Tag Archives: Police State

On the Doorstep of World War: 10 Reasons San Bernardino Was Clearly A False Flag Attack

Aftermath of San Bernardino: Here we sit, languishing in misery after another attack on our own soil. Doing what we always do after such a catastrophic event. Sitting around pointing fingers at the wrong people and not looking closely at details which all clearly spell out one thing for us blind and numb pedestrians: this was clearly another false flag attack in America to scare us into a police state, and potentially something far more serious (perhaps an extermination of the lower class and a world war). While some people scoff at the term false flag, that is because they have blinders over their eyes. They believe what they are fed by the mass media machine because they are too weak and feeble to be able to see the truth and actually handle it.



The truth has always scared us so we make excuses to avoid looking directly at it. In this case, the truth hurts, but not nearly as much as what the elite have planned for us next.

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8 Signs That Illuminati Mass Control is Inevitable in 2015

We have already lost. We have passed the apex and now just need to accept the fact that the faceless, conglomerate, bastard, puppet-masters have won. We are all but pawns in their game, and we no longer have any control over how this plays out. It has already PLAYED out. All the pieces have been dropped into place, and we all sat back and barely made a whimper, ultimately allowing it to happen. The Illuminati ARE in control. The elite agenda has finally been all but fully realized.  With the NSA and big brother firmly in place, they have won. Stripped of the freedoms you somehow still believe you have, replaced by a police state that we encourage by embracing the technology and societal changes we should be shunning. So when will it stop? It won’t. The last few years set the gears in motion, and in the next few, we will see this all come to full realization. SO what changes are impending? What ways are we going to get f*cked further into submission in 2015? How will the elite finalize their ideals of a New World Order? We suggest only the bravest of you read on. Shit’s gonna get ugly. We should say “uglier.”

Further Militarization of Localized Police Forces

mlt elite

The guys who once were meant to protect you are now armed to round you up like swine and grind you to paste.

Lambs and sheep, the lot of us. Waddling around, chomping on grass, fully unaware our Shepard is a bastard leading us to the edge where he intends to push us off. This is where it started. The elite tested us by militarizing local police forces. Giving them tanks, body armor, and armored vehicles with holes to pop automatic heavy machine guns through (to mow down mass numbers of people safely, sort of like how we cowardly engage in modern warfare).

Though this should have set off alarms in many people (why are those payed to protect me suddenly suiting up like armies as if WE are the enemies, even though WE help pay their salaries), no one did shit. And when pics and vids came out of Ferguson cops aiming their guns at unarmed people and journalists, what happened?


We took their test run like a bitch and proved what we will do when they come to fully unload on us. We proved we would lay down and die. Nice. Expect to see more of that.

This will also lead to….

Internment Camps for Americans

While it could be said we may not see these put into use until 2016 or 2017, the truth is, no one knows. All we know is these things are popping up everywhere, and again, no one is saying SHIT! Why are prison camps being built within the U.S are why are its residents not being alerted as to why these are being added to the local infrastructure?

I will tell you why. Number two on this list goes hand-in-hand with number one. The militarized police will be the ones who come around and take us from our homes to usher us into our “new homes”. Anyone who wants to argue this just has to remember we did this to the AMERICAN Japanese after WE blew them up. We have already shown we are fully capable and this is where things are heading again.

But for what purpose? That’s the beauty of it. We don’t know yet, but we know for sure there is nothing we can do but wait at our doors like good little sheep for them to round us up for the slaughter.

Mass Drugging

This is your life

This one has long since started, and is pretty much realizing its saturation point. Want to know something f*cked up? One in three Americans are now hooked on some sort of psychotropic drug, convinced something is wrong with them (just because they feel things). Now what you need to keep in mind is drugging the masses into zombie like “patriots” is pretty much the idea behind MK Ultra, albeit with different clothes on.

Feed the masses their SOMA (like predicted in Brave New World, decades ago) and make them into unfeeling, unthinking, creatures who do exactly what their are told when they are told it. That is some scary shit, yet is happening widely. You guys do remember the last time Mk Ultra was used to try to control masses and turn them into slaves, right?

This happened.

Maybe in 2015 we can expect something like this on an even bigger scale. They have a society that have hooked on drugs. Question is, what happens when THEY choose to stop giving those drugs to us, or what do they intend to do with us next? It’s only going to get worse.

Celebrity Weapons of Mass Distraction

illum elite5

 “No one man should have all that power. The clock’s ticking I just count the hours….”

So how are they ultimately doing all this? How have the elite and the Illuminati taken over? They have slowly used pop music, pop culture, and celebrity worship. They know the dumb-ass masses want to adore and emulate vapid musicians and actors, so what do they do? They make celebrities and pop stars act as unofficial recruitment. They also use celebrity and our adulation of it to distract us from MAJOR moments of change happening world wide.

Think about how may times in the last decade you have been redirected from world tragedies by something celeb related? So-and-so cheated or this popular young guy got caught drunk driving or released a sex tape just in time to distract you all from the fact that there are strings being pulled and forces manipulated and no one is even seeing it happen. Don’t forget, these celebs want that same agenda. They are ALSO the elite, so they will shine on a different tier of existence then most of us once the shit hits the fan.

Homeland Attack (Another False Flag)

Although this is the one that scares people the most and we don’t want to admit it, it might be time for us to face it. We have become complacent again (just like we were on 9/10/2001). Keep in mind, this time it’s not like we NEED an enemy like we did in 2001 (so we could gain global control over oil). Rather, the elite just want Americans to be scared of something. To THINK they need to rely upon their government to protect them from some great, unseen force. With more and more people seeing the militarization of the police, you can sense people starting to lose faith. So what would pull us right back in?

Something big and important go boom and take some Americans with it.

It’s exactly like the move a bully does to some high school nerd when he notices the kid is starting to relax again. We are just about due, wouldn’t you say? Ah, the false flag never f*cking goes away, does it? The concept itself, and his refusal to take part in it, cost Kennedy his life, and here we are still dealing with it.


Let us NEVER FORGET that when the Illuminati or ‘those in control’ decide they don’t like a sect of the population or think the world needs a quick check against the boards, it pulls out the big guns. We live blissfully, daily, unaware that the ones who control all these awful, vicious, typically population-reducing plagues are the same people who run the f*cking world. Last year, they pulled out Ebola again just to put us in check, and it worked. For a good three months, all you saw on social media was “WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE FROM EBOLA!”

Here we are much later, very few of us having actually died from Ebola. Don’t be too shocked that it was a flop. That is how they disarm us. They lull us into thinking it is all fake. So we over react to the first one, which programs us to under-react to the next one, which may be real. The idea is you are sitting, laughing in front of your Facebook while your intestines slowly liquefy inside your body. You cough up some blood in your hand, but by then, it’s too late. Your insides are slowly turning to a tangled mass of ruined organs and rotted, dying tissue.

Or they’re just throwing more bait out there for “theorists” like myself to yell about so they can find us and finally have people to put in those Americanized prison camps I already mentioned. Yay Patriot act! And yes, the FDA will probably be involved and be payed not to give a f*ck and pretend it’s all legit and safe. Who will survive in America? Kanye (the weapon of mass distraction) was fair in asking that.

More GMO Poison Will Be Force-fed To the Masses

mons elite

The sad thing is, everything on that poster is 100% true and extremely f*cked up.

Remember, for like half a year the whole world was yelling “stop Monsato!” It was like the population woke up for a second from the Illuminati fog they are usually under and got behind a cause worth getting behind. The mass rejection of the fact that the FDA was allowing what was essentially poison to be labeled as food was a step in the right direction for the masses. File this one under “mass drugging” too, because if you knew some of the poison you were putting in your body, you would know it’s no different than the shit they use in warfare. Just on a much smaller scale.

The funny part is, when it got bad enough, the media threw ‘African American versus police’ at us, and in an instance, we immediately forgot that we were mad about Monsato. We just forgot about the cause almost immediately (exactly like the Kony thing one year earlier), which means more mass-produced poison will be handed out like candy (especially to the poor) and we will just all eat our soylent green and not say a word.

Sit boy. Good dog! Here, have some kibble.

Police Brutality Skyrockets

We started the list out with police and we are ending it with police as well. They say absolute power corrupts absolutely, and we can see that when we look at the violence perpetuated against innocent citizens by brutal cops. If you think that will go down at all in 2015, you will be sadly mistaken (and most likely severely beaten).

First, take a look at the deaths. Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, and that is just in the last 12 months. Each one as bad, if not worse than Rodney King. If we went back through history,  you would clearly see police violence and what they are allowed to get away with has become more and more severe. Nobody cares. It’s only gotten worse since the Rodney King beating, the police have gotten more brutal, and got their hands on some seriously dangerous weaponry. Did I mention they’re getting militarized? Oh yeah, I think I did.


Did you hear the recent case of the police crippling an Indian grandfather because they smashed him so hard on the ground, they broke his neck? Watch it here and be prepared to be filled with disgust and fear. The officer who broke the man’s neck turned himself in, but we ALL KNOW HOW THIS WILL PLAY OUT. The motherf*cker will be given a PAID LEAVE which is essentially a vacation. He will get in no legal trouble, and this will reinforce all police officers out there that they can do whatever the fuck they want to whoever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want. This means you. Yes, you. You reading this right now. Just keep that in mind the next time you’re out late at night, on some dark road, and you get pulled over at 2 a.m for no reason. Remember what these bastards do for kicks (literally) and remember, dash cam or not, they don’t give a shit, and you will lose. Like we said, the evil has won, folks. Pretty clear to see. Pictured below is what happens to American citizens right now at the hands of its police. Sleep well knowing these fuckers are only going to get more violent and vicious in 2015, and WE are the target.

Occupy Pepper Spray Cop

 NEVER fuck with the Elite. They own you like cattle.

So you realize as you read this, it’s not about what can we do. We are past that. There is nothing we can do. Now, we sit back and wait. The sword of Damocles is hanging over our head, and it is only a matter of time before the blade drops. My suggestions. Make peace with those you love and find peace within yourself. Dark times ahead, and praying don’t mean shit to a mushroom cloud and the evil bastards pressing the button. 

Ferguson: Furthering the Militarization of the American Police State

Slowly, like a tank treading over mountains of bodies to reach a destination, local police forces are being militarized. While this would be expected if our country was being invaded, and we were in constant danger from an outside force, that is not the case. What is the case is that local police are being militarized against AMERICANS.

elite 1

All you need to do is gander at the above photo to realize just how far this has gone. It has set off a chain-of-events that will not end well for us as citizens. There are five officers aiming their gun at that unarmed American citizen in that picture. Dressed head to toe in military gear, they look more like something out of a videogame than an actual police force, yet that is just what they are. To serve and protect? That was the Ferguson police, driving tanks and running through their city, with their guns aimed at unarmed, non-provoking civilians (primarily of color). Boston was the test run for the police state idea. When they saw how we all bent over like bitches and let them lock us down for no reason, that was a taste test. Fast forward 1 year, and we have what unfolded in Ferguson a few weeks back, and it is proven. American police are being militarized, and America is being slowly prepped to turned into a police state. The above photo stands as the perfect proof of this, and should fill you with a sense of fear as to what happens to our freedom next.

"I was just asking directions. Is this necessary?"
"I was just asking directions. Is this necessary?"

 So the cops shoot and kill an unarmed black teenager In Ferguson, Missouri. A disgusting and unforgivable act, and an act that should be met with rage and civil disobedience.  Regardless of how corrupt the cops are or what district they are in or who they are aiming their aggression at, cops are not allowed to just shoot and kill people whenever and however they want. They are not given the almighty mantle of judge, jury, and executioner. They are simply bouncers. The guys who stand off to the side until the shit hits the fan, then they come in and make sure no more shit is hitting anymore fans. They are meant to symbolize protection and safety. When we see police, we are supposed to be filled with a sense of calm and protection, like suddenly, nothing can happen to you. The problem is, with the militarization of the police, we no longer see them like that. We no longer see them as the upholder of peace and protector of the innocent. Truth is, we begin to see them as the problem. A masked, protected, and armed bully who knows he is above the same laws he is enforcing. To further give the police this feeling, they are looking less and less like police and more and more like soldiers. Let us take a moment to observe the outfits that were worn by police the day Ferguson police went full military.

    You see them and you'd think they were readying for a fight with nazi zombies but nope, just a regular day on the job.
You see them and you'd think they were readying for a fight with Nazi zombies but nope, just a regular day on the job.

First of all, camo gear. Camo gear? Why the f*ck did any of these police officers have camo gear on? Makes no sense. Goggles usually used for war times, wrapped around military style helmets. Camo gear and flack jackets. These were not police the way we usually see them. Watching footage from Ferguson was like watching the setup for a war film. These “cops” were storming the streets, openly brandishing weapons, driving armored and weaponized war vehicles through, and basically, making their presence known more as a military occupying force than a police force. Were people rioting and tearing up the streets and beating cops down? Is that why the cops showed up like this? Great question, and the answer is no. They showed up like this before anyone even did anything. Speaking of doing anything, they showed up like this because THEY KNEW THEY WERE WRONG. They shot an unarmed black kid, and they knew they were going to catch heat for this. So what did they do? They came to the party dressed to kill. They wanted their presence felt before it was seen. There would be no apologizing for the mishandling of that case. No parties owning up and admitting they racially profiled someone and f*cked up. Nope. None of that. Instead, they showed up on an armored and already angry bull and dared anyone to f*ck with them. Now this is when shit went fully off-the-rails.

Just look at this picture:

You know every one of those guys has been in a frat.
You know every one of those guys has been in a frat.

These guys clearly do not think they are cops. They think they are soldiers right out of Call of Duty: Fuck America Edition. From the masks to the outfits to the stance to the bravado, it just no longer reads cops. It no longer reads as small town police. It reads military state. It reads “you make a wrong move and we shoot you and no one bats an eye.” The worst part is, no one is speaking up about it. Everything they did in Ferguson is apparently okay. It is perfectly okay to shoot an unarmed teenager “multiple times in the head and chest”. It is perfectly okay to follow that up with posturing and gesturing. As a matter of fact, why not just treat the entire population of Ferguson as if they have done something wrong, while owning none of that yourselves, Ferguson police? Oh wait, that is just what they did.

Remember this guy?

You know this dude has a tiny cock.

No, he is not a soldier in Afghanistan. No, this is not a photo from the first time we invaded Iraq. That is a Ferguson police officer sitting atop a heavily armored vehicle with a professional sniper rifle. Much has been said about this particular picture,  and with good reason. Much like TWA Flight 800 was a test run to see if they could really pull off an Operation Northwoods (which they later did with 9/11), Boston was a test run to see if we would allow the militarization of our local police, and we did nothing, which told them it was A-okay. Roger that!

That brings us to the second test, which was Ferguson. Police officers aiming guns at unarmed citizens whilst driving military vehicles through the city and telling people what they can and cannot do, using force any chance they can. That, to me, tells us we are screwed, period. Every single thing that has happened in Ferguson has been mishandled. You cannot aim a gun at someone who is not posing a threat to anyone or themselves. You cannot aim guns down on massive crowds gathered peacefully to rally against the exact thing that is happening. America is militarizing their police force, and leaning towards martial law. I know it sounds insane, but the big picture has already been painted for us. Some of us just refuse to see it because it scares us that much.

Jesus, guys. Killing Tupac once wasn't good enough for you?

The problem here is, we allow this. Why? Because we are terrified by it. We do not want to be staring down the barrel of a loaded gun pointed at our face because we stood in opposition to this. We don’t want to be the next Michael Brown, littered with bullet holes, even though we were brandishing no weapon at the time. The problem is, as mentioned in my Boston article,  how far away are we from this being Nazi Germany? How far away are we from country-wide, enforced curfews and police going from the guys who protected us to the guys who keep us locked down in our homes, stripped of all the rights that once made us free Americans? It wont just stop now on its own. The progression has begun. Though Ferguson may stand out, did you know the militarization of the police is happening in almost every town and state in the country right now? Some people are just not noticing. But guess what? Some are:

More than you would think, actually:

The press want you not to notice. The police want you not to notice. The government wants you not to notice, but this is happening, and has been slowly across the last decade or so. Do you know about your own town? Do you know if you have giant, armor-plated and weaponized vehicles at your town’s disposal? If so, why? Why do they need vehicles that have guns and armor and battering rams and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars? Why do the police look more like soldiers than police now (especially in the recent Ferguson photos we have all been seeing)? Why do local police forces need such insane and over-the-top methods of warfare when they are not meant to engage in warfare at all? They are simply there to keep us safe and keep the “bad guys” in line. Funny how the definition of bad guy is getting so vague, huh? Apparently now, part of keeping us in line means aiming guns at us and driving tanks around small towns. Question is, how far are we going to let this go? If we keep pretending its not happening, it will not end well for us. I think many of us can already see that….

Zombie invasion? Attack from another country? Nope. That is just your terrifying local police, "keeping you safe".
Local police force "keeping you safe". If you still don't think we're heading straight to a police state, keep watching.

Top 10 signs we live in a police state

Whether it’s Edward Snowden, or Bradley Manning, it’s not a good time to be a whistle-blower. It’s all too apparent that we live under the illusion of freedom. We were warned about this, years ago, and all we did was slowly fall in line. We say we are not sheep, and we can see the obvious when it is being blatantly shoved right in our faces, yet we have slowly fallen into an obvious police state in this country, and no one seems to do a damn thing about it. Every single move you make is monitored, and yet, you make the same moves. You offer no opposition for the slow take over (by big brother) of the world around you. And truth be told, that makes us as bad as them. If there are no sheep to be slaughtered, the Shepherd starve. Yet we, as sheep, walk coyly to the slaughterhouse, making it that much easier.

You see America, but I see big brother, circa 1984.
You see America, but I see big brother, circa 1984.

We need to stand up and oppose this forceful eye, to prove to them we KNOW we are in a police state, and will not tolerate this Nazification of the world, watching our every move to make sure we stay in line, and robbing us of all our privacy and the freedoms we have earned and deserve. We need to see the private agenda as a runaway train, coming at us, and we need to derail it before it engulfs us all in the wreckage. Here, for your reading pleasure, the top ten pieces of evidence proving we live in a police state and are doing nothing about it.

10. SOPA

Believe it or not, this is the issue most likely to affect whoever is reading this ,right now.
Believe it or not, this is the issue most likely to affect whoever is reading this ,right now.

This is the one that scares us most, as silly as that may sound, because this is the one that will have the biggest impact on us (don’t forget, you are reading us on the web right now, this is sort of what we do for a living). SOPA is short for the Stop Online Piracy Act, and being someone who gets work stolen often, if that is really what SOPA was used for, maybe it WOULD be a good thing, but that is just the cover up for what it really is. A way to monitor the web and pretty much stop ANYONE from talking about ANYTHING that made the government quake in their shoes.

So basically, full and total control over the one and only place the government and big brother DON’T yet have control over: The web. Meaning all this info you are seeing right now would not only be gone, but we would be locked up for it. Awesome, huh, all that free speech and right to bare arms stuff from the constitution has proven to be total bullshit.

9. Cellphone GPS

Dear everyone, thank you for putting this tracker on your person. Makes our job that much easier. Love, The Government.
Dear everyone, thank you for putting this tracker on your person. Makes our job that much easier. Love, The Government.

This one bothers me the most, because it is the one on the list that shows us as the most complacent. Not only do we carry a GPS on us at all times, but most of us never actually go into the phone settings and shut it off. That is, literally, all it would take to make your world that much less open, therefore no longer enabling your constant and tracking and surveillance. Truth is, shutting it off will only do so much, as most of the real tech they use on phones is nano, but atleast it shows you are not so willing to get in line, which is one step in the right direction.


Also known as the National Defense Authorization Act (or the Indefinite Detention Bill) is a a United States Federal law stating the budget for the Department of Defense. The reality behind it is that it is a further extension of the idea’s behind our next culprit on the list (the Patriot Act). The idea is that anyone (meaning anyone at all) who is seen as a “threat” to this Country (or its 1950s ideals) can be detained, without reason, for as long as is deemed necessary but those in charge. The long and the short of it, it is another law that was passed limiting the freedoms of the American people, and it is another loss of freedom that we barely raised a whimper about.

The long and the short is: NDAA allows American citizens to be arrested, imprisoned, and tortured by the U.S. military–without due process of any kind!

7. The Patriot Act

All the best little sheep never say a word and just fall in line.
All the best little sheep never say a word and just fall in line.

Passed on month after the 9/11 (inside) attacks by George Bush Jr, and furthering the agenda of the New World Order like his Dad had years earlier, The Patriot Act was, and will always be, the death blow dealt to America by its own hand. There is no single thing on this list as damning as this one law, that pretty much says: F*ck all you, Americans. If you do not do as we say, and act as we tell you to, we will come into your house, beat and arrest you, and we don’t have to tell anyone why other than you were a “terrorist”, nor where you went, or give you any hint at ever getting your freedom back. Just by it being passed, that says so much about all the freedoms we have lost in this post 9/11 world, and how the private NWO agenda is winning. Why did no one stand in REAL opposition to this?

6. Big Brother

Though I touched on this in the cell phone GPS paragraph, no single human can deny that everything, everywhere, is now being filmed. From stores to stop lights and street corners. From parking lots to private cell phones. from dash cams to web cams, we have ALLOWED the integration of the maddening eye of big brother, and again, did NOTHING to stop it, but actually helped perpetuate it by allowing and encouraging it. Yes, we want camera in our phones and our game systems and our cars and our TVs and anything else you can jam a tiny camera in to monitor our every move and word.

5. The 99% (Occupy) Crackdowns

Just when it seemed we were about to change the world, the police came in and stomped us out, Nazi Germany style.
Just when it seemed we were about to change the world, the police came in and stomped us out, Nazi Germany style.

Listen, I was there in Boston when the tent cities got raided for no reason, and I saw first hand what was going on. First off, each “tent city” set up around the time of the 99% versus the 1% battle (that should have led to a Civil War in this country, but didn’t for reasons unknown to me) had “rebel rousers” planted in their midst. Meaning, people who LOOKED like they were part of the cause, but they were the ones who were filmed starting riots and provoking police officers when no one else was. They are planted by media and the government itself so that WE can look like the bad guys when all we are doing is fighting for our rights and refusing to be used as step ladders.

So what was it like on the inside? Everyone was living just fine, barting with each other, and NO ONE was fighting, swearing, or starting shit, and you would see the cops come in and just start pulling people out of tents for no reason, hitting them and macing them, while wrecking the small shanty town all these people had built over the last few months. I even saw them break generators so the people in the tent cities (who were using the generators for heat) would be pushed out and their movement would be rendered useless, which it ultimately was. It was Nazi Germany, all over again, and no one cared.

4. Gun Control

If you think this pic is bad, you should see the next one with her brains painted on the wall.
If you think this pic is bad, you should see the next one with her brains painted on the wall.

If there is one topic outside of the 99% that seems to be getting the most heat right now, it’s the future of gun control. If there has ever been a more clear cut case of human rights being thrown completely out the window (with our constitutional rights as well), I don’t know what it is. Obama’s crackdown on guns has the world at its boiling point right now. Citing some recent shootings as example (Sandy Hook, anyone?), which were clearly orchestrated by our own government as well, we are now in the middle of a debate so heated, this writer would not be surprised if this was the catalyst that finally caused the country to boil over into riots or even civil war. First you take our freedom, next you take our free will and ability to think for ourselves, and finally you take our weapons and last means of defending ourselves, slowly rendering us perfect sheep and docile humans who have no way to offer or show opposition as you crush us in your hands.

Why are we allowing this, people? Truth is, the best of us aren’t.

3. Tie) Operation Tips

Ah, gotta love that subtle Illuminati imagery.
Ah, gotta love that subtle Illuminati imagery.

Though everything up to this point on the list might be something you are universally familiar with, Operation Tips is the one people seem to know the least about, so allow us a moment to fill you in. Operation Tips is another post 9/11 device used to turn Americans against Americans. The idea behind it was “anyone can be a terrorist, so if someone you know or have seen is being suspicious report them to us.” Sort of how the communism scare worked in the fifties on to the cold war. It is like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, with us all peering out our windows at our neighbors, wondering what they were up to. It was also implied, through Operation Tips, that U.S workers who had private access to citizens homes (cable workers and so on) would be reporting back if what they saw they deemed as “suspicious”. Does anyone see how cataclysmic this could have all ended in the PTST state the world was in post 9/11? All you had to do was say a neighbor was suspicious, and next thing you know, as a result of the NDAA or Patriot Act, you would never see that person again.

Listen, if the government is against us, that makes sense, and we can stand together to fight that oppression. But if they stand back and let us fight each other, well, that just makes us into the animal, and that is clearly the privatized goal here. Thankfully, Operation Tips did rile some feathers, so it seems to have taken a back seat. Until the next “terrorist” act on American soil (perpetuated by our own Government) goes down at some point in the next few years.

3. Tie) Black Helicopters/Spy Drones

The reason these two are tied is because of the ambiguity of both. First, we are sworn up and down that black helicopters are just some urban legend (black, unmarked helicopters that have been seen and filmed often, yet “don’t exist”). What is their purpose? The general belief is that black copters will be used in the eventual military takeover of the U.S, but again, we are all crazy and these don’t exist. So by the governments standards, this picture is not real.

Looks pretty damn real to me.
Looks pretty damn real to me.

And the U.S spy drone thing has been an issue for some time now. While our own government swears up and down that spy drones are NOT used on U. S soil to spy on U.S citizens, how do they account for the footage and images of spy drones in the U.S, which many of us have seen with our own eyes? They call it a conspiracy theory when they refuse to answer and want to make us, those who ask the questions, look foolish. But the best of us know better, and won’t tolerate such lies.

1. Propaganda

So why not start the list with the most blatant example? Because we need to understand that we are assaulted, on all sides, at once. While all we do is being filmed and monitored, all we MONITOR is being nuanced and changed. From mass media to music videos, everything is made to be mass consumed, and to shut down our own brand of free thinking. Thoug the above examples are blatant, it is this example that is actually the most jarring, for the simple reason that we allow to encompass us. We start grazing in the field, just like they want is to, and before you know, we are willingly walking off to the slaughterhouse, blissfully unaware that we could have avoided this horrible fate had we just turned off the TV, stood up, and all at once yelled: ENOUGH.

Well guess what? It is not too late to do that now.

They Locked Us Down and Took Our Rights: Boston from Inside the Lockdown

“We had illegal sweeps, searches, and seizures. We had police going door to door with guns drawn”. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you would have noticed that there has been a recent spate of false flag terror activities, namely the Boston Marathon bombings. Our hearts go out to all the families and victims affected by this tragedy… but this time something just doesn’t smell right! One of our most vigilant (anonymous) authors is giving us the details of the lockdown as he personally experienced it. This is a personal appeal for all truthseekers, patriots, and you, a concerned citizen, to open your eyes and look right at the face of our police state. Privacy violations, rights limited, and government lockdowns – all just a test run for an inevitable New World Order. Don’t be fooled by Illuminati controlled mass media, as they war for your mind, this is all part of the Elite Agenda.


Writing for a truthseeking website, I guess I should be excited that I was lucky enough to be in Boston over the last few weeks, when all the shit hit the fan. Why? Because I get to tell the story from the inside, how it really happened, and as a writer, my main concern should be being able to deliver a story that is both honest and unbiased, no matter the cost. But I want to be raw with all of you for a second and tell you, as much as I am grateful I can tell this tale, it was also exhausting and scary over these last few weeks, being a Bostonian. There has been a sense of fear that is prevalent in what we do now. And the reality is, it is not just a fear over what actually happened, which, at the heart of it, is a terrorist act that cost people their lives and limbs. But for those on the inside, the fear is not just delegated to those who may have perpetrated the act. No, our fear has shifted, for we have been in the police state from the inside. We have now had all our rights stripped away from us, seeing SWAT members lock all of Boston down at gun point. We have seen them sweep the streets like this is Nazi Germany. We have seen them going into homes with their guns drawn on families for no reason. While the end result may have been the inherent desire to keep us, as Americans, safe, what we need to look at now is keeping us safe at what cost? The cost of our personal freedoms? How is it we all just lay down and took this without any argument? The real fear stemming from all of this now is not Russian terrorist cells trying to blow us up. It is our own government, swooping in with guns drawn, telling us we can’t leave our houses. THAT stands as the real threat. What started with the patriot act has spread its roots deep into the tarnished soil of this once great Country, corrupting us, treating the innocents like the guilty and giving us no reason for their atrocious and unforgivable behavior. But the reality here, from someone who has been inside the rotting gut of this beast for the last few weeks is, this was a test run to see how compliant an entire city would be when placed into a police state. And guess what? We didn’t offer ANY opposition, and instead, lined the streets cheering for the very people who locked us in our homes and aimed guns at us. So you see, we are as much to blame for taking it all as they are for dishing it out. Let me tell you some things the media is NOT about the lock down from last week.

It was April 19th, 2013, and it will forever be a day I won’t forget. One of those days you feel as important, and you never shake that feeling. I felt it as a child when I saw the Berlin wall fall, live on TV. I felt it as a child when I saw the Challenger space shuttle explode. I felt it when 9/11 happened, and many subsequent days. But no day has ever felt like April 19th, when they put the entirety of Boston on lock down while they searched frantically for the two suspects wanted in connection with the terrible Boston marathon bombing, which killed 2 (one being a small child) and left 125 other injured or maimed. And from the first minute I woke up that Friday, I could feel it. We all could. The sky had an odd jaundiced tone to it, and the air was thick and heavy. It was raining, off and on, and there was a palpable tension in the air that any of us could feel. We were already all riled up because of the events that had unfolded in our city just a few days earlier, and we woke up that day with it feeling (and looking) like the end of the world. Boston was empty except for the cops and SWAT lining the streets, which made it look even more like an apocalyptic zombie film.

How does one kid lock an entire city down and require this much police presence?
How does one kid lock an entire city down and require this much police presence?

The thing people need to know about Boston is, we are a vengeful lot. Of ALL the cities someone could have f*cked with, Boston might be the stupidest, most counter productive of all. Why? Because we were SO INTENT with catching these kids and making them pay that we didn’t even care when our own rights were stripped from us. But we also showed the government in one fell swoop, that we, as a Country, WILL BE the sheep they need us to be. We pretend we are all strong and angry, yet a moment comes where any of us could have offered opposition, and we just took it like a champ. The problem is, we showed them it works. If they can do that to Boston, a city filled with driven, passionate, loud people, they can do it anywhere. We were the test run, and honestly, it could not have gone any better for those in charge, which will really just screw this country, long-term.

The thing NO ONE is talking about regarding this lock down is what was happening inside it. You see, part of the lock down obviously involved K9, bomb and drug sniffing dogs. So what was also happening, amid all the chaos, guns and drugs were being taken from people without warrants or rights. The thing is, they weren’t arresting people. They were just sweeping through, and if they happened to find drugs or guns, were removing them. Yes, you read that correctly. And of course you are not hearing about it because what drug dealer (or drug taker) is gonna post on Facebook about how some cops just took his ounce of pot? No one, ultimately granting Boston police the freedom to recreate Nazi Germany, though on a much smaller scale.

On top of that, just the way it was being handled was grossly incompetent. You are telling me that hundreds of police officers needed to approach every house in Watertown with their guns drawn? So they are that inept that they just assume every single house is harboring these guys? There are examples of friends of mine with kids having SWAT entering their homes and pointing the guns at their children. Can we take one moment to talk about just how fucked up all of this is? At this point, they had already killed the first terrorist (and plastered images of his corpse all over social media, further showing us just how classless we have become as a society). So what they are trying to tell us through their actions is that ONE KID was strong enough to cause the entirety of Boston to be locked down (and many surrounding towns) and have all its citizens be treated guilty until proven innocent? One damn kid? SO why was New York not locked down after 9/11? Because passion and panic were at an all-time high, and it would have never been successfully implemented amid that anarchy. But using the Boston bombings as a catalyst to try out the police state on a smaller scale was a brilliant move by this world’s elite, and it set the tone for us that will be nothing if not damning to future generations.

Yay! Lock us down and treat us like criminals and we will cheer for you like you are a God.
Yay! Lock us down and treat us like criminals and we will cheer for you like you are a God.

We had illegal sweeps, searches, and seizures. We had police going door to door with guns drawn. We, all around New England, had special messages on our social network feeds to (pay attention to this one) to “not disclose police locations through pictures or posts on social networks that could end up compromising the arrests”. So not only had the police taken over the streets of Boston, but the had taken our social networks as well, letting us know that, in that single moment, we had NO freedoms as American people. It may just be one of the scariest things that has ever happened in America. Not the bombing itself, but just how it was handled by our own government, and subsequently, us. Instead of really thinking about our safety, we were tested. The proverbial lab rat for how submissive we become when it is expected of us. Listen, despite whatever you may think, we are a society that lacks free thinkers. We are a society that lacks revolutionaries. Facebook and Twitter has made us a passive generation, bitching about what we hate on public forums, yet not brave enough to stand up and speak in opposition to it when it is shoveled at us in massive piles. But I wouldn’t be telling you all this if I did not believe we could still make a change as a country. We CAN shift our collective thinking, and no longer allow ourselves to be lied to and manipulated by those who we are supposed to trust to protect us. Speaking of lies, what about the lies we were fed about the shooting and the arrest?

Look at him, people. The face that shut down Boston.
Look at him, people. The face that shut down Boston.

Listen, Dzokhar A. Tsarnaev, the second bomber, walked out of the boat he was hiding in of his own accord. There are pics of this. And then, in his arrest pic and subsequent pics, he is shot in the throat. Thing is, they did not tell ANYONE in Boston this kid was shot. They simply reported to us that the BPD had brought in the second bomber alive, and like good little sheep, we all cheered. We all cheered because we did not see the bad shape he was in. He all cheered because we believed that we may actually get some answers about what happened. We lined the streets and chanted and cheered for the same people who just drew guns on us and took our pot and guns. We cheered for the people who wouldn’t let us leave our homes. We cheered for a day we were prisoners in our own homes. Do you see how badly this reflects on all of us?

Flash forward a few days later and you have many conflicting reports, all over the web, and very few truths. The reality is, there is no way this kid is going to be talking. No way. I would venture so far as to say he looks dead in the arrest pic, and I find it disarming that no one else seems to think it suspicious that this was the biggest manhunt in recent U.S history, yet there is only ONE arrest pic. One. And NO video. WHAT? In an age of Twitter, Instagram, and Vine, and there is no footage of this kid being arrested, and there is only one pic? It doesn’t take a mathematician here to see that something is just not adding up in all of this. But being a docile generation, we offer no opposition when shit stinks. Instead, we just walk in it and carry the scent with us, too, which makes us just as bad as them. Well, not JUST as bad, but pretty damn close.

You see a terrorist. I see a dead kid, eyes shut, offering no opposition. Why did they tell us he was fine, and they admit he couldn't talk?
You see a terrorist. I see a dead kid, eyes shut, offering no opposition. Why did they tell us he was fine, and they admit he couldn’t talk?

At the end of the day, exactly one week has passed since the lock down, and most of us have just gotten back to life as normal. But the best of us know something shifted in the country that day. Something changed that we will never be able to change back. That was the day they stormed our houses with guns drawn. And more importantly, that was the day we let them.