millennia has concluded that the temperatures seen in the last decade are far from being the hottest in history.
Temperatures on the planet today are NOT by any means historic or unprecedented, it just that they thought they could hide the truth.
To end this ignominious debacle and to make matters clearer to you, the official position of the World Natural Health Organization in regards to global warming is that THERE IS NO GLOBAL WARMING!
In Their Own Words
The remarkable thing that, in my opinion, exposes the elite agenda the most are some of the statements made about global warming by the “ones in charge” – or more colloquially the “puppets of the ones in charge.”
During the first U.N. Earth Climate Summit that took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992, one of the speakers was former U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth, who was then representing the Clinton-Gore administration as U.S undersecretary of state for global issues, and who, addressing the audience said:
“We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”
It’s worth noting that Wirth now heads the U.N. Foundation which lobbies for hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to help underdeveloped countries fight climate change.
Also speaking at the same conference, was Deputy Assistant of State Richard Benedick who then headed the policy divisions of the U.S. State Department. He said:
“A global warming treaty (Kyoto) must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the ‘enhanced’ greenhouse effect.”
In my book, that’s clearly how people who know they are hiding something act – a sort of a noble lie. So when one day they are proven wrong, and that day has come some years ago, they could always say they were doing it out of goodwill and for our own benefit. And not to control humanity or achieve global dominance at all! When they knew that science might not be backing their claims, they still went ahead with this whole false scare. Astonishingly, they haven’t ceased trying until today.
Maurice Strong, who organized that staged panegyric in Rio stated:
“We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse.”
Oh thank you sir.
Four years later in 1996, former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev loftily emphasized the importance of using climate alarmism to advance socialist Marxist objectives. He said:
“The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”
And just very recently in an interview at a Cambridge hotel in Boston after meeting with scholars from Harvard and Tufts universities, U.S Navy Admiral Samuel J. Locklear III cited climate change as “the biggest long-term security threat to the U.S in the Pacific region.”
Are these guys (read: scumbags) for real?
Elite Agenda
The fundamental question then remains; can we really trust governments or their rigged version of selective science? Shouldn’t we think thirty seven times before doing that? I believe that global warming has been thoroughly debunked so many times those last few years that anyone with a room-temperature IQ and access to Google can find out that the story doesn’t really add up. Plus, aren’t humans, or some of them, who are still waging wars and killing people over the control of energy sources buried in the sand when energy is all around us in the universe.
When renowned politicians like Al Gore and others would suddenly come out to the public with such a fresh phenomenon, it is not out of sheer humanitarian love for our planet and its inhabitants. Definitely not. It is just another card played in favour of the elite agenda to terrify and control the masses while making money out of it. And when science repeatedly disproves this phenomenon, it’s only normal to realize that indeed there must be other motifs.
That’s no new ideology and it’s been happening all throughout history, especially this last century with the inception of propaganda and the Nazis as well as with the work of the father of public relations, Edward Bernays, with the U.S government, the CIA and NASA.
As the Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebells said, if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. And I say that if you repeat it often enough, it becomes politics.
You control a population through triggering their primal fears using a combination of indoctrination, mass media, consumerism, religion, and a crippling monetary system. The Rothschild family alone controls the Central Banks, the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, Bank of England, the IMF, the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements and they are the bankers of both the Royal Family and the Vatican!
Those interested to know more about mass control and its inception can read this paper Mass Control and the Redefinition of Freedom.
The same scare tactics were behind the terror campaigns used by Hitler in Belgium, Holland and Poland. In 1954 for instance, it happened in the U.S when Bernays convinced the American public that Guatemala was a crucial threat and that its “liberation” is an act of freedom for democracy. It also happened later during the cold war with the U.S.S.R and the Red Scare.
By manipulating the public’s opinion through mass media and propaganda, those same shenanigans were behind the prohibition, Nixon’s War on Drugs and lately with the War on Terror which is nothing but a war OF terror.
Induced fear has always helped the elite in advancing their eco-political fascistic, despotic agendas on the way to leading humanity to a unified world order. In the name of freedom, they are constantly waging wars that are not about freedom at all. Instead, they are about more control over resources, ownership of central banks, and a sad, insatiable greed.
So remind me again why and how could we trust a corporate-owned government that was behind MK-Ultra mind control program in the 50’s and 60’s? Why and how could we trust a government that was behind Iran-Contra in the 80’s? Why and how does the US, which consist 5% of the world population, consume 60% of the world’s psychiatric drugs? Why and how could we trust them when 2 CIA planes were busted in Yucatan, Mexico; one on April 10, 2006 with 5.5 tons of cocaine, the other when it crashed on September 24, 2007 with 4 tons in the scandals dubbed “Cocaine 1” and “Cocaine 2”?
Why and how could we trust a government that founded Al-Qaeda, blew up its own citizens in 9/11, lied about Iraq having weapons, made up a Sandy Hook school shooting, and most probably the Boston marathon bombing too, just to take the guns away and have a Bigger Brother system?
That’s just basic critical reasoning here.
There is also the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) which is how to modify the weather! Yes this exists. And if you haven’t heard about it before I suggest you Google it.
Never forget what your governments are capable of. When we give it just a little bit of thought, not only it would be unwise to have faith in the system, but it would also be gullible. So after all this disgraceful history, when the system funds Al Gore and these other incongruous political scientists to get religiously involved in something like global warming, one cannot help but to be skeptic, highly skeptic too. It’s called being able to think for yourself.
You have to understand that the elite possess so much power that they can easily manipulate results of “scientific” studies to match their agendas. For the curious truthers who want to delve more into the topic, this leaked IPCC Document exposes how far they could go.
Again, induced irrational fear makes the masses contained, controlled and enslaved as they are bludgeoned into submission. It also makes them believe that their only salvation is through the help of their murky, greedy owners and their bleak, corrupt governments. So be it less freedom, less privacy, more taxes, unified currency and constitution or a new world order, the people are slowly conditioned that it’s all done for their own safety and security. Just like this pompous global warming sham.
Based on the facts shared herein as well as on history, I believe that it’s all simply just another debacle where scare tactics are used to increase governmental overreach. The climate is changing as it always did and as it should, but generating so much fear and panic shouldn’t have happened, unless of course there are bigger motifs.
Even for the sake of the argument if we say that it is true, their so-called Carbon Tax can never be the solution.
“Those who suppress freedom always do so in the name of law and order.” – John V. Lindsay
In a Nutshell
You see, our planet is several billion years old. By looking at the rifting of Pangaea, tsunamis, asteroid/comet/meteor collisions, volcanoes eruptions, earthquakes, magnetic storms, plate tectonics, pole reversal, species extinctions, floods, wars, diseases and famines, we realize that they were all seasonal, and that during most of its existence things have been relatively peaceful. Nature is adaptable, no matter what we do to it it will simply change and take on new forms; it will outlive us as we physically vanish after this somewhat short earthly visit. We may not be here to see it but the planet will heal itself like it always did throughout the ages, and it certainly doesn’t need us to live in fear as our governments interfere for “help”. For now, this planet is our only home and we should act like it by taking care of it the best we can and by coexisting with all other species. Do not worry about your planet, worry about yourself instead. We do not need to spend our lives freaked out if we’re too late to avoid some cataclysmic ecological disaster.
As we’ve seen, the concept behind the global warming scare may very well be just another major fraud just like many others before it. The temperature may rise and fall sometimes here and sometimes there but on the bigger scheme of our existence we are not facing any real danger as they are claiming. Using the climate was one smart way to generate fear and panic while making profits by the googol. Those behind this movement are using it to control people’s lives for financial gain by implementing a global tax on all human beings for just being alive. How absurd just to think about it.
Remember that the way to the truth can be shown to you, but to find the truth you have to seek and dig it out yourself. Study the information and the links sourced in this paper and decide if it all makes sense, and then come out with your own conclusion, just like it should always be. Knowledge means awareness and that’s why it’s power. Let us question everything, think critically, and not fall for those fake radical green claims. And as always, stay informed and stay awakened.
Note: Throughout this research I have discovered many “scientific” and “certified” sources changing their stand towards Global Warming since 2006/2007 until today. This led me to believe even more that there are those who are working behind closed doors to filter what the masses get to see, hear, read, and consequently think. Just another observation that exposes the elite agenda even more.
“We had illegal sweeps, searches, and seizures. We had police going door to door with guns drawn”. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you would have noticed that there has been a recent spate of false flag terror activities, namely the Boston Marathon bombings. Our hearts go out to all the families and victims affected by this tragedy… but this time something just doesn’t smell right! One of our most vigilant (anonymous) authors is giving us the details of the lockdown as he personally experienced it. This is a personal appeal for all truthseekers, patriots, and you, a concerned citizen, to open your eyes and look right at the face of our police state. Privacy violations, rights limited, and government lockdowns – all just a test run for an inevitable New World Order. Don’t be fooled by Illuminati controlled mass media, as they war for your mind, this is all part of the Elite Agenda.
Writing for a truthseeking website, I guess I should be excited that I was lucky enough to be in Boston over the last few weeks, when all the shit hit the fan. Why? Because I get to tell the story from the inside, how it really happened, and as a writer, my main concern should be being able to deliver a story that is both honest and unbiased, no matter the cost. But I want to be raw with all of you for a second and tell you, as much as I am grateful I can tell this tale, it was also exhausting and scary over these last few weeks, being a Bostonian. There has been a sense of fear that is prevalent in what we do now. And the reality is, it is not just a fear over what actually happened, which, at the heart of it, is a terrorist act that cost people their lives and limbs. But for those on the inside, the fear is not just delegated to those who may have perpetrated the act. No, our fear has shifted, for we have been in the police state from the inside. We have now had all our rights stripped away from us, seeing SWAT members lock all of Boston down at gun point. We have seen them sweep the streets like this is Nazi Germany. We have seen them going into homes with their guns drawn on families for no reason. While the end result may have been the inherent desire to keep us, as Americans, safe, what we need to look at now is keeping us safe at what cost? The cost of our personal freedoms? How is it we all just lay down and took this without any argument? The real fear stemming from all of this now is not Russian terrorist cells trying to blow us up. It is our own government, swooping in with guns drawn, telling us we can’t leave our houses. THAT stands as the real threat. What started with the patriot act has spread its roots deep into the tarnished soil of this once great Country, corrupting us, treating the innocents like the guilty and giving us no reason for their atrocious and unforgivable behavior. But the reality here, from someone who has been inside the rotting gut of this beast for the last few weeks is, this was a test run to see how compliant an entire city would be when placed into a police state. And guess what? We didn’t offer ANY opposition, and instead, lined the streets cheering for the very people who locked us in our homes and aimed guns at us. So you see, we are as much to blame for taking it all as they are for dishing it out. Let me tell you some things the media is NOT about the lock down from last week.
It was April 19th, 2013, and it will forever be a day I won’t forget. One of those days you feel as important, and you never shake that feeling. I felt it as a child when I saw the Berlin wall fall, live on TV. I felt it as a child when I saw the Challenger space shuttle explode. I felt it when 9/11 happened, and many subsequent days. But no day has ever felt like April 19th, when they put the entirety of Boston on lock down while they searched frantically for the two suspects wanted in connection with the terrible Boston marathon bombing, which killed 2 (one being a small child) and left 125 other injured or maimed. And from the first minute I woke up that Friday, I could feel it. We all could. The sky had an odd jaundiced tone to it, and the air was thick and heavy. It was raining, off and on, and there was a palpable tension in the air that any of us could feel. We were already all riled up because of the events that had unfolded in our city just a few days earlier, and we woke up that day with it feeling (and looking) like the end of the world. Boston was empty except for the cops and SWAT lining the streets, which made it look even more like an apocalyptic zombie film.
How does one kid lock an entire city down and require this much police presence?
The thing people need to know about Boston is, we are a vengeful lot. Of ALL the cities someone could have f*cked with, Boston might be the stupidest, most counter productive of all. Why? Because we were SO INTENT with catching these kids and making them pay that we didn’t even care when our own rights were stripped from us. But we also showed the government in one fell swoop, that we, as a Country, WILL BE the sheep they need us to be. We pretend we are all strong and angry, yet a moment comes where any of us could have offered opposition, and we just took it like a champ. The problem is, we showed them it works. If they can do that to Boston, a city filled with driven, passionate, loud people, they can do it anywhere. We were the test run, and honestly, it could not have gone any better for those in charge, which will really just screw this country, long-term.
The thing NO ONE is talking about regarding this lock down is what was happening inside it. You see, part of the lock down obviously involved K9, bomb and drug sniffing dogs. So what was also happening, amid all the chaos, guns and drugs were being taken from people without warrants or rights. The thing is, they weren’t arresting people. They were just sweeping through, and if they happened to find drugs or guns, were removing them. Yes, you read that correctly. And of course you are not hearing about it because what drug dealer (or drug taker) is gonna post on Facebook about how some cops just took his ounce of pot? No one, ultimately granting Boston police the freedom to recreate Nazi Germany, though on a much smaller scale.
On top of that, just the way it was being handled was grossly incompetent. You are telling me that hundreds of police officers needed to approach every house in Watertown with their guns drawn? So they are that inept that they just assume every single house is harboring these guys? There are examples of friends of mine with kids having SWAT entering their homes and pointing the guns at their children. Can we take one moment to talk about just how fucked up all of this is? At this point, they had already killed the first terrorist (and plastered images of his corpse all over social media, further showing us just how classless we have become as a society). So what they are trying to tell us through their actions is that ONE KID was strong enough to cause the entirety of Boston to be locked down (and many surrounding towns) and have all its citizens be treated guilty until proven innocent? One damn kid? SO why was New York not locked down after 9/11? Because passion and panic were at an all-time high, and it would have never been successfully implemented amid that anarchy. But using the Boston bombings as a catalyst to try out the police state on a smaller scale was a brilliant move by this world’s elite, and it set the tone for us that will be nothing if not damning to future generations.
Yay! Lock us down and treat us like criminals and we will cheer for you like you are a God.
We had illegal sweeps, searches, and seizures. We had police going door to door with guns drawn. We, all around New England, had special messages on our social network feeds to (pay attention to this one) to “not disclose police locations through pictures or posts on social networks that could end up compromising the arrests”. So not only had the police taken over the streets of Boston, but the had taken our social networks as well, letting us know that, in that single moment, we had NO freedoms as American people. It may just be one of the scariest things that has ever happened in America. Not the bombing itself, but just how it was handled by our own government, and subsequently, us. Instead of really thinking about our safety, we were tested. The proverbial lab rat for how submissive we become when it is expected of us. Listen, despite whatever you may think, we are a society that lacks free thinkers. We are a society that lacks revolutionaries. Facebook and Twitter has made us a passive generation, bitching about what we hate on public forums, yet not brave enough to stand up and speak in opposition to it when it is shoveled at us in massive piles. But I wouldn’t be telling you all this if I did not believe we could still make a change as a country. We CAN shift our collective thinking, and no longer allow ourselves to be lied to and manipulated by those who we are supposed to trust to protect us. Speaking of lies, what about the lies we were fed about the shooting and the arrest?
Look at him, people. The face that shut down Boston.
Listen, Dzokhar A. Tsarnaev, the second bomber, walked out of the boat he was hiding in of his own accord. There are pics of this. And then, in his arrest pic and subsequent pics, he is shot in the throat. Thing is, they did not tell ANYONE in Boston this kid was shot. They simply reported to us that the BPD had brought in the second bomber alive, and like good little sheep, we all cheered. We all cheered because we did not see the bad shape he was in. He all cheered because we believed that we may actually get some answers about what happened. We lined the streets and chanted and cheered for the same people who just drew guns on us and took our pot and guns. We cheered for the people who wouldn’t let us leave our homes. We cheered for a day we were prisoners in our own homes. Do you see how badly this reflects on all of us?
Flash forward a few days later and you have many conflicting reports, all over the web, and very few truths. The reality is, there is no way this kid is going to be talking. No way. I would venture so far as to say he looks dead in the arrest pic, and I find it disarming that no one else seems to think it suspicious that this was the biggest manhunt in recent U.S history, yet there is only ONE arrest pic. One. And NO video. WHAT? In an age of Twitter, Instagram, and Vine, and there is no footage of this kid being arrested, and there is only one pic? It doesn’t take a mathematician here to see that something is just not adding up in all of this. But being a docile generation, we offer no opposition when shit stinks. Instead, we just walk in it and carry the scent with us, too, which makes us just as bad as them. Well, not JUST as bad, but pretty damn close.
You see a terrorist. I see a dead kid, eyes shut, offering no opposition. Why did they tell us he was fine, and they admit he couldn’t talk?
At the end of the day, exactly one week has passed since the lock down, and most of us have just gotten back to life as normal. But the best of us know something shifted in the country that day. Something changed that we will never be able to change back. That was the day they stormed our houses with guns drawn. And more importantly, that was the day we let them.
If you haven’t heard of the Monsanto Protection Act, we can not blame you. The Illuminati controlled media is being used to usher in a New World Order, and in the process, educating us would be counter to the Elite Agenda. This Act is just the tip of the iceberg. Obama being a puppet for the Illuminati signed the act, after Congressional Approval. But where did this all start?
Air not poisonous enough for ya? Well we’ll fix that!
United States President Barack Obama has signed a bill into law that was written in part by the very billion-dollar corporation that will benefit directly from the legislation.
On Tuesday, Pres. Obama inked his name to H.R. 933, a continuing resolution spending bill approved in Congress days earlier. Buried 78 pages within the bill exists a provision that grossly protects biotech corporations such as the Missouri-based Monsanto Company from litigation. – source
For many decades now, numerous witnesses have observed a phenomenon they’ve described as “Chemtrails,” or “Chemical Trails,” in North American skies. What they have described it as, is a line of mysterious steam, thicker, of a different shade, and staying in the sky far longer than the water vapor known as “contrails” (condensation trails) that are typically left behind by passing aircraft. Although the government, in service of the Elite, has denied the existence of Chemtrails, a great number of people have observed thick criss-crossing lines in the sky that remain for long periods of time. This, in itself, would be nothing more than a curiosity if it were not for the fact that they seem to produce a negative effect on the health of the people, wildlife, and vegetation, of their communities. Grown, healthy adults have succumbed to deadly diseases such as cancer, severe respiratory problems, and fatal heart conditions. The effect on children has not yet been fully determined. The Elite media would have us believe that ALL of the health problems that occur in rural communities are simply caused by poor diet and lack of exercise. Certainly, as people consume more processed, chemically treated food, we can expect to see a decline in general health, but not to this extent.
This has caused a great deal of concern among those living in the affected areas. The public at large has, for the most part, accepted the official explanation. What the Elite do not even try to do is explain why crops have been dying and rates of disease have been rising in these areas. Can “too many cheeseburgers and too little jogging” really rationalize away this problem? Or, in their arrogance, do the Elite really expect that nobody will look more closely at this incredibly shallow answer to an incredibly important question? Perhaps they just hope that people will forget about the minor detail that this is an insufficient explanation when examining the case for Chemtrails.
Although many people have looked more deeply into this subject, searching for an answer that might reveal the agenda behind such activity, no obvious chemical source can be identified. The Elite have seen to it that anyone who calls attention to these issues is portrayed in the media as a lunatic, however valid the points they raise might be. When people believe that someone is crazy, they don’t care that there is no attempt to explain why they are wrong. You’d think, if the people demanding answers about the Chemtrails phenomenon were so and insane, it would be easy to rationally explain why they are mistaken, rather than relying on an anti-intellectual smear campaign. What, then could be the explanation behind the numerous witnesses to this phenomenon, the rise in disease, and the lack of an obvious chemical presence? If there is something abnormal about these trails, and all eyewitness accounts suggest that there is, then why have independent investigations failed to turn up substantial evidence of a chemical presence? Why has no one been able to discover what is making people sick, and crops die?
The answer is that no one has looked in the right place. To find our explanation we must look back at some of the strangest scientific claims of energy production made in the twentieth century, and one of the most shameful cases of censorship and oppression carried out by the United States government.
A cloudbuster
Wilhelm Reich (24 March 1897 – 3 November 1957) was an Austrian psychoanalyst, a member of the second generation of psychoanalysts after Sigmund Freud, and one of the most radical figures in the history of psychiatry. – Wikipedia
Wilhelm Reich was a brilliant student of psychology who made discoveries related to the reproductive process and the generation of energy. Before he moved into this territory, he was a renowned intellectual, celebrated for his analytic mind, and passionate political stance against the fascist movements of his time. His research into the function of the human orgasm and its potential for use in creating growth and healing human beings changed all of that. What Reich proposed next was only peripherally linked to human sexuality, but in 1950s America, that was more than enough. The Elite used this aspect of Reich’s work to launch a devastating attack against the once-respected man and cause the incredible progress that he had made in his groundbreaking research to grind to a halt.
Reich’s discovery was a form of energy he called “orgone,” a positive life force naturally occurring in the earth’s atmosphere. He proposed that, if concentrated properly, this energy could be used for numerous beneficial purposes. Even so, he came under intense scrutiny. Reich created “orgone accumulators,” boxes that would collect this energy for use in treating, and potentially curing, various diseases, particularly cancer, sterility, and impotency. The connection is obvious. Cancer causes a malignant growth that ends life, while sterility and impotency are manifestations of a fundamental inability to manifest the material that creates new life. Reich theorized that orgone energy could be used to reverse the cancerous process, and restore the reproductive function to those affected by sterility and impotency.
In addition to this innovative research, Reich began to create devices he called “cloudbusters,” machines that would project accumulated orgone energy into the atmosphere, creating rain that would be particularly beneficial for growing crops, and reversing periods of drought. The early testing of both these technologies began to show promise. His critics point to the fact that Reich enjoyed only limited success, and some debate whether he had any real results at all, but this is somewhat spurious. Reich’s period of research, from his discovery of orgone energy to the period that his work was destroyed by the government Elite, lasted a mere eight years, and his experiments were largely funded by himself, or donors who had faith in his abilities. To develop such revolutionary technology, even government-funded corporations with literally billions of dollars to work with, and virtually unlimited laboratory access, take longer than that to produce far less impressive results than what Reich’s early work demonstrated in the field of agriculture.
Even so, the Elite were content to rob him of his teaching position and publicly discredit his work. The trouble didn’t start until Reich identified the cause of the droughts and diseases themselves, something he called “Deadly Orgone Radiation.” If orgone were the life force, this would be the death force, spreading famine and disease anywhere it accumulated. The potential for creation and healing was of little interest to the Elite. The potential for destruction, however, was quite a different story.
A picture speaks a thousand words. Here is one speaking of the effects to our ecosystem and food sources
Shortly after this significant breakthrough in his research, Reich was taken to federal court, ordered to cease the production of orgone related equipment, and halt all of his research. The public will never know what might have come of Reich’s work, because in a terrifying act of censorship, the Food and Drug Administration destroyed all of his notes and equipment in a massive book burning after a raid on his laboratory. One would assume that, if Reich had been the “kook” that the government was attempting to portray him as, they would have been more than happy to make his research public. If it was easy to discredit his work, why burn all of the evidence? People make stranger claims than Reich’s, based on less research. Reich was charged with fraud, but it was the FDA, not the people who had bought orgone accumulators from him, that was actually behind the assault. Perhaps the threat that Reich posed to the corporate Elite, who would find it difficult to profit from an energy that occurs naturally throughout the earth’s atmosphere, was too great. Indeed, this would seem to be the case. Although Reich was imprisoned, he vowed to continue his research upon release. Alas, this extraordinary thinker died of a mysterious heart attack just one week before his scheduled parole in 1957. While a generation of idealists mourned his passing, politicians, sex-phobic reactionaries, and the Corporate Elite, who had other plans for the business of agriculture, celebrated.
…Monsanto’s present-day global seed and insecticide portfolio, including rights to its infamous “terminator” or “suicide seed” technology (which effectively sterilizes second-generation plants and makes it not only futile but a legal violation for farmers to gather seeds for next year’s crop). Monsanto has prosecuted farmers who discover GM corn or soy sprouts growing on their land after the wind carries seeds over from neighbors’ GM fields. The basis for such ridiculous lawsuits? Plant patent laws: These farmers are inadvertently violating Monsanto’s intellectual property rights. – source
The United States government, after years of research and the combined efforts of the Agricultural Research Service and the Delta and Pine Land Company, created what are called, “terminator seeds.” According to the official explanation for this very strange field of study, people’s fears about consuming genetically modified food would be assuaged if that genetically modified food were not able to reproduce, thus eliminating concerns that an unnatural mutation of some kind might occur. As it turned out, people’s fears about the abuse of this so-called “terminator technology” far outweighed any such concerns. The commercial use of terminator technology was officially banned in the U.S. in the year 2000, and faces severe opposition anywhere in the world that its use has been advocated. The catch was this: the Monsanto mega-corporation, which had been conducting field tests of genetically modified crops since 1987, was developing a similar technology, a kind of seed that would never be capable of reproduction.
The reaction from NGOs and farmers to this idea was overwhelming, and mega-corporation or not, Monsanto suffered a great loss when commercial use of this technology was banned. Experimental use of the same technology is another matter. Although in 1999, Monsanto implemented a program where buyers must sign a contract simply not to sell or re-use their seeds, in opposition to legal action taken by a concerned public, there is no evidence they have ever halted their research program into terminator technology. Neither of these groups, the government Elite or the corporate Elite, were willing to see their efforts, and their money, merely go to waste.
GMO Corn
The Elite had no use for Reich’s research into orgone energy. But now, the existence of Deadly Orgone Radiation (D.O.R.) suddenly became important. Its use would be untraceable by conventional means, and, like Reich’s cloudbuster, it would require no more than water vapor to act as a carrier. In fact, the Elite explanation that these are not truly Chemtrails, but contrails, is technically accurate. They have simply found a way to infuse that simple water vapor with deadly radiation, which explains why they remains in the sky longer than normal contrails, and why in spite of the fact that crops have died and there has been a significant increase in the cancer rates of affected areas, no chemical contamination has been found.
But why use D.O.R. in the skies?
Because it attacks the life force, the potential for reproduction and growth, D.O.R. would have no effect on seeds genetically modified with terminator technology. This destructive energy manifests its deadly force through reproductive power, so it could only affect those crops that do not carry the terminator gene. Although the research and development of this technology has taken many years, it was in its infancy in Reich’s day, slowly but surely, the corporate Elite is perfecting it.
At present, the genetically modified crops growing in places not affected by “Chemtrails” are healthy, and thriving. It would seem that a simple ban on the re-use of seeds, and not the development of a form of technology that could give a single company a stranglehold on the world’s entire agricultural system, could solve the problem. However, use of technology that increases the presence of D.O.R. in the atmosphere could change that equation. If a mega-corporation such as Monsanto could produce new, “genetically modified” seeds that could resist a disaster, such as the sudden, inexplicable collapse of the agricultural industry, the ban on this technology would be very suddenly lifted. Thus far, the use of D.O.R. has not been perfected or, as far as we can tell, weaponized, but experiments continue to take place in increasing numbers.
The use of this technology could create a situation in which only the sterile survive, and the only cure for that sterility would be in the hands of the corporate Elite. If taken to the most devastating extreme, it would be possible for a company like Monsanto to use D.O.R. to seize the reigns of human reproduction itself. If this were to take place, within a couple of generations, that company could easily control the world. This potential attack on the agricultural economy is just the beginning.
While it may seem far-fetched to some, those people living in the area affected by the “Chemtrails” (as we have shown, a slightly inaccurate term) phenomenon can and will attest to the fact that this is no laughing matter. Something is out there making plants, animals, and people, sick. Something that is visible in the air, and hangs like a gloomy cloud in the sky, in sharp contradistinction to the fluffy, quickly vanishing, vapor trails left behind by commercial airliners.
Harvest time?
The only possible way to fight this incursion would seem to have died with Wilhelm Reich, however that cannot possibly be the case. If these experiments are taking place, and evidence would suggest that they are, the means of reversing their effects must also have been preserved, or at least re-discovered. For a company of Monsanto’s resources, what took Reich years to discover and identify would be a minor task.
Reich had many students that attempted to carry on his research as best they could. Is it possible that one of them could identify traces of D.O.R. in the areas where people have witnessed “Chemtrails?”
Outside religion and politics, few things elicit as much of an emotional reaction as sports. Regardless of which part of the world you are in, and what your favorite sport is, there is a scarily high chance that your Friday, Saturday, Sunday or sometimes even Monday nights are devoted to watching your favorite teams in action. It has been conveyed to us that the advantage of sport unlike the former two is the much lower risk of such passion degenerating into protracted conflict between supporters of the two teams. In other words we have been trained to enjoy a competitive, war-like, environment in a passive manner. Subtle mind control techniques like these are used frequently to pacify us. Yes, there are the occasional clashes between supporters of opposing teams, but even then you will rarely see any such confrontation involving guns and bombs – we cannot say the same about political and religious differences.
Our favorite Illuminati puppet: Barack Obama
Sports is powerful – globally-significant events such as the inauguration of the US President can only pale in comparison to the audience size of major sports events. Nielsen estimated that Barrack Obama’s inauguration was perhaps the most viewed US President inauguration in the country’s history drawing more than 37 million viewers. Compare that with the Super Bowl where the audience in 2012 stood at more than 110 million US viewers. The 2011 UEFA Champions League Final attracted over 175 million viewers. Statistics for the Soccer/Football World Cup Final are even more staggering – more than 700 million. Not to mention the mass of people performing “pilgrimage” to the holy arena where these rituals takes place.
NFL on the day of the Sabbath – a very “different” kind of spirituality
The NFL Super Bowl is renowned for it’s corporatism. Mega corporations use this satanic ritual, displayed in front of sellout crowds, as a platform to parade their ads.
“John Bogusz, executive vice president for sports sales and marketing for CBS, confirmed that some advertisers are paying more than $2.6 million for a 30-second commercial. He added that most of the commercial spots for the first half of the game are sold out but that CBS is still looking to sell inventory, mainly during the fourth quarter.” – Source
The giant corporations of America do not care that the NFL goes against every spiritual teaching in any religion or belief system (except for the satanic belief systems they espouse). Here are some examples of how they go against Christianity, the largest faith in America, the land of the NFL. Please remember that Sunday is also a special day for NFL fans.
An excuse for gluttonyHow could we EVER forget lust?Wrath, violence, rage – whatever you call it, the entire sport is predicated on itSloth? Well this guy took the trouble to get out of his couch and go to the arena, and sit there instead… how many couch potatoes watch the NFL?Promoting alcoholism and drug abuse, using lust
“Oh my God, I’m so nervous, you have no idea,” says Madonna. “First of all, it’s the Super Bowl, I mean the Super Bowl is kind of like the holy of holies in America right? So here I am, I’m going to come into the halfway between the church experience, and I’m going to have to deliver a sermon, that’s going to have to be very impactful.”
She continues, “Right? I have to put on the greatest show on earth, in the middle of the greatest show on earth. I have eight minutes to set it up and seven minutes to take it down and twelve minutes to put on the greatest show on earth. That’s a lot of pressure.” – Source
Madonna performing for the NFL Superbowl – the satanic symbolism is very blatant
Non NFL-Sports following the trend
Yes. It is at international sporting events such as the World Cup, Champions League and Olympics that even warring nations and sharply divided faiths temporarily put aside their differences and relish the excitement of friendly competition against one another.
All this sounds fine and dandy.
But is it?
Olympic mascots with their one eyed symbolism
As with anything in the world of media, not everything is always as it seems. On the surface, sports may seem like a powerful force for good. If nothing else, the temporary reprieve it provides is welcome. I mean, who would not mind seeing erstwhile foes who would not hesitate blowing each other to smithereens momentarily bury the hatchet? But look a little deeper and you will discover that sport is one of the most effective tools for the Illuminati to drive their agenda for global domination. And this is achieved in a number of ways:
Speed up the rat race! You work hard the entire week and in between setting aside time for your family, you are probably attending evening classes to advance your career. You hardly have time to sit down and reflect on life. And even when you do seem to have that weekend or evening free to reevaluate your life’s direction and progress, your time is incredibly limited. Now throw in some beer and that must watch match involving your favorite NFL team and your days are pretty much packed (or wasted). What is all this driving at? You hardly have time to assess your own life. Sure, you could always skip watching the match and thus stop swimming in the depravity around it – but that will make you the odd one out and a laughing stock back at the office or in your circle of friends the following day. Ever wondered why there is so much media hype around even some of the most mundane of matches? This posturing of matches almost as a matter of life and death develops a mass hysteria that makes anyone not joining in the fun look like a killjoy.
An epidemic of ignorance – As long as the Illuminati can keep the masses overly occupied with other things, they can deflect any attention their coordinated actions in the national and international stage would otherwise attract. It is often said that the American population is on average the single-most ignorant nation in the developed world (i.e. on matters pertaining to countries outside the US). This is often said in a humorous fashion but the repercussions are far more serious.
Sadly, it is in the US that you would come across a substantial number of educated adults who have no clue on basic facts such who is the current Prime Minister of Great Britain, whether the official UK currency is the Sterling Pound or Euro or whether Africa is a single country or group of distinct nations. To be fair, such dumbing down of society is no longer unique to the US. Have you ever wondered why that is so? It is because there is a direct correlation between the level of consumerism (the US is the world’s number one consumerist nation and with a massive sports fan base spanning the NFL, NHL and NBA) and the level of ignorance of international affairs. Who cares about politics, my favorite team’s star player is the gossip section…that’s more important!
Note that this same exact technique of dumbing down the masses is not necessarily used in every country. The Illuminati are sophisticated enough apply the appropriate strategy for the appropriate cultures, knowing which ones will work best for which country. For the US, sports help keep a large part of the country ignorant. For other developed and developing nations, using a combination of sports, celebrity gossip, political drama and endless local crises are bound to keep the masses from catching wind of the designs of the one world cabal.
Weaken society’s cultural and religious beliefs – For thousands of years, mankind has tried to use religious and political beliefs to chart a common path that’s acceptable to all. As we all know, this has failed miserably. Now here comes sport, a force that can draw people of faiths and persuasions into celebrating a common, and rather pointless, goal. Humans are being raised, and essentially thoroughbred, to become future sporting athletes. Is it any wonder certain locations have a larger percentage of successful athletes? This state of affairs is slowly persuading the masses subconscious into believing that it is possible for persons of different backgrounds to come together behind a cause and pursue a common destiny. That despite the many political and religious conflicts in the world today, sports gives us hope that global cohesion, camaraderie and near-unanimity are all possible. This makes it a far more successful attempt by the Illuminati to subconsciously allow the world to accept the eventual one world government, the NWO.
Now what would represent be the biggest barrier to the achievement of a one world government? Religion and sovereignty represent the two potentially biggest hurdles for the Illuminati to climb. Sport is playing its part in slowly breaking down the public’s religious pillars. In many western countries, organizing sporting events on Sunday mornings was unheard of and taboo a couple of centuries ago. Today, Sundays are the preferred date for major sporting events. Most NFL matches takes place on Sundays, a day considered sacred by Christians.
The English Premier League which has a massive following outside the UK also sees most of its games played on Saturday and Sunday. Even then it is interesting that the big matches (e.g. those where the traditional big 4 clubs – Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea face each other) are almost always scheduled for Sundays. Think about every major marathon in the world – New York, Boston, Chicago, London, Berlin and Tokyo – they are all slotted for Sunday mornings. This blatant anti-Christian behavior can be labeled as nothing less than satanic. Christians who have a soft spot for sports are in a near permanent state of distraction throughout the year.
And then there are the utterances of top athletes – statements that would pass for blasphemy in many major faiths. Take the case of the World Wrestling Entertainment (yes, there is a lot of playacting but athletes must exert considerable effort and injuries are not uncommon which is why I would still view this as a sport). You just have to watch the first 15 minutes of Monday Night Raw and your senses will be assaulted by direct and indirect blasphemy – from wrestlers referring to themselves as greater than God to satanic symbolism as portrayed by some of the more popular wrestlers such as The Undertaker. WWE is also important because the scripted nature of this spectacle is another way the Elite/Illuminati conditions the population. By allowing them to watch a sport that is scripted, they get them accustomed to the scripted nature of global politics.
Wrestlemania 26 – Pyramid structure
Gradually conditioning humanity for a one-world government – This has been mentioned before, but it needs to be repeated. Sports provide a taste of such cross-cutting unanimity that creates a subconscious longing to have similar harmony in every sphere of life. Remember, the Illuminati would like to create a one world government that runs everything. The idea here is to ensure that anyone who voices opposition to such a promise of harmony is painted as a weird, extremist odd ball that’s a danger to society as a whole. This kind of consensus from the masses is crucial as it allows the Elite cabal to viciously clamp down on resistance without drawing uproar from the larger world populace. In fact, the world populace will do the work for them. Why do they need to lift a finger?
The United Nations – the name says it all. If ever there were any signs that the New World Order and One World Government are upon us, then the United Nations is it. The name is appealing to the pacified masses (yes, you! WAKE UP!), and yet it still doesn’t hide it’s true face. No deceit in the description, and as we shall see, it is laden with symbolism and occult meaning which the Elite/illuminati have a habit of displaying, like a trophy to its’ victims. Most of us tend to ignore the obvious, and try to identify or decipher complex symbols, in the hope of unraveling the mystery of the Illuminati. But the Illuminati are the “Illuminated” or “Enlightened Ones” for a reason. Establishing a formal, mainstream organization that brings together all the countries of the world would easily pass the suspicion test.
Indeed skeptics of the ‘conspiracy movement’ often cite the public, transparent and universally agreed upon nature of the UN’s activities as proof of that mention of a New World Order is simply the imagination of deluded oddballs. And yet that is precisely the point – hiding everything in plain sight until the right time. By doing that, the Illuminati (whose role in influencing the UN will be looked at shortly) successfully strike three birds with a single stone.
For starters, it successfully marginalizes ‘conspiracy’ opinions. On the surface, the UN seems like an organization founded on inclusivity and with a passion to foster cohesiveness and world peace. Criticizing such intentions would ordinarily appear awkward. The scenario would be completely different if the UN operated behind the shadows as this would draw suspicion.
The second benefit the Illuminati derives from the UN is that it starts to accustom the minds of earth’s citizenry to the idea of a centralized global ruler-ship. Even better, the UN Security Council (UNSC) with the 5 permanent members goes a step further in this regard by showing that it is okay for humanity to entrust key decisions to a core group of 5 nations who were never elected to that position by universal suffrage. Put plainly, the formation of the UNSC was the result of little more than a group of people sitting in a room and making a decision for the entire world. The choice of the 5 nations effectively concentrated global power in the hands of a few countries.
The third was a systematic dismantling of national patriotism and country pride. Not everyone bought into the UN from the get go. There was vehement opposition from perceptive opinion leaders who saw it for what it was – the birth pangs of an elite-controlled one world state. The Illuminati was however well prepared for this and countered it with persuasive propaganda and politically correct rebuttals. Matters were helped by the fact that the Illuminati were already in firm control of the mainstream press at the time.
It is so easy to take for granted the persuasive influence of the press and its power of (mis)information. But you only have to observe the changing sensibilities and opinions of successive generations. Perhaps the best recent example is the emergence of laws approving same-sex relationships and marijuana use in a growing number of states in the US. Just watching how opinion in those same states has gradually shifted over the years is amazing.
As a new crop of voters and legislators enter the scene who have grown under a liberal media where topics previously frowned upon have transitioned into acceptable conversation, the new generation’s opinion has shifted dramatically. It is the fruit of the daily inundation with news and views that push a specific opinion. Add to that the phenomenon of 24 hour news and the worldwide web, and you have information overload. Obviously this kind of mass ‘drilling’ does not produce results overnight. But the Illuminati have never been known for shortsighted plays – their moves are long term while taking slow but determined steps toward their goal.
How were the Illuminati involved in the establishment of the UN?
As a global organization, the Illuminati strategically placed different people in different jurisdictions. In the United States, Shirley Black, President FDR and his wife Eleanor led the charge. As a well respected leader, it was difficult for opposing opinions to win the battle against FDR for the hearts and minds of ordinary Americans. If FDR said it was good for America, who else could purport to have better judgment?
FDR was one in a string of American presidents who were members of the Illuminati. Even those who were not members had little option than to toe the line of this powerful secret organization that not only counted on the mind-numbing wealth of the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, but that had representation in the highest levels of the country’s military, judiciary and business elite. The rare US president who dared believe they could use their personal popularity with the American masses to other throw the Illuminati’s influence faced dire consequences including paying the ultimate price John F. Kennedy.
Signs of the Illuminati at the UN
Back to the United Nations, the Illuminati have a subtle arrogance that will often drive them to leave their footprints in plain sight. In secretive supranational organizations of which the Illuminati is the ultimate, symbolism is a powerful means of helping members all over the world distinguish friendly organizations and persons from hostile ones. Given the vast spread of the Illuminati and the fact that the majority of its members (particularly the foot soldiers) pass on without ever having met the senior most members face to face, symbols are the easiest means of unspoken communication to keep the risk of ‘friendly fire’ at a minimum.
As such it is not surprising that as the key drivers of the United Nations, the Illuminati had to leave their footprint on the single most pre-eminent representation of the UN – its logo.
If you look at the logo, you can see there are 4 concentric circles. There are also cross hairs that divide it into 8 parts. Each of the 8 parts has 3 sections. So in total you have 24 sections. Right? Wrong! Take a closer look – there is a 5th circle close to the centre whose visibility is obscured by the North America and Eurasian contents. The only sign of the 5th circle’s existence is the arc on either side between the North American and Eurasian continents. The 5th circle is crucial as it changes the entire dynamic of the logo’s symbolism. If you factor it, you can now see that each of the 8 parts will now mean the logo has 32 distinct sections.
But we are not done yet!
Take a keener look at the cross hairs and then at the centre of the 5th circle – notice something peculiar? The centre of the 5th circle is clear meaning each of the lines terminates on the edge of the 5th circle and do not complete the entire journey to the centre of the logo where they would meet. The empty centre makes the 33rd section. The number 33 is extremely significant in the Kabbalah. Yet another mundane institution polluted with pagan beliefs.
The logo is not the only place the number 33 appears at the United Nations. For instance, the Meditation Room at the UN’s headquarters in New York is fronted by a 33 foot long entrance.
The UN Headquarters in New York
Guess who financed the construction of the UN Headquarters? Illuminati heavyweight John D. Rockefeller. With that one fact, it would probably be unnecessary to delve any further in an effort to establish the depth of the group’s involvement in the UN’s formation. But let’s go one step further and look at just one room at the UN HQ – Meditation Room. Actually, the Meditation Room is probably the most irrefutable proof of the secretive society’s hand in the UN’s affairs. When it comes to detail, let’s just say the Illuminati do not hesitate to go the extra mile.
Referred to by some as ‘Satan’s Temple’, the Meditation Room is packed full of signs which to the undiscerning eye would pass for innocent expressions of art representing different parts of the world. But this tiny, windowless room looks like a pyramid lying on its side and at its centre lies a massive black slab. The slab is made from the single largest magnetite stone ever mined and has substantial magnetic power. Magnetic power has long been known by mystic religions to be a powerful enabler of meditation and a drawer of occult energy. Use of this occult energy in an institution advocating the NOW is what frightens us. On the wall is the mural with several hidden symbols treasured by the Illuminati and the Elite. Look closely and you see serpent, crescent moon, rising phoenix as well as geometric shapes such as triangles and squares. This is another institution that uses occult symbolism to rule and control our future, and this one does it at a GLOBAL scale. Why stop at shitty music videos, when you can have a One World Government? Stay tuned for more on the Elite Agenda! Rise up against the NWO!!
We have just stumbled upon an excellent documentary that is available freely on the internet. It is undoubted that the government is the mob force of the elite. They hold a monopoly on all force (as per definition). This documentary illustrates how the government officials that the mass of sheeple so freely elect are really their elite slave owners. I use the term “slave owners” very specifically because only a slave has no say – if you refuse to pay protection money (taxes), you are thrown in jail.. if you dissent, you’re a criminal.. you have NO CHOICE, pay these fuckers either via taxes or inflation (increase of money supply is a convenient way to raise money for the government, however it causes inflation). Enjoy the documentary, highly recommended by Elite Agenda’s staff.
It is very important to prepare ourselves for the upcoming social unrest and collapse of civilization. This is all part of the elite agenda for human depopulation, and destruction of our livelihoods. The elites have been ruling using a ponzi scheme for too long, we must stay informed and stay 2 steps ahead of our nemesis! United we stand, divided we fall. This is a good video where the creator of the video gives his opinion as to which places would be unsafe in the upcoming depression – which he refers to as a MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY!! Stand up against the Council of Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission. Protest against your Illuminati puppet government, as it is your right. SAY NO TO MIND CONTROL!!!
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