All posts by Jacob Simon

10 Reasons the Church Shooting in Texas Was a False Flag – Are You Keeping Track?

Here we go again. Another false flag shooting on American Soil?! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! Haven’t we had enough already? They killed more innocent people, but did so in a satanic blood ritual to fulfill rites performed during the full moon AND fulfilling the illuminati agenda at the same time – while not raising any concern among us American people, as a whole? Oh, just another lone wolf guys, just another lone wolf. YEAH RIGHT! This competition to be better than the previous record holder, and get to the “worst ever” in body count and injuries, is going nowhere good. The majority of us aren’t even catching on to this travesty at work!

A man who seems to have a long history of mental illness, strong atheist beliefs and a rage against his mother-in-law has been used as subterfuge to cover a strategic and choreographed plan to suit an agenda well beyond the ken of the average citizen. Here we have 10 reasons why that agenda shows through clearly, as long as you are looking at this scenario with the right set of glasses.

The truth is, this situation stinks as more than a random attack orchestrated based on anger and mental illness on the part of the actor. An innocent family with the right criteria to make this believable have been set up as pawns, and a group of people that will tug at the most heartstrings have been sacrificed for this agenda.

10 – Forewarnings Appeared on Social Media and News Reports Arrived – Before the Shots Were Fired

You were right. Something big did come.


Warnings of upcoming news from Texas and leaked releases from prior to the reported time on November 5 show that this event was predicted and forewarned, if not completely reported before it allegedly happened.

When a post to social media says, “Watch for upcoming big news in Texas,” there is definitely reason to be concerned about false flags. Ask questions where they need to be asked.

Known conspiracy theorists have been receiving various news media reports and even documented social media posts that warned of “upcoming big news in Texas” that were published on Nov. 4.


9 – Everyone Is Jumping on that “We Need Gun Control” bandwagon


Politicians almost everywhere have been demanding stronger gun control laws and maintaining that these events are only strengthening their platform, while they seem limited in both sympathy for victims and their families and in humanity. Who prioritizes the push for legal changes over the natural concern for these people who had lives cut short and the ones that were left behind?

Either politicians are cold-hearted psychopaths themselves, which can be argued with a variety of salient facts, or they simply are prepared for these tragic events and have been practicing their rhetoric for so long in preparation that they forget to be sympathetic first and attempt to seem proactive later.

Some politicians, although notably distant from the epicenter of the attacks, have jumped hard on the “we need gun control” bandwagon in the margin of time most would consider too soon to push that agenda.

Authoritarian government and global domination by one faction may be closer than we can imagine. The efforts are real, and the design of certain events and scenarios to push the world in that direction are happening live. The right lens can be shown on these events, and you’ll be on the right page in this manifesto in no time. And no… you won’t be able to defend yourself when this police state finally takes over.

8 – No motive

This particular shooter had no apparent motive for days after the shooting, which is not uncommon. However, it came to light as a possible motive that he was targeting his mother-in-law who attended that church, and then it was announced he had posted to Facebook in a continuous negative manner. This seems like a weak string of excuses instead of a strong motive for an attack on a church on Sunday – in Texas, where you know you’ll run into someone else with a gun at some point. In the end, he didn’t even get his mother-in-law. Don’t you think he would put in that effort to make sure she was going to be there? Especially if you’re going to go out with a bang.

I don’t buy it. If that was really his motive, he would have turned back and gone home when he saw she wasn’t there. Instead he went and shot everyone? Not buying it.

Meanwhile, motive is being traced through classmate comments about his “militant atheist” rants on Facebook and his contention that religious people were stupid. Kelley also posted a picture of his weapon, later used in the mass shooting. This also allegedly points to motive, as he considered the weapon a “bad b****.” It’s been awhile since high school, so there’s no reason to believe that his high school classmates know what’s up with this situation. Yet, they’re the experts? I smell setup.



7 – Trend of mass shooting record breaking

Though not breaking the overall record, it is the deadliest in Texas, and in a church.


Shock and awe! It used to be shocking to hear that a mass shooting or tragic event involving mass casualties had occurred. Now we’re in awe at the records they’re breaking.

In today’s world of technology, and increasing apathy toward one’s fellow man, that shock is largely lost. Therefore, each mass shooting has conveniently managed to “build” on the last one. That means bigger bang for the buck, literally and figuratively.

In Orlando in the Pulse nightclub on June 12, 2016, 49 people were killed and 58 wounded during an attack on gays and Latinos. This event was labeled “the deadliest terrorist attack on LGBT people in the United States and the deadliest terrorist attack in the US since September 11.” Oh yeah, that attack also has the dubious distinction of the deadliest terrorist attack in which the perpetrator did not opt to commit suicide once it was over.

In Las Vegas on Oct. 1, 2017, an alleged lone gunman opened fire on the crowd watching the final act of the Route 91 Harvest Festival, killing 50 people and injuring 400 more. This act was perpetrated by Stephen Paddock, 64, of Mesquite, Nev., former NASA employee, with the motive still largely unknown. This tragic event was fueled by Paddock’s propensity for hitting the casinos and his loss of a lot of money in the months leading up to the event. However, that does not explain various inconsistencies in the time line and length of preparation Paddock had to commit himself to in order to unleash the hail of gunfire that happened to country music lovers watching Jason Aldean perform. This bettered the Orlando shooting in number of both death and injury.

In regard to the Sutherland Springs shooting, the total number of dead and injured was not larger. However, the location for this event plays a big part in that, and the fact that the shooting occurred in Texas has its own weight for this situation and its impact on the country’s perception of needed gun control changes. That doesn’t take away from the fact that it was the largest church shooting in US history, the 5th largest shooting, and the largest in Texas.


6 – No Idea who the shooter was, until HOURS after he was long dead

People were guessing for hours
and hours


It almost seems as if they were trying to create the right narrative and make sure it was backed up, which took an inordinately long time with this particular mass shooting. It was significantly longer when  compared to the Las Vegas shooting or even past shootings in other areas of the country.

Finding out the name and background of this shooter took a lot longer than it should have, with today’s access to social media and technology that improves search time regarding connections and motives.

5 – Inching closer to a police state and New World Order

During his years in office, President Obama was working on an agenda to remove the country’s independence and have total control over everyone within. This included efforts to remove firearms and convince the nation of this necessity, thereby taking away one of the basic rights given by our forefathers with the writing of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Despite the progression from Obama’s administration, there are still concerted efforts to keep his progression alive. In this respect, using events like mass shootings pushes the agenda forward in a big way.

The effort to further a global agenda and satisfy the elite that remain behind the scenes can definitely be seen in a setup such as this. The choice to hit a church on Sunday, in a state predominantly supportive of the 2nd Amendment and that believes owning firearms is a God-given right as well, makes a strong statement. That statement goes well beyond the frustration and even rage at a mother-in-law, no matter how mentally ill you might be.


4 – Pristine church, free of bullet holes

Visitors to the church on Monday took footage that shows the church, and media photographs of the church following the shooting clearly show a church that has not been damaged by bullets. Yet, according to the timeline for this incident,

“The man, carrying a Ruger AR assault rifle, crossed the street and opened fire outside the church. He then entered the church and continued shooting, (Texas Department of Public Safety Regional Director Freeman) Martin said.”

Anyone who is shooting at people heading to a specific structure is sure to spray bullets toward that structure, is he not? The reports confirm that he managed to kill two people outside the church, and the bullets would have been flying in an attempt to kill more. Yet the church in this incident did not seem damaged or show any signs that bullet holes had occurred and been fixed.

Now, one argument in this individual’s favor is that he was in the military. However, his service in the Air Force, not in special forces or elite service branches, does not lend itself to precision shooting or the ability to strategize his shots during a murderous rampage to the extent that he does not waste bullets on the structure which happens to be the primary geographical location for his rage.

3 – Facial appearances point to yet another mind control victim

Check list time again:
– We have a cold, creepy look.
– Dead eyes.
– No real motive.


Is it not obvious that certain features of the eyes and facial relaxation tend to be common among these mass shooting perpetrators? If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go here. When photos of these shooters (ahem… mind control victims) start to plaster the Internet, they look as though they either aren’t aware (due to drugs or other medical intervention) or they cannot bring up the energy to focus. Meanwhile, these men are plotting and scheming to kill large numbers of their countrymen and innocent strangers they have never met? If this is really believable, we have more issues as average citizens drinking the Kool-Aid than these men do as patsies that have lost their lives to fulfill an agenda.

2 – Hallmarks of an occult blood ritual

The date of the shooting was of significance. The full moon was on the night of Nov. 4, 2017. Much of the occult rituals performed by the elite follow pagan and ancient celestial cycles. From equinoxes, to full moons, to planetary alignment, they have their own system and symbolism.

This shooting is an act to fulfill a satanic ritual. A blood ritual – it requires the spilling of blood, human or otherwise, to complete the ritual and ensure it’s success. Therefore, it is unknown what type of satanic ritual may have been completed with this spill of life’s blood onto Texas soil, but if it is a part of one it is safe to say the process was completed sufficiently.

Let’s not forget that Nov. 5, 2017 is Guy Fawkes Day, the British celebrated anniversary of Guy Fawkes and his fellow co-conspirators who were against  Protestant rule. The group came dangerously close to blowing up the House of Lords and Killing King James I, thereby changing the rule of Britain to a Catholic hand. This anniversary has long been celebrated with bonfires and fireworks, with this the most modern focus and the anti-Catholic sentiment largely lost through the years. However, the base of the celebration still has tenuous holds to the hope of overthrowing the government and changing the party or representation in power. This is a strong sign for the event’s standing as a step on the path to New World Order.

1 – Texas is Known for Second Amendment Support and Gun Friendly Lifestyles, so the best approach is to…

Hit Them where it Hurts – In Church, In Texas

Just a regular Texan diner, with a regular Texan and his guns


This should be the biggest red flag out there. Rather than a random escalation of an individual with a twisted mind, this event was thought out and orchestrated to serve a purpose and fulfill a step in an agenda. The Texas mentality is love of God and Country, support of the Second Amendment and the regular incorporation of firearms into daily life, including open carry and family understanding of firearms within the home. Therefore, there will always be the holdouts in any effort to change gun control laws or an effort to remove firearms from the possession of regular citizens.

In order to change perception of the staunchest supporters of a certain view, it is important to make the issue personal. Therefore, it is a logical approach to bring the mass shootings to Texas, in a concerted effort to change the opinions of those who will be strongest force against gun control efforts.

And it’s working!

The truth hides behind a wall of lies, so the story for this tragic situation will go down in history as a twisted man with a horrible agenda. It is completed with a narrative that he was taken out by two Texas heroes that prevented further death and mayhem, despite various conflicting conclusions to the story of what shot was fatal and how his escape effort went. For the longest time we thought he shot himself. In the end, Devin Kelley is supposedly dead, and we’re all panicking and jumping on the main stream media narrative.

December 21st, 2012: The Global Participation of a Satanic Ritual

Doomsday prophecies are nothing new. It seems like every other day some group or other is telling us that the world is coming to an end, and yet it never seems to happen. It is very rare to discover a threat of Doomsday that captures the imagination of the people and stirs them, either with fear or distain. The 2012 phenomenon is unique, because it seems to have become “apocalypse as entertainment.” Very few people take it seriously, and yet everyone is talking about it.

The total cost of the work done in preparation for Y2K is estimated at over US$300 billion ($405 billion in 2012 US dollars) - Wikipedia
The total cost of the work done in preparation for Y2K is estimated at over US$300 billion ($405 billion in 2012 US dollars) – Wikipedia

The last Doomsday threat to have a cultural impact of this magnitude was the infamous Y2K incident. It has been argued by some that this was little more than an effort to stimulate commerce. People stocked up on food, clothing, weapons, and other emergency supplies. In 1999 computers were not as well understood by the mainstream of Western society as they are now, so the ludicrous nature of this “threat” was not as readily apparent, and the media happily fed people’s fear and suspicion that computers possessed some kind of magical power that could instantly trigger a world-wide collapse, something that experts repeatedly tried to explain could not possibly be caused by the changing of the date.

The ruse worked, and although millions of dollars were collectively spent buying emergency supplies that would prove completely unnecessary, the public quickly forgave and forgot and never wondered why they had been made to be afraid of something so silly in the first place. The 2012 phenomenon is a little different. It isn’t simply a ploy to sell more canned food. In spite of being made out to be a potential disaster, it is treated as a joke. In fact, it inspired this ad for the Chevy Silverado, which aired during the last Superbowl.


When interviewed about the automobile, GM Global Chief Marketing officer, Joel Ewanick was quoted as saying:

“We stand by our claims in the commercial, that the Silverado is the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickup on the road. We can wait until the world ends, and if we need to, we will apologize. In the meantime, people who are really worried about the Mayan calendar coming true should buy a Silverado right away”

That’s a far cry from the kind of panic that we saw during the Y2K incident. The popular film 2012 treats the apocalypse as entertainment, and the popcorn-hungry masses barely blinked. The reality is that very few people are actually worried about this, because the media has gone to great lengths to take away any sense of threat, any sense of danger, or any sense that something genuine might be taking place.


To pose a question: if during the Y2K incident, there was no real threat, but the Elite instructed the media to make it appear as though there was one, now that the media is making it appear as though there is no threat, is it not reasonable to assume that some threat actually exists? What better way to throw us off the scent? If the Elite really were planning some drastic move for the solstice of 2012, wouldn’t it make sense that they would ensure that no one took it seriously by using the event to sell movie tickets and automobiles?

That’s not all. Dr. Jamie Awe, of the University of Belize calls it “a New Years party that comes once every 52,00 years.” Belize tourism is promoting the event with the slogan, “where will YOU be when the world ends?” In fact, every country with Mayan ruins is exploiting this event. Guatemala has comprehensive tourist packages that ensure those who participate will be on the site of the ruins at the “final hour.” In Mexico, it was declared to be a yearlong party, with every major hotel and resort hosting events for the big day. It would seem that, on Dec. 21 2012, these ruins will be packed with intoxicated revelers, celebrating the “end of the world,” although of course, for them it is just an excuse for excess.

Wonderful tourist spot. Great for a satanic ritual!
Wonderful tourist spot. Great for a satanic ritual!

For others, spiritualists, neo-pagans, and adherents of the “New Age” philosophy, the 2012 event is seen as a time of spiritual change and renewal. They too will visit these sites, not on a lark as most of the tourists will, but because they sincerely believe that they are witnessing an evolution of the human experience. Both of these groups share one thing in common: they have come to see the 2012 event as a non-threatening, positive thing that they plan to welcome with open arms.

This serves the Elite Agenda perfectly.


Many people have pointed out that the Mayan calendar moves in 5,200 year cycles. What they fail to mention is that at the end of these cycles the universe is destroyed, and remade. Whether this is a metaphor or not, the fact that it gets left out of the story we are being told by people trying to dismiss the possibility of a threat is significant. And where we see a threat, the Elite see an opportunity. If the world must be re-made they will be determined to re-make it in their image. They’ve already been building up to it, using the media to keep us distracted, using political lobbyists to ensure that more federal money goes to developing new kinds of food coloring than to our entire education system, and seeing to it that those people society relies on to protect from street crime, the police officers and prison guards, make so little money that they can be corrupted with ease. As long as society is stupid, distracted, and in chaos, we will remain unaware of the Elite Agenda, and those of us who are aware of it will be powerless to stop it.

Scientists Alfred Watkins and John Mitchell developed a theory, over the course of many years of study, that there exist “ley lines,” or currents of spiritual power that move across the face of the earth. These currents are connected in those two places, (as you can see from the map) and there is a harmonious sympathy in the spiritual energies of the land that would later be occupied by the Mayans, and the place on earth that we now know as the Holy Land. It is no secret that the Elite profit from suffering and tragedy. Protected by wealth and power they are left untouched by disaster and ruin, from whatever corner it may come. The 2012 event will give them the opportunity to provoke an ultimate disaster.


The Leopard God of the Mayans was a benevolent king by day, and a horrific beast, Lord of the Underworld, by night. Looking at how this beast-God is represented in their artwork, and comparing it to the Beast of the Apocalypse described in the book of Revelations, we immediately notice some chilling similarities.

These cultures could not possibly have had direct contact with one another, and yet their primary evil figures are shockingly alike.
These cultures could not possibly have had direct contact with one another, and yet their primary evil figures are shockingly alike.

“And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” –Rev. 13:2

These cultures could not possibly have had direct contact with one another, and yet their primary evil figures are shockingly alike. Such visible similarities clearly prove that the Elite have been working behind the scenes for far longer than we can possibly imagine.

The Elite have wanted to initiate the rule of the Beast/Antichrist for some time, eager to impose the mark of the Beast on the masses so that they can control who is able to buy and sell, thus giving them a stranglehold over every economy in the world. They will no longer need to hide their rule, they will be able to flaunt it openly, and it will be impossible to stop them.

Based on our research, there are only two places that such a satanic ritual could be performed. One of these is the temple mount in Jerusalem, but doing something of that nature in that place would be practically impossible. It is tightly guarded, and under heavy surveillance. The other is the temple to the bloodthirsty Leopard God of the Mayans, El Mirador in Guatemala. This site is certain to be swarming with tourists, thrill-seekers, and misguided New Agers looking for a good time. Not only is it much less dangerous, that much chaos creates a perfect smokescreen behind which to hide these sinister acts.

But what does unleashing this power mean?


We only know one thing: that the Elite intend to use it to take total control of the world’s economy, so that nothing anywhere on the face of the earth can be bought or sold without their permission. This is clear from the growing trend in living standard disparity. Their power has been growing steadily over the years, but this would turn that power from great to absolute. Any hope for humanity to crawl out from under their thumb would be utterly squashed. Increasing privatization of the military, for example, would place even the most basic weapons development or military deployment in the category of “buying and selling,” and therefore something the Elite could control.

When all the pieces are put together, we see clearly that this is why the media has made a joke out of the 2012 event. This is why South American governments have encouraged their ministries of tourism to turn it into a big party, to ensure that the key locations that will be needed to realize this Satanic conspiracy, will be so crowded with drunken vacationers that the agents of the Elite can easily slip in and do what they need to do. This would not be possible in Jerusalem, where they have been trying to pull it off for years. As hard as they have tried to escalate the Israel/Palestine conflict to the extent that it would provide them with such an opportunity, the Elite agents have never been able to infiltrate the temple mount undetected.

We will not see the result right away. The Elite will be careful to hide this new power. But it is without a doubt that the present attitude, to make the 2012 event into a joke, or a party, or a “new consciousness” plays right into their hands. Because of our unwillingness to look at the uncomfortable truth, the greed of resort owners and car manufacturers, and the simple desire to look for an excuse, any excuse, to stick our heads in the sand and throw a party, we will allow their power to grow, and grow, and grow.
